Elitist abuse of casuals

You started out in the realm of silly and now have gone into the realm of ridiculous.

There are very very few people who have no interest in ‘x’ type of content trying to get blizzard to change the game for that content.

Also, you seem to be fixating on me lately - it is kind of creepy.


The only ridiculous thing here is that statement.


read this and consider.


Oh yeah, I corrected something wrong you said the other day.

Pure coincidence, I’ll forget your name in a few hours, rest assured.


Honestly, WoW is filled with such a diverse group of people. You happened to find a bunch that are oddly obsessive/intense/invasive. I wouldn’t want to be part of it myself.

Don’t let them scare you away from guilds! Odds are, your next will be better–most are!


No you ignored everything else said in a thread and then started trolling me by making up stories.

Yes, please try and share your ‘wisdom’ with others.


My guess is OP will still continue the usual forum’s mythic+ this, welfare gear that, blah blah blah, then OP’s next guild will call her/him out and say “ok, let’s run mythic+ then” and OP will say “Do I have to?” Then OP gets the boot and we all will be reading same thread again.

You replied to me and got a reply back, this isn’t rocket science.

I’m done with you now, though. Feel free to celebrate.


That doesn’t sound like a fun crowd to hang around with. I think you’re better off without them, OP.


Both times I was talking to someone else and you butted in.


… what a toxic and ignorant response …


You can say that you don’t want to try it or that it doesn’t look good or that you hate the smell, etc. That’s giving an opinion.

Advice isn’t opinion. Poor example.

Telling someone how to do something isn’t an opinion. Also poor example.


Forget your privacy and screw your old guild. Go get a proper guild who doesn’t care about that kind of stuff and you will not care either.

There are players who are mean and you just need to distance yourself from them, and possibly report them to Blizzard for abuse as it relates to game stuff, not sure if that would work.

I have been with the same guild since MoP when I came back to the game for the first time and they are amazing, no one ridicules anyone for anything, if you don’t want to participate, than don’t.

I helped push our guild moving servers about 5-6 weeks ago and I talked about the move with my GM the other day, discussed about how we are recruiting more now and how well it is all going, first thing she asks is it we are treating them well and making them feel welcome.

We had a short talk about it, but that is all we are worried about, making new and old players feel welcome, help each other, treat each other right, because if anyone treated a player like you are stating OP they would be the ones who would get kicked from the guild.


None of those buzzwords apply, try again.

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That’s precisely what I was thinking. After the damage is done and you are vowed to never join a guild, THEN you opt to start posting on a new character? Mhm.

  • OP posts on main until gets “kicked out” of guild
  • After no longer in guild, uses an alt

If you were so willing to to instantly switch to a forum alt for this post, I don’t see why you wouldn’t have previously.

Makes it hard for me to believe this really happened in such the way the OP described it.


Probably so they aren’t calling out the guild or having anyone try to berate them either.


I think you are misunderstanding what ‘advice’ is. It’s not grounded in fact, it’s one person giving another person their opinion on how to tackle an objective, which can be horribly, horribly misinformed/wrong. His post was fairly fitting.


This is a big yikes all the way around.

And I sincerely hope this is not just a typical Sunday troll thread. The whole “forum character thing” didn’t happen but something similar happened to me back in Wrath.

Back in Wrath, I joined my first actual guild and raided Naxx. Quick summery, I sucked but enjoyed it and made a few friends. I vouched for one of my friends to get a piece of gear that dropped and he really wanted it. GM/RL said something about we are discussing it on vent… well I decide to go into the vent and find out I was getting made fun of and was kicked from the guild for asking something “so stupid” and being a horrible player (which again was true at the time, but quite rude what I heard).

That experience made me not trust anyone on WoW nor join a guild until MoP. So I sincerely hope this story is genuine and I am sorry something like this happened. Better off without that guild if true.


I agree…This coming from a beta player long ago…I can careless about Armory’s ect…Trust me just because they have great gear doesn’t mean they play with a TEAM like mentality.I have seen too many get all high strung in this game and in most cases these folks are outa control in their everyday life or have serious issues…We all do it’s life.But there are loads of us casuals that are better in this game,But like to enjoy getting away just like most.But I learned through just from running a restaurant many years ago you have to get a some what thick skin and just ignore these types.Most online games will have these toxic folks…I myself enjoy the game for myself period.