Elune Cutscene Anxiety Thread


Horde was weeded down to commoners, so I mean that’s already taken care of. But if you want more nameless npcs sure. Take as many as you want.


What do you mean “weeded out to commoners”?

Do you remember the cinematic wherein Genn tells Anduin that they’ll be calling in the farmers next?
The Horde was suffering the same issue during SoO2.

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Then it’s different. You don’t lose the “faceless crowd” overnight.

So there, do you have an option for the “crazy deal”?

Sure we did.
Sylvanas literally started the war to kill as many Horde and Alliance as she could.

Today smoke rises up from da campfire. Smoke tells Ogmot good story.
Ogmot sees lady wrapped in dark swirlies. She leads herd of blind sheep.
Da sheepies follow her everplace she go. Do everthin she say. Never doubt lady.
She guide dem over tall cliff! SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT! Stupid sheepies!
Da crows get fat eatin da sheepflesh. Da lady laugh as crows eat!
Ogmot laugh too!

And the sheep fell off the cliff.
Only the Horde sheep walked in turns, and the night elves were thrown away by the whole flock.

So what about the “crazy deal”?

Man I try to be patient, since you’re translating from English to Russian, but something seems really confused here. What ‘crazy deal’?

My standard nonsense. “Equality of Bad Things”.
Offer your “reflection” of the Horde plots in the Alliance. Who will die, who will become the villain, which territories will disappear?

Horde in BFA has already lost more than the entire Alliance, including the Night Elves, have.


Äh, no. Thats not right and fair treng
You consider lordaeron as more worthy because you like lordaeron more.


… 1 orc character and a capital city?

Cry me a river, that’s nothing compared to all the things the Horde gained in BfA, including all the cinematics, zones, victories, two expansions for their warchief etc



I guess you lost your trust level because they figured that you can’t be trusted anymore after so many lies…


Zahirwrite, what main cast Alliance heroes died?


No, “equality of bad things” doesn’t work that way. At least there was no Forsaken genocide. The Undercity was also protected by many races of the Horde, not just the Forsaken and the blood elves. Plus, the Undercity is of no interest to the night elves.

Sure it does.
We lost:

  1. Tirisfal Glades (Forsaken cannot go there and are currently rotting in orgrimmar because they have no home. Completely canon plot point from the Roux book.
  2. Saurfang, orcish racial leader.
  3. Sylvanas, Forsaken racial leader.
  4. Nathanos, Forsaken main cast member.
  5. Stromgarde.
  6. Hillsbrad.
  7. Military: The Horde is crippled. (I wouldn’t put this on here, but you wanted nameless npcs, and this is it.)

Meanwhile, you regained everything we’d taken, and lost no maincast characters.


They were there.

When did the Night Elves return to Ashenvale or Teldrassil? Never? Oh that’s probably because the Horde are entitled to their own zones and to the Alliance’s zones.

Hm? Seems pretty alive to me, even got her own expansions and like 20 cinematics about how genocide is good if she does it

Seems also pretty much part of the story to me considering that Sylvanas is most likely going to free him

You never had Stromgarde.

Wasn’t even part of the story in BfA or SL

Poor Horde, got to utterly defeat the Alliance, annihilate the Night Elves, secure Kalimdor and secure peace but had to use their military for it :cry:
Almost as if the Alliance was crippled from the very start of this war.

Ashenvale :x:
Teldrassil :x:
Delaryn / Sira :x:
The Night Elves as a people and nation :x:


Having a conversation =/= establishing a home.
That cutscene happened before the Roux book which canonizes that the Forsaken cannot use Tirisfal currently.

I wish you’d lie less.
It’d be easier to empathize with you.


You said:

I have shown you that the forsaken can in fact not only go there, but that they even went there. So you are wrong.


Part of that area is still accessible to the public. Drown her with a click in the plague - and all the way.

Is he their racial leader? Well, okay, I’ll exchange it for some commander. Turalyon, for example.

Change to Tyrande.

Trade for Shandris.

Is Stromgarde one of the human kingdoms? I don’t even know … On the other hand, Theramore and Southshore are still not avenged, right?


This was not a civil genocide. True, I do not know which of the armies of the Horde races suffered minimal losses.

No, Teldrassil is still burned. And its population is dead. Saurfang killed himself willingly, Sylvanas fled, Nathanos … I don’t know.
How to evaluate internal showdowns?