Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

War and its effects have nothing to do with Darwinism.

How is that related?

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Sure it does, once again the sentient evolve via adapting with our brains. Due to living in a world of war look at the human species as an example. Look at our own evolution and adaption. We have evolved to have deadlier weapons, and better defenses. But even more on this you can see it happen in Nature itself and not just sentient beings. Where predators evolve to become deadlier at their hunt and the prey becoming better at defense. How is this not the same as war? It is two forces fighting eachother.

Because you know something is happening you know your enviroment. But you actively choose to not protect yourself from it in both cases.

lol,tinfoil hat is too tight there.What did human -man of earth adapt to? we haven’t adapted to anything ,we try to tame our environment and we are failing bad.

We adapted to war. That is our environment. One of never ending war so we continue to build better and better weapons and stronger defenses. This is the way sentient beings evolve. With the use of their brain.

We adapted to war? :rofl: Yet,Darwin says differently.

Yes. Wouldn’t you say that War has created many technological booms in an effort to make us be the ones that survive in the event of a war? It’s all an effort of survival.

War is great at population control, and arguments over where a line on a map is drawn.

But, its not going to drive a group toward extinction. Unless you actively engage in war to the point that your culture simply breaks down under the weight and the cost. And I’m including mortal lives under “cost”.

But that’s not Darwinism, that’s human arrogance. Which will happen repeatedly and Darwinism can’t do anything about it. Otherwise it would have by now!


Not really,it pushed us back. War never launched us forward. Dreams and inspiration did a necessity.

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Are you so sure? where do you think the idea of nuclear energy came from, the internet and computers, the guns we use to hunt. Most of the things we enjoy today came from war.

I loved that expression.
The Alliance makes Deux ex Machina.
The Horde makes Diabolos ex Machina.

It’s actual terms.

Deus Ex Machina “The Machine from God” literally. IE “the good guys can’t win, and yet, a miracle happens.”

Diabolos Ex Machina “The Machine from Devil” again, literally. IE “the bad guys are on the ropes, the cavalry is here and we have God on Line one. And then five evil gods mysteriously wake up and throw in their lot with the bad guys.”

EDIT: And considering how they’ve moved the story, you know the Horde will be once again cast as the villain. I hope that trend ends, but so long as Blizzard obsesses over the faction war, they’ll make the Horde pick up the Villain Ball.

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No,it was from the very nature of need. it is a spiraling circle and cycle we live and it is the very nature of nightelf life.

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The need to survive in a world full of war.

I don’t think horde this time would be the villain Alliance is due for it again and it is our fault.

The nightelve fought for thousands of years they know the cost of living a dream and those that did die knew ,they weren’t stupid they were actually smart as most had escaped the burning.

To be honest knowing they live in a giant combustable tree they should have kept more mages handy. That or a series of zip lines, tunnels or a fleet of flying birds would have been wise.

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Oh then it wasn’t genocide, just an attempted genocide. Although that seems pretty weird to call it. Even in the real world we don’t call sacking a military outpost hidden inside a city a genocide.

:thinking: Do we call hiroshima a genocide I wonder.

To some it was ,to others no. but it was a form of darwinism they over came because the species survived .