Elves, Genocide or Darwin Award

miles? really? Is going to the top like climbing everest? Do they have base camps to allow your lungs to adjust?

Well,that is a long flight up if you did it. The tree isn’t that high like everest is.

It’s a long ways down.

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Too bad mages can’t do that anymore Blizzard fix it :rage:

They have had 15 years to get busy and we have no idea how fast they reproduce. We also have no idea how many towns not shown on the maps we see actually exist.

It’s so far down that person died of fatigue before hitting bottom.

Yeah,i did it with my priest once didn’t work then either. Now, mages only can do slow fall twice in a roll.

Looking at the video she went out to sea and it is deep around Teldrassil .

You could easily expand this to say that any races residing on Azeroth are “super stupid”.

Kind of true, we need to build a space ship and just get off this planet destined to be destroyed.

Just gonna state this here on the offchance the OP is pro sylvanas.

You are aware that Sylvanas and the Jailer’s goal is basically to break reality which is basically well our world yes?

Maybe not miles, but you’ve got to remember that WoW is massively scaled down from the “real” size of Azeroth. It’s supposed to take at least a day to travel from Stormwind to Goldshire on horseback.

To be fair, where would we even go? Between the void, the light, the titans and the legion almost every life sustaining world has probably been bodied by these forces.

Pretty sure the distance from the bottom of that tree to the top of it. Is around 2 Gold shire to stromwind Lengths. Jumped off it myself once personally. Just out of curiosity.

You’d need to go even farther than that. The Void Lords have corrupted countless planets, and they keep firing out Old Gods. So it’s only a matter of time until every world falls to madness.

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We achieved magical feats that you and your kind (both human and corpse) couldn’t even dream of. Even the dragons were shocked at the fact that in some scenarios, it was them that learned from us. We’re not infallible, but we’re certainly not threatened by you and your ilk either.


Maybe it was your hubris that lead to your mass destruction. Had you felt more threatened you wouldn’t have been so ill prepared. And the so called “Genocide” wouldn’t of been a thing.

You were carried by the well of eternity and honestly, your entire race basically tarnished all your substantial feats when you prohibited the arcane arts from being practiced. And most of the mighty mages in question were those close to Azshara you let a few of the remaining highborne back into your ranks during the cataclysm. But at this point in time the blood elves and nightborne outclass you. Especially since most blood elves are most likely descendants of outcast highborne. So technically when you speak of these magical feats your crediting them to the blood elves and even nightborne since your remaining highborne population isn’t that great. and the fact that most of these highborne’s descendants are blood elves.

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In the long run we can’t escape ,only one way and the is through time.

Not sure about that one. The humans and subsequently the undead are mostly the founders of the city that literally floats. And chadgar and deus ex jaina are right now are basically credited for being mostly the greatest mages of the current wow time period.