Elune Cutscene Anxiety Thread

Imagine crying that Blizzard is letting you keep your hero character.


What kind of sylvanas apologist writes this sh-- Oh wait.


Thing is that she is a god of the Life Pantheon. For her death of the life person does not means much since a person will go to Ardenwield, which is literally a paradise for Night Elves, where after some time this person will be reburn back to the world of the living…

So, I wouldn’t call this as a shock content. Elune was trying to save the Life Realm on the Shadowlands, to save the cycle. She didn’t know that souls are actually in the Maw.

But anyway now with a help of us heroes those souls are actually in the Ardenwield and Tyrande manage to save those forests by creating a new tear of the Elune. Happy ending.

Lets just hope they will mention somewhere that Night Elves will be reburn in time.

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Um … Is it a happy ending?
Can you at least disassemble Vol’jin and all the Loa into anima?

And the whole warehouse of Bwonsamdi souls. Yes. All to the anima!

the warcraft ip is burning to the ground.

I could honestly not be happier of my Achievement.

But I don’t believe that really explains actions…

This feels like a salvage attempt for souls, rather than the purpose of Anima and renewal.

Elune wanted to fuel Anima to Ardenweald, this doesn’t accomplish that.

400000 B.C.:

Zovaal rebels against his siblings in, the Pantheon of Death fear they will not be able to stop him and ask Elune for help.

Elune ignores them for… reasons???

Zovaal loses anyways, is banished, Winter Queen feels abandon.


Zovaal starts his uprising, redirects all souls to the Maw.

Anima is redirected to the Maw, and only the Maw, which triggers the shortage.

Elune hears there is a shortage… because reasons???

And decides to sacrifice her “favorite” children to help replenish Ardenweald with Anima…

So is Elune an idiot?

She didn’t help in Zovaal’s first up rising and she didn’t take the time to see WHY there was an anima drought and what effect that would have on her FAvoRitE ChiLDrEn ???


I like this cinematic, even though it makes Elune seem dumb. I laughed when she told the Winter Queen she was trying to help her, and her response is literally, “Oh. :neutral_face:


Well isn’t that awfully convenient? Blizzard writes an awful story beat to head off marketing an expansion, keeps us on string for years about the details behind it, and then finally turns around with some sort of explanation you’d expect to see at the bottom of an iceberg chart with how stupid and dumb it is. “ELUNE DID TELDRASSIL.” Seeing it at the bottom of the ocean?

Gee, I guess that because the night elves get resurrected (if lmao) then I guess the story is fixed, right?!! And Elune, the Horde, and Sylvanas are all cool now, yeah?


Regarding this, does that means actually that Dark Trolls really were transformed into Night Elves with Elunes involvement, and it wasn’t just some accident?

Were this a Horde cinematic, the hero would’ve died and also lost.


did u misclick human instead of forsaken in character creation


Sylvanas says hi

Also the Night Elves did lose everything


Well I’d wager it’s a mix of both. The Dark Trolls were altered over time due to exposure to the Well of Eternity, but Elune’s influence and gifts upon the Night Elves could’ve also encouraged them to look more like… Night Elves.

After all, Cenarius looks a lot like a Night Elf, but Titans also have pointy ears. So yeah, I’d say it’s both.



what you mean everyone here is back to complaining about stuff that doesnt matter

Breathe in. Exhalation.
So. An anima was needed. So what could be made out into anima in Azeroth? M … To declare a crusade against the Horde with a divine word and make bloody sacrifices to the altar of Elune? Will it be “morally gray”?

Daemon. That is, if it were not for the Burning, then … Elune would refuse priest magic so that the night elves would die more often?

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Where did you get this idea that Zovaal reached out to Elune? Elune isn’t an Eternal One. She’s a Life Goddess.

She is the sister of the Winter Queen, and therefore the entire Pantheon of Death.

She’s not. Have you read anything into Grimoire of the Shadowlands?

Notice the “siblings” line.


Stop guzzling on that stuff.