Elune's cutscene is misunderstood...she didn't burn Tendrassil

Ardenweald was in some kind of struggle and the Winter Queen called out for her sister’s help, thinking what to do and the events that unfolded by the Jailer’s plan and Sylvannas in Tendrassil, she sent the souls to shadowlands thinking they would go to Ardenweald - note here: she is NOT omipotent - and didn’t know about the maw taking all souls, hence the tear of elune she produced. Elune is a good deity <3

Edit: A different way of thinking about the events. The titans, Elune, other gods, ect aren’t allowed to directly intervene with mortal’s struggles(aka solve their problem). Sylvannas and the Jailer were the ones responsible for Tendrassil burning, not Elune. She simply tried her best to direct them. If we had the titans come to Azeroth for every old god that popped up, we would keep asking them to come for anything and everything and that makes a bad story, cause the mortals can’t do anything for themselves.


Man hands. :frowning:


Why did Elune give Tyrande the power, if she willingly let it happen?

Why is Elune getting a pass, after months of Slyvanas hate?


So because it was for the greater good, letting your “favored” people die in one of the worst ways possible is acceptable? Even if that argument would fly with me, “not being omnipotent” still doesn’t explain the utter idiocy behind her decision.

“What’s that? Ardenweald is suddenly not receiving souls despite the cycle of death ensuring they’d see thousands every day? Well obviously, the best thing I can do is send more souls to them through the very same process that appears to be broken. And I probably don’t need to look into why they aren’t receiving souls before sending more their way.”


Yeah except the part she gives Tyrande power to get revenge, but takes it away before she can do so.
And part where she does nothing to help her worshippers. Not even a miniscule effort.

Elune had huge potential, they missed it and now they can kiss any lore interest goodbye.

All the story from BFA and 9.0 only to wrap up to this. What a waste.


she created a huge catastrophe to solve another catastrophe that she didn’t understand the cause of, nor did she or any of her agents perform any kind of investigation of why souls are funneling into the Maw

that’s sort of like donating all your money to a charity without doing any research into where the proceeds are going – only to find out later that the charity was a scam

she may not strictly be evil, but she’s very stupid


The only one having a misunderstanding is you OP.

It’s bad writing, they’re just making crap up as they go.


She is just very stupid, like every character in WoW


That was just bad writing on blizz’s part, they couldn’t have Sylvannas die so they gave her plot armor. Heck, in the raid we only get her to 50% and plot armor saves her, from the player of all characters.

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It, like, makes sense, I just didn’t find it particularly enjoyable or conclusive.

I agree with you, but it’s a lost battle OP. I don’t know how, but so many here seem determined to misunderstand the story and get angry about it. :zipper_mouth_face:


So Elune is willing to offer an ounce of assistance during War of the Ancients, but during this debacle is nowhere to be found?

Can we get the old writers back?


Elune gave her the power because Tyrande forced her to. “Give me the power or I’m not serving you anymore.”

Elune was never willing to lose Tyrande. She pulled the power back in that final battle because Tyrande was about to kill herself from overloading and die alongside Sylvanas. Elune refused to let that happen if she could help it.


People are assuming Elune had the ability to stop Teldrassil. However, Elune has never demonstrated the power to do such a thing. She has never directly intervened with the course of events on Azeroth (or anywhere else).

If Elune actually did have the power to directly interfere and alter the course of events, it would render every tragedy irrelevant. Any time anything terrible happened to the Night Elves or Azeroth we would always have to question why Elune didn’t stop it.

She didn’t stop it because she can’t. Instead, she did the best she could which, in this case, was attempting to give the Night Elf deaths some meaning by directing their souls to aid Ardenweald.


Hopefully that will be answered in time, but if I had to guess, and this is just my opinion…the titans, Elune, ect cannot intervene in the affairs of mortals directly but “indirectly” by Elune’s night warrior ritual for example. If everytime we had something happen, do you really wanna keep knocking on the azeroth god’s doors to save the day? It would make for a very bad story and show mortals can’t do anything for themselves.

No, she didn’t. Jailer and Sylvannas did. Elune simply sent the souls into the shadowlands.

Well to be fair, that has more to do with Sylvanas’ importance to the story than Elune’s morality.

I mean, it’s poor writing either way.

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It doesn’t matter how heinous the crime. There’s always an apologist.

What importance? She’s no longer on Jailer’s side, it matters not if they kill her off.
They overplayed her for longer than Garrosh, could’ve put her down at any point this expansion.

Exactly, it would be Dragon Balls dilemma…oh some villain killed a ton of people? Lets wish everyone back to life with the dragon balls! Like nothing ever happened. I feel that such story elements weaken the story overall…some people have to die in a story and stay dead to mean anything. Avoiding tragedies makes for a boring story.

What crime exactly?

I think that part of the misunderstanding lies in:

  • Wanting to “humanize” Elune - as one of the closest things that the Warcraft universe has to a deity, she isn’t mortal. She’s not a person. She doesn’t think about things in person-terms, like a person would. She only sees the big picture and doesn’t always “get” pesky concepts like “When things die, they’re dead, and they don’t want to die”. Sometimes the thinking of nonhuman almost-gods is weird and disconnected and different than the mortals, and that’s exactly why the dragons gave up their immortality. They were like, “Okay. We don’t get this, but to move forward, the world needs to be in the hands of someone who does.”
  • Thinking that she’s omnipotent - Elune wasn’t watching the same cutscenes and reading the same books as we were. Despite being very powerful, she had no idea that the Jailer was up to shenanigans.

I’m not saying that it’s a particularly masterful stroke of plot or anything, but it does line up with the story so far and there are some tells that this was where this plot beat was going in hindsight. Tyrande’s arc is a proper story circle with this.