Elune's cutscene is misunderstood...she didn't burn Tendrassil

It is not that at all. They are not allowed? Allowed by who? There is no rules about that.

It is plain simple. They don’t care about mortal business, they are doing their own thing.

Which doesn’t make sense when we’re told how the Shadowlands operates. How can Elune skip the judgment of the Arbiter and send a massive amount of souls to her sister?

Blizzard’s own lore is so inconsistent at this point it’s a joke.

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I think that the assumption was that pretty much all Kaldorei would get sent to Ardenweald by the Arbiter.


I’m just going to say it: This writing is probably the worst writing I’ve seen outside of an elementary school classroom.

-Goddess lets her people die horrific deaths, children and all, so the Winter Queen can have more soul batteries for her remotes.
-Goddess has no idea what’s happening to said Extra Crispy Elf Souls.

And worst of all: Blizzard is opening the door for taking the mystery of Elune away. Leave some mystery in play. Having a top-down complete picture of the universe isn’t good.

Night elves have always had quite the case of man hands.

But that doesn’t make any sense. Why have the Arbiter at all if there’s favorites to begin with?

Off topicish, but her model infused with Elune is beautiful.


I mean, there are probably garbage-tier Kaldorei who don’t end up in Ardenweald, outliers and individuals. But overall, the Kaldorei are pretty attuned to connecting to and defending nature as a race. Elune made sure that as her “chosen people” it was woven into their entire society and culture, and through their worship of her she guided them to basically make them into a perfect fit for her sister’s realm.

It’s not so much that the Arbiter would go, “whup, Kaldorei, don’t even need to form an opinon” on this one as it is, “Nature, likes nature, wants to defend nature, Ardenweald. Oh it was another Kaldorei? Big surprise there.”

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It’s so awful. Blizzard can’t even keep their lore coherent in the span of a patch. Shadowlands is the nail in the coffin at this point.

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Elune doesn’t bring souls to the Shadowlands, that’s the Kyrians’ job.

She didn’t do anything to stop it either.

What a weak Goddess.

She is a nature spirit, so it stands to reason she can send her own spirits to that realm if she wants. We saw her take Ysera directly to Ardenweald instead of the place dragons normally go. Or the Arbiter would get the message when she examined the souls.

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Like I said, using overpowered deity elements to “prevent” tragedies from happening makes you highly dependent on them next time something bad happens and is basically the “superman factor” where superman isn’t in this story. Its bad writing 101, same way in the Dragonball Super anime, Goku had to summon alternate Zeno of that timeline to delete Zamasu after he spread himself into the universes, deleting everything but himself(Zeno). it was a cop out cause they couldn’t find a way to kill an immortal enemy. Zeno is basically king of everything and has infinite power.

Yeah except Dragon Ball Ultimate does it better.

They can juggle having characters that can literally delete the MC.

Warcraft doesn’t. They just re-write history just to fit the puzzle pieces they can’t jam into the story.

She did intervene tho?

  • Stopped Saurfang’s axe and fill him with guilt.
  • Used her power to let Night Elves feel painless death instead of helping them.
  • Gave Tyrande her power.

Like the cutscene would have made more sense if the writing was different.

If the Night Warrior’s mark required the souls of Night Elves, and they were willingly sacrificed BEFORE Sylvanas came in and was burning everything to the ground then sure I would believe. As it stands, Elune doing anything or nothing seems to have had no effect.

Unless Elune had some kind of direct influence on Sylvanas coming to power, or something else that would have lead to the deaths of so many, I fail to see what she did. Sylvanas seemed hellbent on purging the Night Elves anyway on her own accord, and even if she was only doing it for the Jailor that also doesn’t tell me what Elune did.

I just watched the cutscene but have to wait a little longer on fully doing the quest. I hope its explained, but I doubt it will be.

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I just can’t make sense of this based on what we’ve already been told.

So Elune did not stop this event. No reason given. Whatever. Fine.

In Legion before death broke (my money’s still on our draining of the Sword of Sargeras, especially with retcons re: Nathrezim, but that’s beside the point) she sent Ysera to Ardenweald, or to the Arbiter with a request to send her to Ardenweald. She did not communicate any of this to WQ, who upon meeting Ysera’s wildseed recognized Elune’s touch, but whatever. Sending souls directly is clearly a thing she can do.

At Teldrassil, Elune puts the doomed to sleep, collecting their souls as they die, while we rescue who we can. She then mails them Parcel Post with no signature request, whether to the Arbiter or directly to Ardenweald.

But they don’t get there.

She says she could tell something was wrong in Ardenweald, heard her sister’s cries. The WQ herself was not aware of the cause of the drought before we rescued Renethal, so she could not communicate the cause to Elune. But, unlike the WQ, Elune can see any remaining mortal worlds still under her purview. She can see that on the mortal end, death is still happening as normal. How could her sister’s realm be starving for anima?

She didn’t investigate, she didn’t look, she didn’t ask. She didn’t check to see if the souls made it or if they were any help. Not even when Tyrande was in the maw and channeling her power - and it’s clear from recent events during the fight with Sylvanas in Ardenweald and in this cutscene that she could have seen. She just trusted that the souls got where she sent them. Her sister was still suffering, the souls were lost, and she didn’t notice.

The Nathrezim mention in writings during the Venthyr sigil campaign having an agent in Ardenweald who is very effective. If Elune did try to send them directly to Ardenweald rather than through the Arbiter, it’s possible that much as Mueh’zala was sending Troll souls to the Jailer and Bwonsamdi was intercepting them, someone managed to intercept the package and send them to the Maw. But still.

I’ve seen people point out that it doesn’t seem that Nelves actually normally go to the Shadowlands. They generally become wisps or a truly impressive number of ghosts, ultimately bound to Azeroth or Azeroth’s Dream.

Okay. Fair enough.

But if that’s the case, why would Sylvanas have burned the damned tree? We’ve been told she specifically wanted to send all those souls to the Jailer. She and the jailer really couldn’t know that Elune was going to attempt to mail all those normally Azeroth-bound souls to the Shadowlands.

If the plan was for whoever intercepted the souls to collect these bonus, non-shadowlands-bound souls in the first place, then what’s the point of any of the Elune stuff beyond “oh, yeah, I actually did try to send you some bbq to help your famine, please don’t be mad at me”?

And that’s not even getting into any of the Sylvanas redemption or Tyrande learning any of this and then going “oh, I guess I forgive now.” Or why it’s so important to her that Tyrande not die when she seems to have done nothing to prevent the horrible deaths of prior Night Warriors from other worlds.

It just…all seems kind of flimsy.

Edit: Heck, Tyrande was actively raging and channeling Elune’s power in the middle of a part of Torghast full of her people’s souls when we rescue those souls! Elune did not notice. WTF?


Everyone on Azeroth should start worshipping Bwosamdi and his Loa pals. Those guys get things done and are not afraid of fighting to protect their people.


Here’s the thing though…

Let’s say Elune did have the power and ability to intervene and stop something like the Burning of Teldrassil and all those Night Elf deaths from happening.

That would mean Elune could basically stop any tragedy from happening to the Night Elves or the planet they live on.

So every single time something terrible happened we’d always have to question why Elune allowed it to happen.

Such a thing would make the story even stupider than it already is.