Elune Cutscene Anxiety Thread

No, these are my crazy options for the development of the story.
Nobody agrees.

If Elune is of the Life Pantheon, she might not know what’s going on in the Shadowlands. Maybe all she heard was her sister’s cry for help on anima, and that’s the only connection she has to the Shadowlands. Even until the first bit of Shadowlands, they didn’t even know the reason for the anima drought because Revendreth screwed everyone else over. So the First Ones in the Shadowlands don’t even seem to know what’s going on in everyone else’s place unless someone comes and tells them.

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They’re messing with you, how smooth is your brain? They make vague nonsense posts all the time and you’re taking them seriously because it lets you complain about ‘crazy nelf posters’.

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Not talking about that guy in particular. I’m just making a generalizing statement since there are tons out there actually being serious on the subject (in my previous post)

But yeah I told em to go to the role playing forums because I know they’re just making jokes.

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On one hand, I do like faliable gods.

On the other, this crosses such a horizon of faliable that the only logical interpretation would be a religious schism promoted by this.

No gods, no masters.


Azshara was right. Only Elf can attain divinity.


Looks like it’s heading to even more blind subservience because Tyrande’s entire arc was to be a meat puppet for Elune’s 4D chess plan that involves child sacrifice.

For whom shall we drown the whole world? Who will the new Highborne be?

Interesting comment I found below the cinematic…


Honestly it all seems to lead back to BfA. My hope is that once Shadowlands is done, we can go back to more grounded things and this can be wrapped up. They clearly had some sort of plan, but pieces fell through and instead of rewriting they’re plowing ahead with what they have and are acting as if the pieces aren’t missing.

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Blizzard doesnt care about the feedback, they havent done it for the story since the game launched and they havent cared about the gameplay ever since legion.

How can you type this out without laughing hysterically?

Or crying, if you’re still invested in this awful story for some reason.


To quote Ion, “If you want to play an mmorpg that has a good story, FF14 is there for you”


Maybe it gets better after ARR, but I wasn’t that impressed with FF14 on launch.

The individual quests were better but the world building wasn’t really doing it for me before I bailed.

Heavensward is kinda good honestly. ARR has gaius though he is awesome.


Speaking as someone who is currently playing through ARR, the Main Story Quest, it’s very obviously a product of its time and isn’t exactly bombastic, but the big difference I’ve noticed is that it’s cohesive and all the characters we meet come back later. As in it all ties together and doesn’t just rush off to the next thing, so to speak. There are even parts of it that I can tell will tie in to the expansion stories, even though the MSQ was written long before those expansions came out.

Is it mostly a bunch of running around and a ton of dialogue? Yes, but it feels tied together and that there’s an actual plan.


Think about what could be done with Blizzard’s IP if the writers put more into it, too?

Elves and Ancients see the pain of centuries ago as they do today, etc. etc.


I’m going to say to you what I tell the people who ride their bikes to my door wearing dress shirts and ties, get off my lawn cultist.


At least it isn’t Sylvanas fanwank, even ARR arc is better than Sylvanaslands.


This isnt at all what Blizzard has ever suggested. Blizzard has CONSTANTLY talked about not letting VENGENCE be the driving force in ones life. And this has not just been limited to female character either.

Genn was given the same choice, pursue Sylvanas or save his people. Varian a similar one, save Jaina or try and kill Zeala.

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