Elitists are quitting, leaving the casual in a game they didn't want

Im a gamer 43 years

Then why do you post like a 12 year old kid who had too much sugar?
No periods, run on sentences and incoherent rambling.

So you’re a 50? year old?

There’s some filtration that spells leakage, and BlizzardLeak is to blame: it seems that, due to the lawsuits dropped on lap, it’s considering shutting down its doors in 2022 and making a comeback as Insight, with big changes in its franchises. Of course, this is leakage, so we have to wait until the whole damn dam officially breaks open.

I mean, on this point, there’s entirely possibly a lot of people are going to be folks like me. Who loved this game and played it for absolute yonks. I grinded out ridiculous stuff in this. Heck, I got the Violet Protodrake in the first year possible. I clearly enjoyed the game.

And then Shadowlands comes out and its blatent the game is no longer caring about me or folks like me despite the decades playing, as they’ve decided to target another audience, to the exclusion of us.

We want the game to be better and aren’t content with how it is. So, we complain and point at games that serve as an alternative for things we’d like.

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Save game by playing the game.
The Elitists got where they are how?
Not by being on follow.
Beware the living.

Yep i got sega64 atari and all the other games like new and every pc game made since the 80s

Most operation eng play video games for better eye cordnation

That can be said about just about everything in media. Companies target the demo that makes them the most money.

I guess I don’t see that in WOW. There’s plenty I dislike but we basically do the same things we’ve always done after we finish leveling.

Wow takes stuff from other games to putin wow fact .

Yep Covenants were designed with the 1% in mind.

Yep, the slow pacing and time-gating of Shadowlands is the fault of the 1%

Yep let’s blame the 1% for everything wrong with WoW.

Do you understand how dumb that sounds? :laughing:

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Are you high right now btw? That would explain the ramblings.

Bingo. This boosting crap has to be squashed for wow to ever be good again.

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Okay we run into the room screaming like little girls.


Beware the living

This next expansion better bring the bacon

Blizz should figure out a way for Raid teams to get the consumables they need without having to resort to paid carries and then make any kind of paid carries against the TOS.

He doesn’t have one. Just let him say whatever. I don’t even read or reply to them now.

You can’t argue with them with logic so you’ll just waste your time.


He said AND queued content, not just queued content. And it’s true, MoP had the first patch of rare farming for low drop rate items that is designed solely to keep you subbed and chasing that carrot. I’m sure it was also the first expansion that had additional queues with the scenarios.

And once they figured out those were both the easiest ways to make content they just pushed more queued content and rare farming patches again and again. Like with 9.2 there are apparently 40 more mounts to get, not including the pets, achievements, toys, more rep farming and whatever else just to keep people playing.

Feel free to have some self-respect. If you refuse to recognize there are issues with the game, you are kind of the problem. Stop bringing your delusions to the forums. You aren’t convincing anybody.

And you personally can read the mind of every player in the game to determine whether they are having fun or deserve to be treated badly by delusional forum posters who appear to be channeling the worst actors in Blizzard.

Who? Me? This is the only game I play. You’re trying to convince us that nobody is leaving the game and you’re saying people who recognize this is an issue are “pathetic”? You need a new script.

Fact: Elites are just as likely to leave as casuals when things don’t feel right. Elitists are forever, because they have forum PvP to keep them entertained.

Not really. Back in Wrath we had badge farming for player improvement, something easy and doable for casual folks, and raids tended to be a bit… Chill-er, I guess? Not as pushy

Nowerdays its a very different atmosphere

The only way to get rid of boosting would be to make stuff in such a way it doesn’t need it. As long as things get more and more complicated, and people put up gatekeeping systems like RaiderIO, then people will boost. They’d have to come up with an alternative to make boosting not worth time, either because there’s an alternate progression system you can’t boost (coughcough badges cough), or because its simple enough you don’t want to waste the gold on boosting.

Won’t stop it. As long as people are willing to pay, folks will pay. The only viable thing is making something alternative to make the idea of boosting just, not worth it. Folks will just get around any TOS issue by buying cheap stuff at obscene prices off the AH to serve as alternatives regardless

man I’m considered semi-casual and I still don’t play as much as you. And I still manage to get alot more done.