Elitists are quitting, leaving the casual in a game they didn't want

I can do every class with 1 charter change . You cant


Apparently no one has ever gone from maining XiV to quitting XiV because they were unhappy.

No, it’s a one way street my friend and everyone adores the unrewarding endgame where the job you love (Healer) is lobotomized expansion after expansion.

XiV has Ex-vets like any title.

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New people in fx14 its hard till lvl 30 but when you get to 50 raw power and real skills not the wow nerded 1s fx14 is not nerfed

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When I decided to start playing an online game, I considered FFXIV, but I’m not into anime characters. They look weird to me so I choose WoW instead.

I don’t know about FF’s game system, maybe it’s better than WoW maybe not, but I don’t think I could get used to the way they look.

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So? You still need to level the Job and you’re also stuck with a single race and gender for each one if that’s how you want to play. Whether you level a new Job on one toon in FF or level a new Class on a different toon in WOW it nets out the same.

I’d argue that’s it’s immersion breaking to have one toon fill every class in the game.

I got 7 guilds i play from wow in my freinds list and we mass killing to lvl quicker . its fun and it has a storey endgame has the new reaper its badass better then all wow charters

If you enjoy it, you enjoy it~ My partner still plays and adores his catboy so I don’t want the game to die out or anything nasty.

I am pretty jaded but that’s just because I did really enjoy playing, especially in the HW era. Healing was a great balance of risk and reward…

The game just went in a different direction where I’d rather have a “sweaty” traditional endgame with WoW VS. my savage experience near the end of my playtime where I was BiS and done in the month, left to fool around with a house for content.

No when you start you pick a what you want to be when you hit 10 exp flyes but it fun why unlike wow when you fight bosses you can get gear every raid wow after the first raid you dont and you get gear chest for quest for your main weapons . The transmogs .blow wow away it so real .i got 7:days on this sub and ill never play wow again they got a 60 day trial and its free you get helper to lvl to and the mounts are crazy fx14 is not nerfed like wow .

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I play with 600 wow players ex on ffx14 i got the leaders on the freind list and we can all see and fight in mass groups last night we did 5 boss section 400 people and they sneak over for a hit to get full exp and the gear crazy. Every weapon diffrent powers

Actually that’s not how it works. If they can’t stabilize the game population and it continues to fall at the rate it appears to be falling, eventually it will reach the point where Activision will have to choose between funding a massive engineering project to consolidate servers or pulling the plug on a game with a vanishing playerbase.

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They stated next year insight takes over and devs fired.

Thank god.

I never understand people in real life and in gaming who can’t leave gracefully. Just leave and take your horrible, incoherent, run on sentences with you.

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When did they say this? Link to your source.

Translation: I wish people would go away quietly so we can keep pretending that there’s nothing wrong with the game and the only problem is a handful of soreheads in the forums.


Dude she’s a kid.

Every expansion they take you gear and nerf it there you keep every thing ffx14 devs listen to the players wow devs dont but every weapon does another thing like frost fire ect and its not nerfed

A paying customer.

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LOL or have some respect for yourself?

If you dislike something you stop doing it and never look back. When you post over and over about how another game is better it shows you still have a thing for your ex and it’s kind of pathetic.


They are paying off influencers

A perfect example as to why Blizzard is in trouble I know the true believer will scream “every company dose that!!!”

the company is desperate and unless they pull off a miracle in 10.0 I don’t see a future. Unless it’s one like DDO or DAOC


2022 blizzard shuts down and comes back insight

You’re asking some kid to link proof of something they said in a rant. You’re worse than she is.