Elune Cutscene Anxiety Thread

Gods can make mistakes. They’re not omnipotent beings who know everything. Elune cried for her children and felt like she had failed her people as their deaths did nothing but bring torment.

Night Elf souls go to Ardenweald. Elune’s move here was to ensure Ardenweald did not die so that her children would have their afterlife. If Ardenweald were to fade, all life in the cosmos would go with it too. That’s what makes Elune and the Winter Queen sisters. They need one another in order to keep the cycle of Life and Death going. In the end we knew what really happened. Elune messed up.


The only way to fix this setting is to fire all the writers and hard reset the story. Make Tumblebuck the lead writer (Guy who wrote the Garrosh cinematic, he’s actually on the cinematic team so he’s not one of the writers). He seems like the only person at Blizzard who treats the setting and characters with respect rather than disdain.


Ah yeah Ursoc. And… yeah you’re right. He’s also a Tauren god to some degree. I thought everyone was sad for his death. Why do these diehard Night Elf fans feel like gatekeeping this stuff?

Also, the Trolls did lose Rezan. I forgot to mention that before in case that other poster reads this.


Elune obviously doesn’t have much sight in the SL. She isn’t a being of Death and can’t see what’s going on. So she has no way of knowing what’s actually happening to souls. All she heard was a call for help from the Winter Queen and tried to respond.


I am ready to wait for the restoration of Ardenweald.
And then the Loa of the Horde will never be resurrected. All the anima of their druids, hunters, trolls will be used to resurrect the night elves. You will have nothing left.

Under the current circumstances, Bwomsandi still hides souls on the Other Side, doesn’t he?
With Elune ferrying Ysera’s soul, dealing with the Horde’s soul stream won’t be too difficult, right? And the fact that all the souls still flow into Maw … what difference does it make if Elune didn’t know about it anyway?

No suffering and destruction. The Horde pays on death. Only the “second Maw” for everything natural that is associated with the Horde. You still have all your lives and cities in reality, and souls exist in all but one covenant.

Never. I just want the Horde to pay.

You keep saying that but you don’t explain what you mean by it. Do you want me to write you a check?

here we are… im paying you one big world tree seed in reparations

We good?


Can we burn down Ardenweald btw?


Because as usual everything has to be painted as screwing the night elves and helping the Horde as much as possible, even if you have to use tortured and awful logic to do so.

Because otherwise someone might not think that night elves are the most oppressed, hated, and loathed race by the devs.


It’s frustrating. My absolute favorite race in WoW are Night Elves. I’d be playing one right now if it weren’t for the fact that I don’t really like how the character model stands and is proportioned in-game, and also I just like the Horde and Thrall a whole bunch.

But now I can’t have any opinion because “Oh look im a blood elf”


TBF you have a similar obsession with Tauren


Elune in the cinematic…

“I heard your cries…”

Were the Winter Queen’s cries not “HELP our anima is being fed literally to the Maw and ONLY THE MAW”


If this isn’t clear to you after this cinematic, then it never will be.

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It’s more along the lines of “Help our realm is dying”

Keep in mind nobody knew what was causing the anima drought prior because all communication was cut off.


Thinking about this, Elune also allowed for the Horde to have secured Kalimdor in this case.

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Oh, I will accept different payment options.
The voluntary execution of the entire older generation of the Horde in front of the younger generation of the Horde.
The complete destruction of the Horde souls trapped in Ardenweald, and the launch of the resulting anima to resurrect the night elves.
Drowned in acid Orgrimmar and Nightmare-infested Thunder Bluff.

Take your pick.

The Horde does not have world tree seeds. Sorry. Time to Death.

Roleplaying forum is

That way.


I feel ‘nelf fans’ would likely be less annoyed in general if certain people on these forums stopped making threads directly trying to reel them in again. Other races have suffered under the writing, it’s true, but I find people pushing back against people upset at the current state of nelf lore aren’t objective and are just being wilfully contrarian.

I’ve seen more posts and threads complaining about night elf fans than nearly anything else, but most of them are in poor faith and often take obvious trolls with night elf PFPs at face value.


This is not the first time kyalin has used a real lawsuit dealing with alleged acts against woman that are not acceptable, to further her obsession that blizzard hates night elves. Let that sink in what kind of person that is.


I mean, I don’t know how much screwed up you can get than your own goddess being responsible for an eternal oblivion.

Everyone with an invested bias here will think they have it the worst and then white knight for Blizzard to spite some other fanbase they think doesn’t have it as bad. Personally I think Worgen are one of the more worse off races, doesn’t mean I think this whole storyline hasn’t been a complete mess and a poor direction to take with the Teldrassil arc.

Nobody in the Shadowlands knew that the drought was because the arbiter was KO’d and all souls were going to the Maw. The drought had caused most lines of travel and communication between the various realms to be cut off, and the only ones who knew what was happening were Denathrius (who is a bad guy) and the Primus (who got captured)

They don’t learn about the cause of the anima drought until we show up and tell them about it. So Elune would have heard about the drought, but wouldn’t know any more about it than the Winter Queen did.