Elune Cutscene Anxiety Thread

Yet no one lives there.
Objective fulfilled.

This is stupid.
You saying “you can take turalyon” means nothing, because you’re not a dev. You have no power. The Alliance lost Teldrassil, Delaryn who was written to die, and Sira who is a Literal Who. That’s it. That’s all they lost.

Go watch the invasion of Lordaeron Horde side.
Then go watch Dazar’Alor horde side.

Genocide was absolutely committed in Dazar’Alor by the Dark Irons who specifically murder commoners during the raid.
Druids were massmurdering goblin technicians.


Few. The area should be completely inaccessible.

Yes, no power. Why should this prevent me from trading? It’s fun.

Oh, did the Black Iron massacre the civilians of the Zandalari? Wonderful.
About the technicians … I don’t know.

I mean what narrative purpose does it serve to say, definitively, that Elune intervened only for that to just be a wrong assumption? Why would it be written that way? Either Elune intervened or that line is a useless red herring.

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“Equality of Badness” is sort of a terrible narrative decision to implement. An eye for an eye just means everyone ends up blind.

Elune intervened, it is jsut the scope of her power has been drastically reduced from what we all assumed she had before. She isnt an all powerful omnipotent, omniscient cosmic goddess as of SL. She is more like a greek goddess; incredibly powerful, but fallible. Also she is the keeper of the life side of the cycle of life and death. You are asking her to violate that cycle in a pretty big way. Elune has never intervened in a big way anywhere. She does interject for one or two people where she thinks it will make the most impact for the good… but she never saves large groups of people from death.


You’re right and I don’t want to think about it. I try to stay away from Horde and Forsaken conversations because they are too depressing. I’m just sticking to the parts of the story that makes me happy; for my own health.


Remember she covered the ENTIRETY of Darkshore in an eclipse to empower the Night Elves and the Worgen. That is a zone wide intervention which allowed the Alliance, specifically her worshippers, to push the Horde back during the war. In the ancient wars, Elune had pacified an entire battlefield temporarily to allow her worshippers time.

Of course nobody is saying Elune has the power to intervene in all events. She may have limitations or CHOOSES not to intervene. Like she CHOSE not to intervene when the tree was burning because she wanted those souls to fuel Ardenweald. Here are some of her feats:

• Elune has the power to strengthen her worshippers and has done so in the past with empowering her priestesses.

• Elune bestowed Shadowmeld to the Night Elves.

• Elune created the wildkins.

• Elune created the nightsabers to be black/silver.

• Elune has ties to the Titans because one of the Pillars of Creation is her tear (The Tear of Elune).

• Elune is older than the Titans as she has connections to the Eternal Ones who predate the Titans.

• She spontaneously created a shield around Tyrande that kept her safe from Archimonde.

• Khadgar stated Elune created the first prime Naaru.

• Elune easily cleansed Sargeras’ corruption from a satyr. Elune also converted him back into a Night Elf.

• Elune easily cleansed Ysera’s corruption and sent Ysera’s spirit to Ardenweald.

• Elune gave IMMORTALITY to Omen.

• Elune made Tyrande immortal temporarily when she was being held in Azshara’s palace. The Highborne could not torture Tyrande because of Elune’s blessing. When they tried to starve Tyrande to death, Elune made it so Tyrande didn’t need food to survive. How is this a simple feat lmao

• Elune has shown visions of the past and future to her worshippers.

• Elune pacified Saurfang and made it so he couldn’t bring his axe down to deliver the finishing blow on Malfurion, thus saving Malfurion using divine intervention. She also guided Tyrande to where Malfurion was so she could rescue him.

• Elune shrouded all of Darkshore in darkness for an extended period of time.

• Elune stated to the Winter Queen that she sent a flood of souls to Ardenweald meaning Elune has the power to direct A LARGE NUMBER OF SOULS from place A to place B. Her divine intervention isn’t limited to helping one person at a time rofl

• Elune is one of the only entity in Warcraft that is portrayed to be truly godlike. We don’t know if she even has a physical form. Her powers are all over the place and her interventions are known to be “divine”. She is worshipped like a God not only on Azeroth but across the Twisting Nether.

Elune is complicit in the burning of Teldrassil and it is evident from the recent cinematic. Delaryn and Sira were of course right when they said Elune had abandoned them. Elune did not stop Sylvanas because their goals aligned. It’s that simple.


