Elune's cutscene is misunderstood...she didn't burn Tendrassil

She’s helped Tyrande multiple times, purified a satyr, buffed players who offer sacrifices, spirited Ysera to ardenweald, and gave the dying night elves in Teldrassil a peaceful death by putting them to sleep.

she’s don’t burn, but she is failed, she’s deceiving him, and apart from that Azeroth is in danger just from his presence.

The idea that immortal beings / deities are bound by a “non-interference” law with regards to the mortal worlds is a common concept in modern fantasy storytelling. The deities usually agree amongst themselves to refrain from interfering, but there is always one or two “evil” deities that ignore the law. The chaos that ensues in the mortal worlds then creates the drama necessary for a good story.

It does not surprise me at all that WoW lore would include this concept. I’d actually be far more surprised if the opposite was true - that the deities have no bounds, or to use Gatti’s words… “no rules about that”.

First of all how does Elune get to even decide whether they go to the emerald dream or not without any input from the soul in the first place. That’s messed up in itself.

Also maybe they should be so cryptic and vague all the time for years. This is ridiculous. Stupid syl burned the tree down and we want her head. It’s not that complicated. But let us go on this contrived very long emotional journey so that we can decide … vengeance or renewal because we want box the player base in that false choice. Vengeance AND renewal.

They’re tying themselves in knots to just NOT KILL SYLVANAS. Even the cosmological chart must be torn up; do you think shaodowlands was really the plan when the tree was burnt down?

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Elune is a good-aligned deity maybe.
But I would say she’s a really crappy deity.

I mean that’s WOW in a nutshell, it’s dumb.

Tyrande would’ve been dead if Elune didn’t grant her Night Warrior power to fight Nathanos.
Malfurion would’ve been dead if Elune didn’t guilt-trip Saurfang.

Elune care for these 2 characters enough to intervene with their death.

Because you’re giving your own personal standards to a fictional deity, and what they should or shouldn’t be capable of without accepting the nuances implied here.

Elune knew Ysera died, but she didn’t intervene. Elune even during the Sundering times, didn’t directly intervene. NO GOD DID! So I don’t understand why Elune has all these double standards. Where is the Tauren deity during the events of Legion? Where are the Titans?

Also do we know that Elune has full access or only limited access to Azeroth? Why are you making up rules for a fictional universe that we don’t understand the full implications of?

Did Elune know that the system was actually broken in the Shadowlands ?

No one thinks Elune burned Teldrassil.

She admitted she did nothing to stop it, implying she was able to, because she wanted to send their souls to the Winter Queen.

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Where in the dialogue did she say this?

Of course, but you’re implying this based on fake dialogue that doesn’t exist.

Just because Bellular made the claim she had full capability to stop it, which she actually doesn’t which is ACTUALLY implied by all of Warcraft lore, doesn’t mean she was capable of stopping the burning.

Elune never intervened from her realm. She has Night Warriors, and she ferries the undead. This is literally all we know about Elune’s capabilities on Azeroth. There’s literally no implication, except for this fake dialogue.

It doesn’t matter if she knew or not, she intend to send the Night Elves souls to help her sister.

Her sister is struggling → Elune is trying to help her → Oh her people is in the verge of death → Might as well don’t help them and use their souls for her sister.

After Elune get what she wants, she gave Tyrande her power, which she then used at Darkshore, that’s kinda scummy if you asked me.

You’re implying that SHE COULD. There’s no evidence that Elune could leave her realm beyond the limited amount of times we’ve seen her influence anything. Why is everyone coming up with fake rules lol? There’s no evidence to suggest Elune can just show up or give X amount of power at will to anyone more than the Night Warrior.

The only thing we’ve ever seen Elune do is ferry the dead and grant temporary power to people. We saw the Night Warrior, which was invoked only after Teldrassil burned.

All of this implies the opposite. That Elune has direct limitations on how she interacts and deals with Azeroth and it’s people. THIS is actually the established lore. Not some made up rule.

“Well I think Elune should be all powerful. She’s a god, in other fiction they can do what they want… why not in Azeroth?” bruh… fake lore for a different piece of fiction.

You’re personally making up rules for Elune that the lore doesn’t state anyhwere.

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She said “in the wake of tragedy” as in after it already happened. To me that backs up she couldn’t have stopped the burning itself. Her limited degree of intervention was that while she couldn’t stop the night elves from dying, she at least could make them fall asleep and die painlessly. Most night elves become wisps after death and remain on Azeroth, so she instead sent those souls straight to the shadowlands thinking they’d go to Ardenwealde and help her sister.

The Primus says Elune is the Queen’s counterpart in the Life part of the cycle of life and death. It’s very possible she has no way of knowing what’s happening in the Shadowlands since that’s not her realm. Heck, the Kyrian are the ones who ferry most souls to the Arbiter and they apparently had no idea all souls were going straight to the maw due to Arbiter shutdown (which…our character didn’t bother to tell Kleia about that when she realizes we’re not a soul and asks us why we’re really there? )

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I would know if Tyrande didn’t kept vanishing mid quest. Joke aside, I don’t like this emotional/humane approach to a God. I wish she would know better than hope that a thousand followers would burn and go to Ardenweald. Or she knew about the drought and was trying to feed Zovaal, or trying to help to keep Zovaal chained. A God crying all the time seems strange.

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She didn’t kill them or ‘let them die’. She said, ‘in the wake of a great tragedy’.

Do you or others expect gods to interfere with every action taken in the game? That would turn the game’s story into one huge deus ex machina where nothing we or the characters did or didnt do would be relevant because various dieties would pop in and just do their thing.

My only question is - how could she direct the souls to any one afterlife? Would that not be the job of the Arbiter? Did Elune have the power to change or overrule the Arbiter? That was the only thing I found a bit odd.

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This implies she knew about the souls. Listen to what she said right before that…

In the wake of tragedy was because she heard the cries… she heard the cries. She’s not omniprescent. She’s never left her realm in the lore before and this fills with what we know about her.

She gave Tyrande the power AFTER she was invoked. During the event of Teldrassil burning the Night Elves were dying so Elune found out only after this all occurred.

Elune in the lore never just directly aided the Night Elves because there’s no rule that says she could. She probably can’t, as is evident.

Why didn’t Elune aid the Night Elves against the Horde in Ashenvale? Maybe because Tauren are there too? Maybe because there’s no established rule that says she’s the Night Elf leader and she’s just going to aid them constantly all the time. She probably knows and understands she can’t just intervene constantly in the mortal realm or she can’t. We don’t know.

There’s no dialogue that proves Elune has the capability to intervene in the Burning of Teldrassil.

This is all speculation. The only thing we have is the established fact that Elune’s only actions we’ve seen are granting power to those invoking her, that’s limited and temporary, and her ferrying the dead. Literally this is all Elune can do. Elune did give Tyrande her power when she invoked her, so she did help the Night Elves after, because during she wasn’t invoked by anyone.

Its almost like 5 people writing one character story separately with no input between them made this…none of this Elune Tyranda night warrior thing makes any god damn sense…lol writers worthy of todays hollywood for sure.

She interfered to save Tyrande against the Burning Legion. A single Night Elf.

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Yes she did - however that situation was very different. No other character in the game was directly empowered by Elune. Tyrane was effectively her avatar, her weapon. She just turned her weapon off.

Did she act directly on behalf of anyone else, ever? Yep, all those others who took up the dark mantle, and in those cases they died. In this instance death would not serve her weapon’s purpose.