Elitist abuse of casuals

Classic strawman and troll combo. Beautiful.


classic “doesn’t have an actual response so pulls out buzzword from rear” response. Thanks for playing.

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Trump voice: SAD!

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Its not a buzzword, it has a very real meaning, one that applies to your post.


Well, i think the constructive portion of this thread has long since passed

Grabs bucket of popcorn


Ahhh man please don’t. This is a public forum

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i feel like we’re only getting one side of the story.

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In all of my time on GD, that’s all we ever really get. Only on 1 occasion have I seen otherwise. And boy it was hilarious

If people couldnt post on their unleveled alts. We would be able to get both sides of the story unfortunately people can’t really stand behind their own character around here.

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I suspect immense exaggeration, personally.

I can sit here and argue why their attitude wasn’t at all elitist or immoral, but players who don’t bother to save Azeroth and call themselves heroes, are scum.

The modern population has shifted to actually considering themselves good at the game because they can buy a mythic run. People are becoming standard-free and overly accepting, and honestly it’s breeding a new age of spineless little cowards.


How’s it feel, being the only human paladin besides Mcconnel that I like so far?


Damnnnnnnn savage. True tho

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Classic playground bully style statement. This should be left at the tetherball court.


What does this even mean? Did someone say this to you in school?

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That’s not “bully-style” at all, it’s a pretty reasonable question.


You’re story is why I don’t do guilds, period. I’ve joined a few over time that claimed to be all about all player type. Usually they have all turned out to be mythic+ Raiders, walking around bragging like they are the king and Queen craps of turd island. They have a mentality that raiding as a literal part time job is something to be proud of above all other achievements in life.

And if you’re a casual who doesn’t raid, you’re still expected to pick up a crafting profession or gathering and blow hours on end into feeding the raiders with enchants, food, mats, etc. Guess what
you will never get paid for any of it. They won’t even offer out of good will. And they claim that it’s “all for the good of the guild”.

Meanwhile, I’ve found most people who can’t commit to that much time to raiding, actually spend their time in school, families, full and part time jobs, and are getting ahead in the real world. This isn’t every case obviously, as I’m sure there are many who raid and maintain a balanced life and have achieved success. But most raiders I’ve known/met are in their early 20’s with very little responsibility. It’s ok; I was there once too.

So don’t get to upset OP. I play solo and team up for folks for some WQs or dungeons from time to time and I’m having a blast. The only nice thing about being in a guild is faster hearth and faster mount speed. And of course some mounts or heirlooms from guild vendor. But if you can live without that
you’ll be ok.


So true


Yes, it is a bullying statement. It’s implying he’s somehow defective for having a preference for a style of play in a video game. It’s not honest discourse. But you knew this already.