Elixir of Tongues Is Spit In The Face of OCE Players

Ehhh… it’s been asked for. Not much recently, but it’s not a new topic.

See, this here? This is what I was talking about when I said your argument was being made poorly, OP.

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I completely sympathize with your server essentail being in eternal darkness, but I don’t see its relation with the elixir.

I would be way more sympathetic to this if it was 1. like, one percent less hysterical, and 2. didn’t try to take ill-informed shots at another community.

RPers got the cross-faction potion because there was a 700+ reply thread with tons of people endorsing it. I’d certainly be willing to do the same if it wasn’t, well…worded like this.


Aaand case in point number two. Thanks for providing your thoughts, Ursuola.

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Considering all the complaints from the USians about lag when they get on an Oceanic server I’m amazed that they even do that.

But having it jarring for everyone all the time in Oceania is fine though?

Just have the sky relate to the local time that the players PC has for all players as MS Flight Simulator did. Then there’d none of this ongoing jarring.


Wouldn’t know. 200-300ms is a pittance compared to the 2000-6000ms delays I had while stuck in Kuwait. I probably wouldn’t want to do M+ under those circumstances, but for everything else? Not a big deal.

Aaand strawman.

A good suggestion, and one that has merit. Not sure how easy it’d be to implement, but I like where your head’s at.

I really don’t think most OCE players are that bothered by it.

Blue response way back when essentially said that they could program the skybox to display based on the realm clock, but you’d still have all NPCs and environments behaving like it was night in the middle of the day and vice versa and, while not explicitly stated, they realised that this would more than likely lead to more complaints because, let’s face it, that is absolutely what would happen.


I never used to be but I’m finding it really irritating in BfA.

I’d be amazed if anyone ever noticed. I’ve certainly never noticed the different behaviours between night and day.

FWIW, Midnight Salmon drop chance is modified by the time of day. If you want to pay for your WoW sub on the cheap, use some of your free time fishing during your own daylight hours on an NA realm, and sell the Midnight Salmon on the AH for big bucks.

Bonus points if you name your character Fishmonger.

So its ok for the inky black potion to have NPCs behave like its the middle of the day but if you made a potion that did the opposite having NPCs act like its the middle of the night for an hour is somehow worse?


Right. I’d be pretty peeved too if RPers capped a thread on an issue that affected us, got a blue post saying “we’re looking into it,” and then got radio silence for two years. That thread you linked seemed criminally under-endorsed.

But I can’t exactly endorse something that takes hyperbolic swings at me or my community.


You make it seem like they specifically made that Q&A for the RP community alone? They did not. They had already planned the Q&A prior, and because the RP community had been up in flames about the addon breaking they decided to use the Q&A forum thread to their advantages, something Blizz knew they should have, and more than likely needed to address because there were multiple asking about it, and that thread grew a lot of attention. Regardless of this, I am fairly certain what you people are asking is probably harder to impliment than something that is technically already in the game to some degree already.

And, the addon was unintentionally broken something they were well aware of and realized that this was kinda sucky. The thing you’re asking is probably something the intentionally don’t actually want, because…it’s the day and night cycle. It’s a bit odd that day and night cycles would be…well, not the correct cycle. Though, I understand why you’re asking it anyway.

In addition to this, the whole thing that people get ignored? Yeah that’s not just OCE, it happens even in US and probably other servers that aren’t NA. There are so many bugs that the entire community has addressed and complained about consistently, and it’s still not fixed at all. While I feel bad that they’ve ignored you too, and I don’t think it’s okay that they ignore people in general, I can’t exactly say this is something that’s more of a “oh they clearly care for US more than OCE”, thus my sympathy for you is slightly lessened. Though I’m sorry you haven’t gotten whatever elixir it is you want.

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I’m going to say you are. When you belittle a portion of the community wants, prepare to reap in kind. Is this the way your community has gone about requesting your wants?

I certainly hope not. Also, you are the 2nd player I’ve seen request it… so I guess you are a “few” “crying” as well.

Regardless of your inability to start off on the right foot, I wish you luck in obtaining your skybox.


One point I have seen thrown around:

It doesnt MATTER how many of us there are.

We are as much customers as anyone else. By that metric alone, the issue we have raised is a valid as any other.

Whether its several hundred or several hundred thousand, in all truth, we still deserve the same level of service.

OCE has: at current: three major issues

  1. A broken calendar : set up in US time when it was in OCE time and was changed. Events are listed at the wrong time and the wrong day.

Multiple threads and tweets. Silence.

  1. Night and day issue: unfixed after two years or more and no indication as if it will be fixed or is even on their radar TO fix. And yes it is an issue, a big one for a lot of people, who have, and this is what I have been told, given up on the forums because we get little nor no communication.

  2. Server lag that is still causing major issues every single day since launch.

No one is asking for a magic wand to be waved to fix them all in a second, but as far as the first two are concerned, are matters that remain unresolved.



You see this? This is how you bring this up. Without mentioning RPers.


Everyone reading this is just getting upset that you’re taking a swipe specifically at roleplayers like that’s the crux of the issue here. You used an example of something that was quickly put in to place for a minority of players. You showed that another minority, Oceanic members, have been asking very reasonably for solutions for ~years~ now.

I’m honestly surprised at how many people were just so keen to lay in to this and not say “Wow, permanent night time in your active play time? That sucks! Hope Blizzard starts listening soon.”

Because that’s what it boils down to. We’ve been incredibly reasonable and even (very understandable) frustration here isn’t even taken seriously.


I’d have to agree with this, and while I have no real understanding to this Night and Day issue that isn’t unfixed, I still agree that everyone are customers just like anyone else. But, again, there are plenty of things that US are still complaining about and haven’t had fixed either. Take the DH jumping DC issue, that’s still a thing and has been a thing since legion. Something multiple people have voiced.

If the phrasing of your complaint amounts to being upset that another portion of the playerbase got something along the lines of what you wanted faster than you did, your complaint isn’t going to be taken seriously.

Take a page out of Aehl’s book on this one.


I think that if NA realms were forced to play with their day/night cycle flipped around, it would be hotfixed within a week. So it is an issue, but it hasn’t been addressed yet.