Elves and Faction Fantasy

Megathreads are for people who want to participate in megathreads.

If someone - like the OP - wishes to discuss a specific segment of that topic - that is why they make their own thread.

A High Elf megathread sounds rife with nonsense unrelated to the specifics of THIS OPs topic. He is trying to discuss the notion of Faction ownership of High Elf identity.

I dont see the point in forcing people into one mega thread if they have a specific concern.


…What about this is not a high elf thread, and not about high elves being added into the game, which there are already two threads on it? It says it in my quotes. Right there.


I was commenting on Helf Spam Threads in general.

You do not want me to address your thinly veiled attempt at trolling directly. I promised to stop making people cry until after Christmas.


My bad then. I figured if you were bringing it up then that’s what your read of this particular thread is.

I’m not trolling, though. But it’s getting real tempting since it doesn’t seem to take any effort at all to bunch some panties around here.

Except dabble in the void :upside_down_face:


I disagree with you, OP. I think the High Elf aesthetic is Horde. Well, the Light worshipping-Sun based - crimson and gold legacy of High Elves.

The Alliance still has the more cosmopolitan Queldorei who galavanted around with the Alliance. But they weren’t of the High Elf aesthetic. The Alliance Queldorei were the High Elves who eschewed Silvermoon’s lifestyle in favor of the wilds and the Alliance territories and cities.

The Alliance Queldorei and Rendorei are a rejection of the High Elf aesthetic - which is now Horde.

HOWEVER - I agree with your option to make your own thread to discuss your specific topic.

These Alliance High Elf people even try to dictate the conversation…they need help.


It’s fine that we disagree, but I’d like to try and figure out exactly where that line is. Do you consider the High Elf to be a Horde fantasy due to the amount of time they’ve been aligned with the Horde or because they were the larger group determines their direction and those that don’t like it become the fringe?

It makes me think of the Shadowmoon Clan in the alternate Draenor. They had a schism because Ner’zhul wanted to go a new direction for his own motivations and Rul’kan thought this was against their ways. They had a schism not unlike the elves in that regard, and also motivated by survival.

I also remember reading that the Blood Elves reinforced their new identities by embracing things that were taboo before. Hairstyles and fashions and such. From the perspective of a High Elf, they could see the Blood Elves as descending into degeneracy, even if they were the minority group.

So who are the ‘truest’ high elves? The minority who rejected the new direction in favor for tradition, or the majority who reinvented themselves and changed society entirely?

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Do people even read what’s being said as to why there’s people annoyed with this thread’s creation, or are they just going to jump to insults and make matters even more pointless and worse…?


Pick one of the two, to argue:

That’s the point people are wanting to make. It’s not a matter of “Oh this is a new topic, let us talk!” It’s that there’s two threads on it actively being talked in regularly and we don’t need a third.


That is a fair criticism. The Queldorei view is sometimes shown to be that the Sindorei fell from grace and the Queldorei would not go down that path.

Yet many Queldorei and Alliance High Elves are exactly that - High Elves who long ago rejected their Homeland for various reasons.

Kaelthas often felt himself aligned with the wandering High Elves. Yet - when he returned to his homeland in ashes, he drove them to their new path.

TLDR - the Alliance High Elves and Rendorei each parted from the Elves of Silvermoon, which remains the capitol, the High Home, of the Elves.

IF the Alliance took Quelthalas and rebuilt it and reclaimed it - I might reconsider.


Thanks for taking this discussion about Warcraft’s story and making it stand on its own aside from the threads requesting High Elves as an allied race. It’s always cool to see discussions exploring the deeper nuances of Warcraft lore.


Who cares about the high elf megathread. A conversation with 4800+ posts in it is useless.


Agreed. Yes to high elves, no to gatekeepers.


High Elves never left the Alliance. Blood Elves mutated slightly and changed their name. They haven’t been High Elves since Warcraft 3. Even biologically there is a difference between High Elves and Blood Elves, even if it is slight.


Blood elves are to high elves what drug addicts are to regular people. Of course the magical context of the addiction is a bit different than what happens in real life. This is similar to the difference in regular horde orcs and Mag’har orcs who didn’t drink the fel. There is a lot more difference between helfs and belfs than say humans and Kul Tiran humans or trolls and Zandalari trolls. Still not sure why they are being added as allied races instead of appearance options in the human and troll character creation screens similar to orc upright posture.

Void elves on the other hand have some real biological changes since they were helfs that became belfs and now have been changed by the void. I think there’s room in the alliance for Helfs and Velfs.

I’d roll a High Elf Hunter in a heartbeat (bonus points if Blizzard adds a Ranger/Archer hunter specialization).

Blood Elf = High Elf :cow:

Why is it always Male Human Paladins that are super obsessed with High Elves? You’re already boring enough.


Sure and that’s fine and all. No one’s making the claim that Blood Elves aren’t High Elves. I’m just saying the Blood Elves are just one of the two distinct groups of High Elves, and that the other group is on the Alliance.

I still say it’s not accurate to claim the “High Elf Fantasy” is strictly a Horde fantasy.

Besides, if that were true for a High Elf option, wouldn’t that be true for the Void Elves as well?

You should never resort to an ad hominem attack. It basically means you have no argument and are resorting to acting like an illogical child.

Ive said nothing worse than any of the stuff you’ve said about Blood Elf players. Maybe you should take your own advice.


Why is it always male human paladins that are bumping these threads when they lose activity for an hour+?