Elitist abuse of casuals

Since the usefulness of this thread has officially passed…

I leave you popcorn and drinks:

Lays out a feast of popcorn and assorted drinks

Along with this video:

Peace out, folks!

Honey, you’re comment will just be ignored like the many others. I will not be fooled not today, not tomorrow or the next day.

What never existed can never pass.


It points out toxicity between different styles of play and the damage to community resulting from it. The fact that you’re so insistent about defending the bully posts and dismissing the thread does nothing but lend credence to it.


All I see are extremely thin-skinned people whining and crying about inconsequential things, or fabricating things to cry about entirely.

Grow up.


Says the one blasting people on a forum post. Move on.


This is some weird stuff


You seem more like someone who can’t handle people. Been kicked for not participating a long time ago you kinda just gotta get over it. Also because people making complaints almost never give the full story.


This stuff never happens to me. I’d love it if it did. It sounds fun.

Here’s your problem. It’s a good habit to get into to try to be as objective as possible, looking at the things that bother you from a distance.

OP, I have trouble believing your story. I think there’s more to it.

I don’t feel that, I think it and probably because there is. Anyway, interesting read.
Have fun.

So you saying you know nothing and your just guessing got it.

It sounds like you dodged a bullet. Any guild that would do that anyone is trash and you’re better off without them.


The minute this happened you should have immediately reported him in game for Verbal & Physical Harassment and I urge you to do so the minute your back in game.

How you choose to play the game is your business until such time “winners” like the goof in question start paying for your subscription; they should mind their own damn business.

Report him for Verbal & Physical Harassment, ask Blizzard to pull all the logs; don’t give ONE second thought about reporting this goof.

The game WILL BE BETTER OFF without him in it; to be honest.


I don’t do heroics or mythics either just because I log on every now and then but if my guild asked me and I had time I would have at least tried but would let them know I was rusty and might cause fails.

:clap: well said!

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The masses aren’t interested in challenging content anymore, they’re interested in shooting crabs and seagulls for heroic raiding ilvl welfare gear.


I would love to have the downvote button back. Let someone know their idea is awful without having to waste time typing a post out for it.

Just do like everyone else and use the flagging system. That’s how it works now, if you don’t like or agree with someone you flag them for trolling but not before you tell them to stop attacking you.

The masses tend to have limited time and limited investment now.

Not to say people who have 9 to 5 jobs and families aren’t doing hardcore raids but it’s just less likely than when we were in high school/college and our biggest concerns outside WoW were not failing entirely and acne.


It’d be nice if the mods did something about that.

They’d rather suspend you for saying something lightly scathing, though.

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Stop acting like heroic raiding is time consuming. Most heroic raiding guilds raid two nights a week for 2 to 3 hours. You can even pug heroic raids and do it on your own time, whenever you want to, if you can’t keep a schedule.