Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

And yet there,if they were imprisoned then what? A cover up by gassing and using their ashes for road construction. They lived in that tree for thousands of years without a needed for escape peacefully.It only takes one mad person to destroy a world at the right time.

You put in the work ahead of time, so you don’t end up with most of your race dying in a fire when your treehouse burns. Again, typical Night Elf arrogance, not preparing for a worst case scenario.

Night Elf Arrogance. Literally, this has been their thing since, well, they stopped being trolls. Have you stopped and thought about how much of Azeroth’s history would be so much better if Night Elves weren’t arrogant pricks?

Nope, attacking cities is a legitimate strategic tactic in war, and always has been. Firebombing cities has also been a legitimate tactic since forever.

Are you saying the Nightelves are as Frail as the Draenie was when on Draenor? lol. At least in that case it’s not their fault they had no part in the stupidity. They just got law of natured and devoured by the strongest.

But I’m sorry if you put 80% of your population in a freaking tree. On a world that is always at war. With people in it that always do crazy barbaric thing it’s 100% Your fault you got burned.

You just answer my answer :rofl:

Or maybe … just maybe, they started the evacuation as soon as they realized the enemy was close. Evacuations are not fast. Especially when your only safe route to escape is via mage portal. Since the oceans are controlled by the enemy.

IE the ones the Alliance players had to rescue was the stragglers.

And you just proved you don’t know what Darwinism is.


Oh you think that is why? I can’t imagine trying to get down from that tree when the base of it was on fire. But I guess they could try and just instantly burn when they got down to the bottom of it.

Sentient creatures evolve by adapting using their brains. Elves failed to evolve in such a manner. They lack the brain power to avoid such circumstances.

Time and time again their lack of forethought and complete arrogance has lead to devastating results. Perhaps the culling of the stupids in the Tree, may make them finally adapt.

One a lot of the civilians were dead even before we could rescue them.

That there is we already cover scroll up. A civilization makes it’s own choice on there direction it may be with or without any influence of nature. Nature does what in it design to do with or without consent.

Which is what I’m saying. A smart leader would have started evacuating civilians once Sylvanas broke through the wisp wall. A smart leader would also have contingency plans in place for an evacuation a long time ago, so they aren’t planning on the fly.

They waited too long to start their evacuation. If they had spent the time having their mages evacuate noncombatants, then they would have saved most of their people. Instead, their leaders were too focused on the battle, and fighting the Horde forces, with Malfurion literally going out of contact chasing Sylvanas through the forest, and Tyrande running after him. And when Malfurion was injured, Tyrande took him and took off, rather than leading her people or managing an evacuation.

Mod Edit: Removed inappropriate language.

Would a smart leader really have all their people in a tree? I mean, all these other things your saying a smart leader would do is kind of pointless. They already made the dumbest choice in their life.

Tree-people, like Cavemen only dumber because a tree can burn.

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Genocide. Darwinism involves something caused by the environment and the adaptation over time of species to the environment.

What the Horde did has nothing to do with Darwinism.
To consider what happened as Darwinism is ridiculous.

It’s a part of Darwinism, it’s the stupid dying out. It’s called a Darwin Award for a reason.

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If it’s your home sure.


You say this with a straight face and not think of how stupid it is to make a tree your home on a place like Azeroth.

I mean the elves was basicly walking around during 2020 without protection. Just begging to get sick or attacked by rioters. This is how dumb it is to live in a tree.

The only dying out referred to Darwin is natural selection a form of mutation over time.If you take it as dying off of a species you missed the mark. :rofl:

Exactly. The Darwin Award is also actively doing something suicidal, and “winning” the Award.

You know, loose wires, bath tub. Darwin Award forthcoming.

They weren’t doing anything stupid. The stupid was plot issues. Like oh … the Draenei being so close. Blizzard basically gave a response of “we didn’t want to complicate things.”

Yeah. That was their garbage answer for why the Draenei didn’t arrive in force, to help drive off the Horde. They were just ‘absent’. Completely. Because it would have made it harder for them to get a Diabolos ex Machina. Since the Horde would have been fighting a battle on multiple fronts.

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Excuse me they had 80% of their population in a freaking tree ON A PLANET LIKE AZEROTH. How is that not stupid.

I imagine the Draenie was a little pre-occupied just coming back from their home world and all. And having just dealt with their pursuer. I imagine they had a lot going on.