I’m just going to add, if they didn’t want us to have this conversation about why Elune didn’t intervene, then they shouldn’t have established that she was aware of Teldrassil in the first place, but they did because they felt that resolving the narrative tension between Elune and the Winter Queen was what was important - not the implications that this has for the Night Elves as a people.

Which itself demonstrates how unconcerned these writers are with telling a story fit for an MMORPG.


I would like to add that cdev needs to stop building up certain races as if it was special enough to not be defeated in battle.

It gives false hope and a false narrative that leads to the whole “BAD WriTing…arrrr.I quite Wow…derp” threads.


When they say things such as “Elune is the only true God” it leads to false hope and expectations.


I think it’s more that Horde players need to stop treating their enemies as free kills, and getting mad when someone suggests that they shouldn’t be.


Every battle with the Alliance tells a story. The only free kills are “go bring us 20 bear knuckles to make a feast” type quest.

The Horde got to completely annihilate the Night Elves, take their zones and destroy everything they ever had in a matter of like… 10 quests


Which doesn’t comment on the absurdity of the situation that the WoT was.

I don’t agree with Akiyass’s assertions that Night Elves are innately more powerful than anyone else. What I do point out is that they had strong geographical advantages, regional allies, and a situation where their military could singularly focus on one important front, being opposed by a power who, due to the lands they have to be concerned with, must maintain multiple presences throughout the world and face both a logistical nightmare and intolerable vulnerability elsewhere to get them all in one place.

These factors were ignored for the story that Blizzard wanted to tell - I reject the narrative that the scenario was in any way reasonable.


That means a lot, Kyalin mentioned free kills, which made me think they were insignificant.

WoT was anything but insignificant; wouldn’t you agree?

They were outwitted and out strategized by 2 of the most notorious Generals on Azeroth, Periottt.

Yes, because they seriously believed that Saurfang was going to send his armies south through the Barrens, where he would then need to find a way to transit his army and his equipment down into the Thousand Needles, where it would then have to I guess use the catapults as boats after a long and arduous process of lowering them on the elevator - to pass through that flooded canyon. After that, they presumed that Saurfang was going to march his army through a bug infested desert, and then through a road-free dinosaur infested jungle before making it to Silithus.

I think the second Russian Pacific Squadron would look at that nightmare and consider themselves as having an easier time of things.

That Alliance leadership believed that to the extent that they were willing to relieve the equivalent of a mutual pin in chess just adds to the ridiculousness in my mind.


The Kaldorei also conviently weren’t allowed to call on their worgen and Draenei allies as reinforcements for obvious reasons.


Is this the obvious reason you speak of?

The night elves and the draenei were the only Alliance bastions on the continent who could offer a swift counter to a Horde incursion into Silithus, and the draenei’s resources had been depleted during the war against the Legion.

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It’s a convenient thing they injected which didn’t stop Draenei from showing up in large numbers at Lordaeron.


The pushback against you simply listing off things the Horde lost in bfa is a huge example of why I despise the “Alliance suffered in BFA so the Horde should have to suffer horribly to sate my fragile ego” line of thought that’s so prevalent on the forums.

The same people who act like Teldrassil was a huge intentional slap in the face to the Alliance community consistently and emphatically deny any Horde loss as meaningful, as if they get to be the sole arbiters and gatekeepers of what matters to other players. I don’t think that people who have never cared about anything other than the night elves are good judges of what Horde players care about, but that’s also because I’m not an idiot!

The sheer amount of bad faith arguments that get trotted out to defend the line of attack that the Horde didn’t lose anything of worth in BFA would be mindboggling if it wasn’t something I got used to over the years.


That is, the offender should not be punished because he is already suffering, but for another reason?
Shall we make a deal? The night elves drown Orgrimmar in acid, the gnomes detonate Stormwind (along with the besieging Horde army), Anduin dies in confrontation with (specify an Alliance character), everyone cries, the Horde demands no apology. OK?

Probably not worth the “crazy deals”.
Why is it necessary to renounce “justice” after they burned down my house, while the arsonist is now in mourning for the suddenly deceased personality that determined his whole life?
The analogies are bad too. Anyway.

That deal is acceptable.