Elitist abuse of casuals

Its not. They pay $15 a month just like everyone else. What they do in the game is no one’s business but Blizzard’s. She also never said she wasn’t social and not everyone can deal with large amounts of social interaction, and that’s fine.


No it isn’t, and no he isn’t.

You’re connecting dots that don’t exist. WoW is a predominantly multiplayer game. It is almost impossible to play without encountering at least one other person during your routine. Don’t be ridiculous.

She doesn’t have to answer the question, but trying to misrepresent a question as something it isn’t is just pathetic.

They weren’t misrepresenting a question. She never said she wasn’t social. Her complaint was about being called out for being a casual. The question “… if you don’t like being social, I’m not sure why you’d be playing a social game like WoW…” Not only has nothing to do with the original post, but is dismissive of it, shifting the blame to them for not being “social”.


But if you speak out on certain matters it becomes people’s business unless of course you want a one sided argument where everyone just showers you with agreement.


Again, the social aspect called into question wasn’t part of the OP or anything implied therein. Your arguing a non-issue.


I for one have always had anxiety and I do play this game to make friends that don’t judge me or my views, I am kind to people, understanding and easy going but like you I prefer to remain somewhat a loner, despite being in a guild on most my toons.

I would also feel completely horrified to be treated like this out of the blue, good gawd.

Stay strong!


Calling that a ‘bully-like statement’ is a misinterpretation, I don’t care about your feelings on the matter. It just isn’t. End of story.

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Those weren’t my feelings on the issue. Its a statement of fact. You’re awfully aggressive about something you didn’t even say and its a tad pathetic.


Its sounds like again people want to justify this behavior. Op please do yourself a favor, you can either be guildless, join an ACTUAL friendly guild or play a different(if so you will be joining the masses which have left) game.

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That is how the forums work, duh.

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This is an undercover Rastlin thread. Stop taking the bait, people.

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Yeah, no.

I will parrot one thing you said that was correct, though.


Its ok. You don’t like something and you attack it hard. Its a common occurrence when someone argues from a point of ignorance.


The deathrattle of one without an argument.

Been fun, guy. Bigger fish to fry.

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Are you implying that it’s unlikely that someone is in a guild for a “very long time” with zero indication of weird or alarming behavior from an entire guild who spontaneously decide to all make fun of and literally stalk one of their fellow members for…not doing Mythic+?

Shame on you. This whole story is watertight.


You type a lot of words but ultimately say nothing.


Stop talking to yourself. It’s weird.

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You really don’t like when people get called out for bullying.


But saying “they should remove the m+ timer”, while being an opinion, should not be said by someone with basically no m+ experience. They don’t know that just completion of anything up to, and including, a 10 is relatively simple (and you still get the end of dungeon and weekly rewards), it’s the timer that makes it a challenge.


Gotta be a troll post.

Start the opening post and sit back and watch the festivities without posting again.

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