Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

it is when the boogy man under your bed start talking to you to do stuff to others. c.i.p. sylvanas burning the tree down and killing hundred of nightelves.

Are you saying the actions of a fictional character in writing tragedy reflects on the author?

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His stories were based on occult and really life events .you’ll have really dive in them to turn on the light in the cave of darkness.

Uh, okay. So the way one writer gets inspiration is the same as every other writer?

Do science fiction authors need to fly in a spaceship to Andromeda to get inspiration?

That is a world of symbolism and perhaps some truth since mages are a throw back to a time of illusion, a trickster. LoL Merlin never time traveled the story never had it because the person never had an experience of it or concept.

There is a mickey mouse version of Merlin where he is a time traveler.

Here’s one example,think about it.

Yeah… you do know artwork about flying people and such has been around sense ancient Greece. With storys of Icarus right? Those stories didn’t come from real life events… It was just people imaging they could fly.

And look at where we are ,one leads to another.And now we are reaching for the stars and how dangerous is that.

So your point is if someone makes a story about something it’s going to happen several generations later? lol.

Oh no, freddy krueger is coming.

Plus side, so is sword art. We all going to be trapped in a coma and stuck in a video game.

Plot twist, Life is the video game we already in sword art…

It starts with imagination and a dream ,even a nightmare can be made into something like genocide. It develops in the mind’s eye and transfers into reality. The burning of the tree has a lot of symbolism and a lot of dream of a disturb mind, anyone can preform it fit. Man is so loved and so feared.

The writers said so and since you said this…

…makes it genocide.

Are you really going to compare one city with the whole of the old empire? dude… they lived and breathed magic… their cities were all infused by it. The elves were created by it for potatos-sake. sure, the younger races created a city that could fly, but even they’ve admitted in the past that what they know of the arcane is nothing when compared to the knowledge the ancient night elves held.

Are you forgetting about a lil old mage by the name of azshara? She may be evil, but she’s still an elven mage whose power literally held back an ocean and built a world-spanning empire. I’d honestly say that she could take both khadgar and jaina in fight at the same time. I mean the only ones stronger then her are sarg and archimonde. To make my point further, i think i remember something about a certain powerful pitlord being afraid of her.

Yes, it’s the power source that afforded us our luxuries. However, regardless of the role it played - it still did create us, and gave us the opportunity to learn from it. So at the end of the day, the ancient kaldorei could still probably whoop a human mage 1v1 in a fight, just by sheer knowledge and understanding of magic.

For good reason. My side of the debate is that the old empire and it’s inhabitants knew more the arcane then any of the younger races. you can take that as an insult if you’d like, but in reality, it’s just the truth. they were born of it, enveloped in it constantly, and used it for everything. So of course they’re going to know more about it, it was their identity.

That being said, giving it up was probably the best thing the night elves ever did. Sure they were powerful and smart, but like i said, not infallible. For some of them, the temptations were too great, and because of it and their access and mastery of a weapon as dangerous as the arcane - they destroyed everything. So what the majority of the night elves did was the morally right path. They were responsible for wounding the world, so they gave up a part of themselves in order to heal it and make amends. In doing so, they became the guardians and protectors of a world that sorely needed defending. So it’s not tarnish - but rather wisdom.

Outclass? I disagree. They use powers that the night elves gave up in exchange for another power - one that’s arguably just as potent, but not as easily destructive. Both arcane and life hold an equal place on the wow-cosmology chart, so why and how would one pillar of reality “outclass” the other? The way of the kaldorei is noble and completely selfless - they serve the world and it’s balance, not just themselves. It’s their culture. Can you say the same for the other elven races? What purpose do they serve other then the continuation of their own civilizations? Because last i checked, no other elf has an interest in using the powers of nature. None of them have a cultural want to give back to the world that they live on.

The highborne are the night elves. Biologically they’re the exact same. “Highborne” is a status, not a species. So what you actually mean is, “Descendants of the outcast night elves” . It’s true that Many highborne were in the caste that they were in because of their arcane affinity. However, azshara also granted this title to normal night elves that simply carried out impressive deeds - making the caste an unfocused lot that was more social then anything else.

And by the way, the highborne that you speak of were only made possible by the already-present magical affinity/potential that night elves had and still probably do. Like i said before, the night elves are born of magic, whether they practice it or not doesn’t change the fact that it’s the base of what they are. So if the night elves ever did want to return to the ways of the arcane, i’d say that they’d be just as powerful as any of the other elves. They only reason we dont see it now is because of their devotion to nature and the stigma of the arcane.

Considering the fact that the thalassian and shallasian elves didn’t even exist in the time that these feats were accomplished, I’m really not. The blood elves have what they have beacuse of the knowledge of their Night Elven ancestors, and even then it’s still just a shadow of what they were capable of.

As for the nightborne, i dont argue their achievements. but thats because despite the fact that they’re a lil mutated, they’re still night elves. Most of them were born before the sundering, being untouched by the effects of the nightwell. Their knowledge is the same ancient knowledge of the old night elven empire.

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Yeah, that’s fair. One flaming catapult ball, and woosh, there goes their tree fort.

It needed to be that flammable, because it needed to be burned down… because faction wars. Forget for a moment that this is an ancient magic tree, that wouldn’t have been torn apart or burned down by ancient all powerful demons… but one flaming catapult, and down she goes.

:evergreen_tree: :fire:


Phlebotinum is a pretty common trope of writing. It’s not inherently a bad trope, but it can be used poorly. At least in SL, since its a world imbued with death and spiritual energy it makes more sense that Anima would be more flexible than a normal material world.

As to the trend mentioned in this thread … that’s a huge issue that’s been going on in the writing world for over a decade. Obsession over villains. To a point that even the Writers no longer want to write Heroes. Because writing interesting heroes takes Effort. While writing “interesting” villains is easy. Except that mindset is false because writing interesting villains still takes effort. If you’re not consistent with the story of a villain, they’ll be just as bad, if not worse, than an inconsistent hero.

Sometimes I’ve been visibly seeing as I’m working on a book. And a lot of what drives the plot is the whole story of the central villain. I have to be consistent with his behavior, and keep him interesting. Which takes effort.

It’d be easy to just cast him as “Evil” but since he’s the impetus for everything, he has to be consistent, so the story can remain consistent.

You evacuate civilians before the tree is besieged, not once the attack has begun. Hell, if Tyrande and Malfurion weren’t so hopped up on Night Elf arrogance, and planned for what happened if they lost the battle in the field, and started evacuations before the tree was in range of the catapults. Hell, if they were really smart they would have the equivalent of a sprinkler system and a fire department to help deal with fires. But no. They just assumed that no one would ever attack the place that was the absolute center of all their power on Azeroth.

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Well,that alot of work for a sprinkler system and i doubt there is that many mages in Teldrassil for a fire department that’s a huge tree. Beside if Slyvanas wasn’t so bent on proving herself none of this would’ve happen.

Or just ya know, don’t be stupid and put 80% of your population in a single burnable object. Like seriously…what if deathwing had attacked it in cataclysm. Or Garrosh mana bombed it. Why on earth make such a easy target.

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Yet,only mad people do mass destruction.

And only stupid people live in a world where they are surrounded by such mad people and do not use their brains to make sure they are not massive victims of it with great ease.

Seriously 80% Of your population living on a tree on azeroth is about as Dumb as them living ontop of a volcano that erupts every year.