Elitist abuse of casuals

I love them! You feel so good after a poke bowl with that incredible protein boost and fantastic marinated fresh tuna. I mean, it isn’t Japanese in origin but you can have it Japanese style with a bunch of Wasabi and toasted black sesame seeds.

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What’s a poke bowl?

Fresh marinated tuna on rice with various condiments, soy sauce, or black sesame, seaweed, cilantro, Japanese radish, prepared ginger, really anything you care to put on it.

Poke bowls are actually Hawaiian, not Japanese anyway. But it’s rice and square cut looking chunks of fish and veggies on top with different dressings on top. But it’s from Hawaii.

Yup, Polynesian for sure but a beloved dish in Japan too, especially Ponzu style(a kind of astringent citrus thin sauce).

I dont really fault both sides. Most of the pro-ML dialogue was casuals that came across as extremely bitter towards anyone who did challenging content and were rejoicing over the fact that the “big bad mythic raiders got what they deserved”

They didnt have a dog in the fight as they didnt mythic raid and had no intention of mythic raiding, but cited the removal of ML as evidence that we were all corrupt guilds who abused trials and stole their loot.

All in all it only served to further a false narrative that guilds are evil and derail threads where people were trying to voice legitimate concerns.

I think the natural response of “dude you dont even raid why do you even care and why are you trolling this thread?” is a perfectly reasonable reaction.


Bait. This is just bait.

Absolutely correct. Such notions are still mind boggling. This goes back to the statement I made as well. If someone voices disliking something because it causes them anxiety, that’s one thing. But people who don’t do content then speaking for massive changes on those points of content? Those people are nuts.

So too are the people who do nothing but queue content discussing how master looter is the horrific hell of their own existence.

Also correct. Which is exactly why people wanting more character privacy should be a concern more than anything else. At the bare minimum, people need to understand where the opinions are coming from.

Yeah, im at a point of apathetic hopelessness when it comes to providing feedback about retail.

With s3 being infested 2.0 and M+ looking to lose even more participation it might be time to just embrace classic.

This is really sad but with retail it seems like every change that is made makes the game worse, and i have lost so much hope that classic looks appealing despite its many flaws simply because it fundamentally cannot change…

Want abuse? Grow a backbone. Learn to except the fact that people dont wanna play with you. QQ


We’re in the same boat. My guild and I have largely moved to other games like ESO and OW. I’m thankful I have people to play with every day and still have fun, but it’s a shame what WoW’s turned into. I’d wager Beguiling will go worse than infested if it remains in its current form.

I am curious at their side of the story, told by them and not by you. Even the elitist guilds I’ve ran with would’ve booted the other guy for being a giant tool. Granted we probably would’ve booted you too, but there would’ve been equal booting for complaining about things that don’t affect you and wasting our time with it.

When the mythic raiders are constantly dumping on those who don’t it should only be expected that those who got dumped on rejoice at seeing that the shoe was finally on the other foot.

Some of the very people supporting ML made threads saying they needed ML to ‘control’ their members and to reward them. Ion who mythic raids gave ML abuse as a reason for removing it.

If claims were made that some of the mythic guilds were abusing ML it came about honestly.

There were heroic guilds that abused ML, I know because I was in some of them for a short period of time so it is really unlikely there wasn’t mythic raid guilds abusing master loot with all this evidence.

Not really since you guys still are incapable of understanding master loot affected people other than mythic raiders.

I don’t disagree with this but why bother staying in such a group, ml is and always will be the best way to distribute loot properly, but obviously that can be tainted by those in control of it.
But let me ask you this, if i’m a dps and I haven’t received a trinket above 400. I don’t need anything off a boss and I switch my loot spec to healing, I get a 415+ healing trinket that is bis but has never dropped for any of the healers, do you think that item now being bop to me because I never received an = or higher ilvl piece for my spec is in good hands although I never intend on switching to healing? You may as well disenchant it, personal loot is such a good system, not.

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Not if you were smart enough to join a guild that didn’t use it.

Master looter is a valuable tool, stripped away because people felt entitled to loot despite their poor performance.

A dps doing as much as the tank as a trial deserves no loot.

People might have a choice if they want to mythic raid on a server - be in this one guild or pay for a transfer to another.

Master loot wasn’t a good system either and just because you get ‘x’ piece of gear that you can use and the others healers don’t have, doesn’t prove personal loot isn’t. If you hadn’t switched specs they still would not have that trinket because they didn’t win it.

Anyway, arguing about master loot itself is not the purpose of this thread - the discussion evolved into people speaking about things they supposedly don’t know and master loot isn’t one of them. Almost everyone playing this game has had experience with master loot.

Let’s be real though, most guilds did use it and trying to cherrypick a good one that didn’t was tough.

I’ve seen it before though, if you don’t find out before hand whether a group is using masterlooter and you still join in knowing full well you may not get loot it’s your own fault for not doing your due-diligence.
I’ve had guilds put priority over pugs which in my opinion is their own prerogative. As far as giving specific players special treatment because they suck over someone that clearly deserves it yeah no you shouldn’t get upgrades as a participation reward unless you can pull your own weight.