Elune Cutscene Anxiety Thread

She pacified Saurfang and prevented his axe from chopping off Malfurion’s head.

Shrouded Darkshore in an eclipse to empower the Night Elves and the Worgen against the invading Horde forces.

She empowered Tyrande with the Night Warrior aka “wrath of Elune” powers, and Tyrande was able to drive the Horde back from Dark Shore as a result.

Elune personally cleansed Avrus Illwhisper’s corruption and restored him to back to a Night Elf from a satyr.

She shielded Tyrande in Azshara’s palace preventing her from being tortured. The Highborne then tried to starve her but Elune again intervened.

The recent cinematic implies she chose to let the Night Elves burn because she intended for their souls to go to Ardenweald to help her sis out. This implies she had the power to save them at Teldrassil. We already know she could pacify strong characters like Saurfang. She could have stopped Sylvanas.


To be fair, I don’t think it does. If anything, it implies she couldn’t do anything about the deaths themselves, but decided that at the very least she could try and funnel the souls to Ardeweald. But she failed to.

Tyrande pacified Saurfang.


This is misinformation. Please go read Before the Storm by Christie Golden and A Good War.

Elune pacifies Saurfang. He is unable to bring his axe down to deliver the killing blow. Elune guides Tyrande and gives her enough time to swoop down and grab Malfurion.

Elune also intervenes again when the tree is burning. She apparently makes it so the Night Elves that are burning to death don’t feel pain.

Elune wanted those Night Elves dead. That’s all there is to it.


I’m sure Saurfang believes that, but given that Tyrande is right there it’s beyond obvious the priestess is the conduit of the spell.


Depends on the iteration of the story. Original afaia was “… the Light wasn’t there in their darkest hour. (It was, but they did not use it well)”

There could be more discussion about how it unfolder in the future, but for now, walls of text might be avoided :wink:

Retcons being retcons, true.

gl hf

So why didnt she intervene with Sylvanas like she intervened with Saurfang? This seems to be the part you’re avoiding.


She didn’t intervene with Saurfang. He just thinks she did. Tyrande cast the spell.

Idk man the quote really makes it seem like that. Whats the difference between using a spell of elune and elune intervening?

Tyrande is afforded an absurd amount of power from Elune just by nature of being her favorite member of her favorite race. Sargeras couldn’t manifest on Azeroth through portals as anything but an avatar. Too much power, too small of a door.

Ignore him. His IQ is either in single digits or he’s ignoring the obvious. He has been defending this trash tier writing all day. I’ve quoted two instances where Elune intervened before and during the burning Teldrassil but he’s ignoring it because it goes against his narrative.

This is the exact quote from A Good War:

Even in this dark hour, they would say, Elune still watches over us

And that was almost certainly true, wasn’t it? Elune had intervened. Perhaps she had even stayed Saurfang’s killing blow. And she wouldn’t be the only force beyond the Alliance to oppose Sylvanas’s true objective.

And in the new cinematic, Elune admits she was present during the Teldrassil event. She says she sent a “cascade of souls” to the Shadowlands to help the Winter Queen, meaning she let Sylvanas burn that tree and had intended for all those Night Elves to fuel Ardenweald.


I actually didn’t see your reply at all. Wondered why you’d suddenly stopped shotgun posting. The froth seemed as if it was beginning to dry.

Doesn’t do anything.

Character perspective.

No, she doesn’t. We don’t know how nelf souls are collected. Bwonsamdi’s trolls aren’t collected by Kyrian.

Grow up.


Thanks for your reply, Dreadmoore. Let’s not try to spin the narrative by spreading lies and misinformation. Stick to the facts next time.


Yes. Elune’s divine interventions tend to be like this. Specifically localized for no more than one or two people. She didnt teleport every Kaldorei to safety during the Sundering; a lot of them died as a result. Way more than died during the 4th war. Nor did she banish Archimonde herself, or erect the Scarab wall. That was done by mortals.

Elune normally simply offers the tools/power to get things done, but she does not do them herself.

Normally Kaldorei become wisps; it is her normal action to collect the souls of her favored children. Hence all the wisps in the Emerald dream and Kaldorei lands. Instead, She let them leave, thinking she was sending them to Ardenweald to assist her sister. That just, well… yea…

Why not pacify Sylvanas like she did Saurfang? I dont buy what dread is saying about this just being a character’s perspective. What narrative purpose does that serve? It feels like a cop-out. Elune intervened.


It’s clear from all this that Elune can’t really be that much more powerful than any other given big name player in this scenario.

It might well be that it’s easier to magically appeal to Saurfang’s conscience than doing it to a Jailer-empowered Sylvanas. Especially considering Saurfang had no real hatred for the elves and was trying to prosecute the war in as bloodless a manner possible, and Sylvanas is a ball of rage outright seeking to kill as many as possible.

My man, why are like half of your posts literally “A Bad thing happened to the nelves so the horde needs to suffer it tenfold”?


“Equality of Bad Things”.
Why suffer alone when suffering can be extended to everyone else?

Tyrande saving her husband? Why does anyone cast any spell or swing any weapon in defense of their loved ones?

As for the OOC meta, it’s just flexing how powerful Tyrande is, because just like Malfurion, Blizzard must stress that Tyrande could kill Saurfang with ease if she were so inclined.

You aren’t getting anywhere near the quality of bad things the Horde gets.
When our god didn’t save us, he let Rastakhan die. But don’t worry.
Alliance characters do not die.


Well yes.
But territories and the “faceless crowd” are dying.

Offer your equality.