Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

" A catapult is any device that throws an object, although it commonly refers to the medieval weapon. Trebuchets are a type of catapult, using gravity (with a counterweight) or traction (people pulling down), to propel the arm and often employing a sling at the end of the arm for greater distance."

Trebuchets are actually an advancement upon catapults and were superior as a siege weapon due to range and being able to fire a heavy object. Plus the siege engines the alliance brought also had cannons firing from them.

But whatever, this is pointless. What is done is done and you can never trick me into thinking it was good writing.


Just as well, as this is a endless loop of possibilities that can never really be settled unless we had extensive testing to figure out what the laws of physics are on Azeroth. You bring up the catapults and trebuchets for example. It’s entirely possible for the catapult to be the superior. Perhaps in this worlds law of physics when something goes up high enough which the trebuchets tend to do shoot up super high and then propel down… Perhaps once past a threshold of height due to some sort of barrier it causes it to fall down. We already know there is weird things to do with our sky now. As evident by Sylvanas’s action ripping a entrance to another universe from our sky. Perhaps that barriers existence created a field of friction. Alas, as you said. Pointless to debate as we don’t know the laws of this world. Nor can we ever really know them.

The Shadowlands version is Anima.

This thread worries me that there are people who will literally try to defend genocide. Even going so far as to twist things to call it something other than what it is.

All of the above.

It’s not genocide because it’s not real people. Nobody died.

so no, people are not Literally trying to defend genocide. Because there is no genocide to defend. What happened was a bunch of fictional characters you likely never even interacted with got wrote out of the story they wasn’t even written into. Did anyone important burn in that fire?

I think a big part of the Night Elf storyline is hubris. Just like the Zandalari, any culture that sticks to the old way of doing things instead of evolving with the times will eventually decline or be outmaneuvered in some form.

I say this as someone who has loved the Night Elves since WC3, and feel sad that the they haven’t really been given a storyline where they get to learn, grow, and transform to be stronger.

This was kind of one of those moments, now they are no longer stuck in their trees and probably will have to learn how to adapt so they will never be hit with such a blow again.

Because it’s about genocide … Dude you’re so Trump…

It’s a fictional event. People can joke about it if they want.



You mentioned trump so I’m assuming you are joking. But if not. I have to say getting worked up over fictional genocide is hilarious. It’s not even real lives.

Fictional lives literally don’t matter.

Here is a joke about genocide.

What troubles me is the mind set ,if the person tell the story where did it comes from?

Well I mean… probably the same mind set that created Freddy Krueger, Jason, and Chucky.

What do you mean? Writing tragedy doesn’t require anything specific outside of skill.

Yeah, very disturbing one.

This isn’t the 50’s anymore. People can write some wild things without having anything particularly, “wrong” with them.

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Also the same mindset that gave us, Game of Thrones, Vikings, and Walking Dead.

Having an active imagination isn’t disturbing, not having one is.

Most stories are told from really life experiences ,even Stephen King got his stories from this. it takes a person some gail to present them to a world.


What about Merlin, I want to meet this time traveling Wizard that knew all saw all and had super powerful magics. And the legendary sword that could cut anything.

I would expect that would require evidence to make that claim. After all, we don’t have any experience with starships but there’s a lot of writing about that.

An imagination and the ability to write is all that is required.

Also no experience with time travel. or magic…

Or flipping dragons, vampires, zombies and the such.