Elitist abuse of casuals

It would amuse the living hell out of me if my guild got wind of my forum activity and started looking into it. I am completely unapologetic and bear no guilt over anything I’ve said or done in- or out-of-game, and it’d be nigh impossible to make me feel shame over much of anything.

On that note, if you’re reading this Skeli, you suck.


Guild name checks out, Toon name checks out, also it’s Sunday. This thread has it all.


It hasn’t given me a soft pretzel and nacho cheese yet. I must dispute your statement.


No it wasn’t. Advice as defined is , “obtain information and guidance, typically from an expert.”

No one on these forums is giving anyone advice on how to raid when they complain about raids or mythic+ or what have you.

You two are trying to come up with an argument that doesn’t exist.

I’ll take “things that don’t happen for $500,” please.

I said:

You’re bringing in an argument that was never brought up.


If this happened, it’s unfortunate but it’s best not to put too much time wasted or emotion on it and just move on. There are plenty of Guilds that are more than happy to welcome players like you and are very friendly and understanding.

It’s just something that takes time and doesn’t just fall from the sky.


You are grossly misinterpreting the definition. Information and guidance from an expert in a field will typically be good. If I tell you how to build a rocket, I could give you a few pointers, but you’d never get the thing to fly, as the best case scenario.

Bad advice is a thing, I’m not going to waste time arguing the existence of bad advice, if that’s really what we’re doing here. Personally, I think you are being willfully ignorant.

So what? People are allowed to challenge opinions that are flawed.


Kinda sad you have more posts than achievements. Maybe you shouldn’t tell players what to say and how to enjoy the game since all it seems you do is run your cake hole.


Strictly speaking, rockets aren’t typically intended to fly. They’re intended to reach a certain velocity at a certain angle and either escape earth’s gravity entirely or utilize that gravity to finish their trajectory at a specific approximate location. :B


If the definition of ‘advice’ is this hard to grasp, do you really think getting into actual rocket science will be recieved well?


Actually, I expect it’ll be received better.

Search your feelings, Luke – you know it to be true.

…Fine, I’ll humor you.

Damn right, you will.

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An amateur is likely to give worse advice than an expert.
I can give a friend advice on something based on personal experience.
I foolishly took advice from a man who couldn’t tell the difference between the sun and the moon.

Sorry I really wanted to be part of it lolz. Advice can come from anyone! :slight_smile:

I never said bad advice wasn’t a thing.

I said you’re arguing something that never even existed. You’re making up an argument. None of this happened.

And no one here is giving someone advice on how to run a raid or anything.

“So what?” LOL My entire statement in the beginning was that people are allowed to have opinions. And then you and Kesnal went off on some tangent about advice. Which had zero to do with what I said or what happens when people post about things they don’t have current experience with.

I also never once said opinions couldn’t be challenged.

So again, “things that didn’t happen for $500,” please.

You’re arguing just to argue.


Orly? Would you take an advice from me about mythic+ when I don’t even do mythic+?

Sure. And I’d probably throw it right in the garbage can, but it’d be rude not to take it.

I’m out. This is WAAAY too sunday for me.

OP, you’re better off without them.


I might or might not! But I would defend your right to give me that advice to my grave!!