Elitist abuse of casuals

UPDATE: I want to apologize to everyone in this thread. I have had some very long conversations with friends since this incident has happened. In the end, I realize that I am in the wrong. I should have never shouted my opinions about things I really don’t understand or participate in. I am truly sorry and I know that I have made a fool out of myself. I’ll leave this incident in my life as a hard lesson learned. I’m sorry.

So it finally happened. I was kicked out of a guild that I was an active member of for a very long time.

It started when I received a message in-game from a guildie who saw me on the forum and they asked me why I keep my profile private. I had a feeling that this conversation could end badly for one of us so I told him I’d rather not discuss it. He kept pressing me for answers so I finally just gave in and told him why.

In so many words I told him that I don’t like how people are bullied on the forum for not completing certain content and playing the game how we want to play. He started talking about my achievements and slightly joking about me and the way I play.

The next day he messages me again and starts getting kind of mean, he wanted to know if I wanted to run some mythic+ keystones. I told him that I don’t like doing mythic+ keystones because they are timed and the pressure is too much for me. So he started getting angry with me and started talking about how he’s so sick of the way that Blizzard caters to casual players who “don’t do anything in the game”. I stopped responding to him and wanted to put him on ignore but I was scared to because he was a guildie and I thought maybe he was just having a bad day.

So then it got real. He started talking about this in the guild discord. He wasn’t doing it in voice chat, as far as I know, since I don’t use their voice chat because it gives me anxiety but I do talk often in text channles in discord and in guild chat. Other guildies chimmed in and started making fun of the topic and players like myself. The guildie hadn’t said who he was reffering to until someone asked how people hide their armories. That’s when he told them that people aren’t really hiding their armories they are only hiding their forum profile. They wanted an example… and he gave them me as an example.

The next thing I knew they were going through my posting history on the forum and they were talking about how I shouldn’t talk about certain aspects of the game that I don’t participate in and they were making fun of me. They were posting screen shots of some of my forum history. I was horrified.

The next day I logged on and told the co-GM what happened and he told me that the GM and himself wanted to talk to me in discord. So, against my own good judgement, I said okay. I got in voice chat with them and was ridiculed for a good 10 mins before they started kicking my characters out of the guild.

I was in this guild for a very long time and I feel what they did to me was cruel. Players need to understand that we are all people behind the screens, we have real feelings too. It’s not okay to make people feel this way.

I still enjoy World of Warcraft but I will never join a guild again. I just feel that we need more ways to protect our character privacy.


Consider yourself lucky. Any guild that pulls this stuff isn’t worth staying in.


… if you don’t like being social, I’m not sure why you’d be playing a social game like WoW…


You don’t have to go on voice chat and do M+ to be social.


Not once did they say they didn’t like being social.


Well, you probably shouldn’t.


OP, you’re better off without them. There are many toxic players in this game that consider their way of play to be the “right” way. There are also many other players that play the way you do, like myself.


Yeah and coaches who haven’t played the sport they coach shouldn’t be coaches right?


OP aren’t you the same person that went on and on about how doing mythic+ is the only way to play the game? And all this time you don’t even like mythic+?


People are allowed to have opinions. Their opinions aren’t fact, just input from a different point of view.



I know it sucks, and it hurts now, but you’re better off without them. If the people in your guild are willing to do that to someone do you really want to be in that guild? Think about how they treat guildmates, then think how they’d treat random people they don’t have a connection to.


Just make an allied race character hide profile and post on that.

You really run into all sorts of problems posting on your main or a played character and I wish blizzard would recognize it, not cater to the nosy people on this forum. It was a lot better when you could post on a lvl 1 because then no one could hunt you down via the armory. Now if someone is willing to spend the time even hiding your profile and posting on a low lvl isn’t enough to do it.


Either the OP was in a guild with some really toxic players and is better off now that he has incentive to find a guild that’s actually worth belonging to, or this is bait. I can’t tell really.


Checks the day; Realizes its Sunday; /rolls for doubt; Gets a natural 20; Goes and gets ready for an all you can eat brunch buffet.


Sounds like those guys live in breathe WoW and miserable human beings. I would consider myself lucky to be removed from that type of situation and those people.


Gosh, if I was kicked out of a guild for the same reason, I would be happy.


That’s the first thing I thought of. Who is going to go through all this trouble to stalk someone then kick them out of guild after mocking them? The only thing this story is missing is

‘So I turned around and told the GM I’m better off without the guild, not the other way around! Then everyone in discord started clapping.’


I am glad I am not the only one. I mean if it happened, then the OP is better off without them. Given the day though, my spidey senses are tingling.


Really? Do you not play this game?


I guess I’ve been lucky enough to not play with people THAT petty and vindictive over 15 years. I’m not saying there are no grassholes in WoW, I’m just saying its faster to kick someone and be done with it than go through all these theatrics.