Elitists are quitting, leaving the casual in a game they didn't want

I’m 57 years old and I have a few physical issues as well and I only play a few hours a day. regardless of personal status, 60 hours a week is not casual.

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Boosting has existed since the games inception… So tired of hearing this garbage trope.


How do I find how much time I’ve played? All this talk has me curious. :stuck_out_tongue:

Type /played


Thank you!

14 days
3 hours
51 min
53 sec

My start date is July 11, 2021

Yeah, I’m casual. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Because I actually play the game/content to earn the rewards instead of having it spoon-fed to me like an infant? :grimacing:

It’s not every week, but for argument sakes let’s say it is:

168 hours in a week -60 hours (work/landlording), -7 hours of sleep*7 day =-49, 2 raid nights *(-2 hours)=-4, (my time on the game varies, but let’s say about hour a day on top of raiding)=-6(I doubt I spend an hour a day so I’m taking an hour off).
168-60-49-10 and we’ll throw another 7 hours off for commutes/groceries/misc

That leaves me with 42 hours / 7days is 6 hours or a quarter of a day to cook, play with my kids or help with their homework, spend time with my spouse and relax with TV.

I’m not deluding myself. I just don’t waste all my time like you do (very common trait for lazy people like you and people who think they deserve loot or “x” without working for it).

(same thing when an obese person sees a muscular person and thinks they have no life for going to the gym and the only reason they’re fat is because -insert excuse-).

You can’t recognize/acknowledge other people’s hard work because that would highlight your lack thereof.

Grow up.

Anyway, based on that disgusting thread you made about a 35 year old being in a relationship with a 13 year old and disguising it with “levels”, I’m going to assume you’re just a troll and won’t humor you further.

4/10 for getting me to reply, but it was more for people with a similar mindset as you. Cheers.


77 percent casual players moved in to fx14 fact try the free 1 to 60 and your mouth will drop how many players

You might want to have a very candid conversation with your family before you go on believing that.

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You literally just made my point.

When the lights go out it will just be a few grognard’s like you shouting about the glory days.

It’s laughable and sad.


Wow stated insight next year takeing over wow and wow devs fired = so long wow your as s is on fire

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What point?

All you’ve done is tell us how great FF is and post vids of Lalafells dancing. You still haven’t answered the question I asked about what you want to do in game that you feel isn’t available right now.


Try fx14 its free to 60 last night i counted 5000 toons just in the little city wow has non like this lol


Annnnddddd you didn’t even watch the video

You are a true believer it’s not worth discussing it with you

But keep making a jerk of yourself it’s funny.


I can make 11 diffrent charters in 1 it takes you 11 for 1 wows a fail


I’ve played and it’s not for me. I gave the game plenty of time as well. I finished all the expansions as a Warrior.

I don’t like the aesthetic. I don’t like the music. I don’t like the rotations.

Every expasion they take our gear and weapons ffx14 you keep it all and your gear and what you see is real not painted like little kid made it last night 400 people 1 group when was last time wow had hunting partys 400 missing wow guild all in fx14 i talked to them and they stated her no shadow crap and real quest and the mounts crazy space ship cars and they got the death star mount lol

Is there a reason you can’t answer my question?

PS-I have watched that video. It’s cringe. I appreciate Yoshi and his passion but that video gives me the creeps tbh.

Are you 12 or something? You post like a breathless tween speaks.


Oh bugger, we’re in the matrix and Al is an agent!


Watching a video is not playing a game lol