Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

Genocide is the deliberate action to destroy a large ethnic group.

genocide (n.)

1944, apparently coined by Polish-born U.S. jurist Raphael Lemkin (1900-1959) in his work “Axis Rule in Occupied Europe” [p.19], in reference to N a z i extermination of Jews, literally “killing a tribe,” from Greek genos “race, kind” (from PIE root *gene- “give birth, beget,” with derivatives referring to procreation and familial and tribal groups) + -cide “a killing.” The proper formation would be *genticide.

Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aimed at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. [Lemkin]

Earlier in a similar sense was populicide (1799), from French populicide, by 1792, a word from the Revolution. This was taken into German, as in Völkermeuchelnden “genocidal” (Heine), which was Englished 1893 as folk-murdering. Ethnocide is attested from 1974 in English (1970 in French).

Warcrime! Those who was involved should of been arrested immediately.

the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.

Not even remotely accurate. Genes are only part of what creates an intelligent person. This is why an Indian named Ramanujan with next to no formal schooling is one of the smartest mathematicians in all of human history. His parents weren’t geniuses. They were lowborn. Yet he somehow achieved greatness on the level of (maybe even surpassing) Einstein.

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Yes what the germans did was that. Collecting people and killing them off. This wasn’t that. This was just war. It’s ridicules to call war Genocide. Otherwise everyone that participated in any war was commiting genocide. veitnam war… genocide, korean war, genocide, the bombing of Japan, genocide.

They paid for it i hope you do know the man that created the physical bomb died of the effects of radiation and scared for the rest of his life. There is nothing worse then to watch the aftermath of something you make destroy life.

So, yes, war is basically one group/nation trying to dominate another by the terrorist act of genocide.

You do realize the evidence you provided leans more to it being genetic. You said no schooling, which means his intelligence was one that was born with. genetics… So just like with animals when you try to keep certain traits… you breed those people with other people with that desired trait and remove any offspring with the bad trait. this action is actually practiced in some countries and has a level of success. Their average intelligence is higher then places like the US which finds such behavior unacceptable.

Yes, but it’s not because of intelligence being passed down as you claimed. You made a statement that eliminating low intelligence from the gene pool creates smarter offspring. This guy was born from a maid and a shop clerk.

Savants, which he was, are freaks of nature.

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Occasionally things happen which some people call throw-backs. This is when a animal is born with a trait that neither the mother or father shows to have. But one that lays dormant in the genetic pool. If you was to follow their history there was likely someone far down the line with a higher then average intelligence, possibly several. Even if it layed dormant out of fear of intelligence in certain regions during specific time periods. Or simply because they was the wrong gender and wasn’t allowed to grow/show that dormant intelligence.

You just made a bunch of assumptions that can’t be proven, contradicts what scientists say on the subject, and doesn’t correlate to Ramanujan’s history.

Actually I beg to differ, Many if not most savants are autistic, and it has been proven that autism is indeed a genetic trait. Therefor, savants is as well. As the two are connected.

And it’s not the type of genetic trait you were discussing. You literally said you make smart people by culling dumb people. That’s not how it works.

You are the one that brought savants into the discussion in an attempt to disprove what I said. I’m simply debunking your assertion.

You’re not debunking it though. You’re attempting to take what I said and act like that’s what you said.

Also, there are different types of savants and Ramanujan was not autistic.

It doesn’t make any sense that this could be considered genocide to begin with- the tree is basically a new city. Just imagine if a new city popped up in the USA- do you think in a decade that 90% of the human race, or even just Americans would suddenly be living in that new city?

The very idea that Darn popped up a few years ago, and in just a few years an entire race of beings that live thousands of years migrated there is absurd to the point of being nigh impossible.

Nevermind that if the horde actually had catapults that could go that far they could just set them up at the top of blackrock mountain and take out Ironforge and Stormwind.

What as this statement to do with what we are discussing?

It’s a side conversation with someone else. They are talking about savants.

The gods choose the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty

You have totally lost the argument inserting mental function.

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