Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

In the long run,since the trees that housed the nightelves were constantly being destroyed wouldn’t if be possible that they be able the form a city planted in Azeroth but floating like Dalaran. That way they would morph to become star elves.

This is starting to sound like a Sailor moon plot.

I don’t think they are related.

Celestial beings that dress in skimpy clothes and fight evil…

Sounds like space elfs to me.

nah,not that at all but it would solve the corruption problem since it always starts at the root .Here you don’t have one at all.

Are you sure? They even worship the moon goddess come on!

Youu vould argue a netter case. I mean elves almost eneded the world like 3 times.

That is true but a little far.

They did get involved in a war and lost, that’s true, but they also did get genocided. You also can’t just ask why Elves live in a giant tree though. It’s what they do.

Said tree is in the middle of a damn body of water and so large it contains a sub subcontinent in it’s branches. It’s not like it was some dried out scrub tree you find out in CA.

You do understand that any “city” can be destroyed right? I mean just look at the Undercity for example. Not only is it built upon the ruins of the capital city but it is now the ruins are uninhabitable due to the insane amount of blight used.

I think this is a case of the writers doing a horrible disservice to the Night Elves. Not only would those catapults never been able to reach Teldrassil from Darkshore. They sure the hell wouldn’t have been able to burn it down in a matter of minutes. Plus the Night Elves would have never let their entire military sail away while the Horde army marches along their southern border.

But all of this had to happen to kick off the BFA faction war, so it wouldn’t have mattered what hoop they had to jump thru this was going to occur. I mean where the heck was the space ship with it’s “transport” tech?


You think there was more to the story than what was written?

Not to mention the tree CONSTANTLY has elements of fire in it at any given time both of normal AND mystical origin and yet has never in 10 years burned down… yet a few Azerite bombs to the wettest and hardest to burn parts of the tree sets it on fire?!? Not even magic explains away that plot hole!


Well yeah, everything that happens is because of the writers… what is your point? Doesn’t change the facts. I find it strange people keep saying but but the writers make it that way… Yeah guess what doofus’s when your heroes are super strong it’s also because the writers make them that way. Literally the weirdest counter point to make in a discussion.

I mean it’s not illogical to expect a well written sensical plot even by one’s own standards? As a writer one could write anything, doesn’t mean what one writes is GOOD or enjoyable… basic rule of writing 101: ALWAYS make sure your narrative fits the characters and setting of the piece of fiction… and even by the loose laws of WoW’s universe setting Teldrassil catching on fire makes no sense.

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Because there is zero logic in what they wrote. They went out of their way to explain away why every thing that shouldn’t have occurred did. A good story should require you to ignore every possible common sense reason why something wouldn’t have worked.

I mean think about the situation for a second. A tree the size of Teldrassil burns down in minutes, from catapults fire from a land mass so far away they actually have boats because you will get fatigue if you try to cross it. And who in their right mind would send their entire military away while a hostile army marches along your nations border?

I wouldn’t have had a problem with the NEs losing but the suspension of disbelief required for that situation to make sense is crazy.


Physics of Azeroth are obviously different then those on Earth, it’s a pretty easy explanation. We see this in the possibility of the double jump for example. Or the ability to wear absurdly large shoulderpads. Or wield insane weapons.

Wait, so were was those magical Azeroth phyics when the Alliance laid siege to the Undercity and had to march their siege machines up so close? Funny how that only works for one situation and not another…


There is a cannon that supposedly fires around the world, and you are nit picking over catapults reaching the fair side of a straight? In a world of magic and talking elements?

The structures upon examining them look different. It could change the velocity/force requiring them to be closer to do more damage. If you look at the clip what the Alliance had was more like a sling, not so much a catapult. This isn’t accounting for what was actually being tossed either. Different weight, shape or material of the object could take part in this. Also those engines look like they are the type more designed for close range anyways. So you can use them to jump onto walls and such. Hence why they are so tall.

Funny how the magic only works one way right. I mean where was the Alliance magic? Our siege engines had to roll right up to the city walls, close enough for someone to actually jump upon them. Of the fact the NEs couldn’t use “magic” to fight the fires.

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