Elitist abuse of casuals

You need to fix your post, and yes if masterlooter was still in game and was available you could’ve given that trinket to someone that needed it instead of someones offspec. I don’t think you know how personal loot works and how masterlooter worked before they removed it either.

And if most guilds used it, then obviously it was desired by most guilds, and the thought of removing it should have been thrown into a dumpster and set on fire immediately.

It was clearly a great tool for raiding guilds, a tool stripped because people got their feelings hurt.

This isnt a “social game”, you are not relevant, you and your “guilds” have been replaced by LFG/LFR.

see and this is what blizzard calls abuse.

Rewarding players for actually contributing to the rest of the group? Are you seriously arguing that point?

I played this game for 9 years including experience with master loot in a top 10 US mythic raid guild. I am pretty sure I know how it works.

Clearly you don’t.

No, it’s called being fair.

The entire group put in the effort to learn and handle the mechanics to successfully kill the boss.

The kid who didn’t and is dead on the floor after the first 10 seconds due to his own negligence deserves nothing.

I’m aware that it was an effective tool for the top of the line guilds because gear distribution was a strategy in of itself. But most guilds weren’t along those lines and there definitely was abuse of that feature by the lower end guilds. They weren’t trying to distribute gear to fuel progression, they were hoarding gear because they were corrupt and simply used others for their own benefit. I should know as I’ve had to personally deal with some of those guilds.

Clearly there was enough abuse of that feature to warrant its removal. We don’t know how many reports and situations Blizzard has had to internally deal with as a result.

Telling me they know how masterlooter works, doesn’t even know that the items dropped aren’t soulbound to a specific player that had his loot spec set differently. As per my story earlier.

I wasn’t even talking about that aspect - that is just your assumption.

It was blatantly clear that you haven’t a clue, not even gonna bother anymore. I personally think the casual player base is 100% why this game is garbage now.

Participation rewards for being bad at the game.

Those have existed since the very tip end of Vanilla.

Go find another if you aren’t happy here. All you do in this one is leech from the auction house if your claims are to be believed.

Yes but not as bad as bfa, seriously players posting on here that they have a full set of world quest/warfront gear, they log in and do 35 minutes of world quests/warfronts and don’t receive any upgrades. They basically skipped lfr/norm/heroic raiding content then whine that mythic players are the only ones left with gear progression.

I wonder why this happened, it’s because people lack the skill to better themselves so they freely handed out that gear then when you surpass that content they whine because there’s nothing else to do and they aren’t good enough to get into mythic raiding.

Anyone with a normal/average IQ can do what I do lol, I’m even super lazy when I do it to the point it’s a joke to make gold with little to no effort just like your world quests/warfronts skipping lfr/norm/heroic content.


that’s also only on one server, i have gold cap on another and still another 500k-1mill invested, not even including my 9 hatespark pets that go for 200+k last i looked, spectral tiger cubs, ethereal soul traders and multiple other tcg pets.

Yes some people aren’t that great at the game. Some folks don’t always have the connections to land themselves into raiding guilds. Doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be allowed to progress their characters though.

no one cares - why do you keep derailing this thread.

And again you didn’t understand what I was saying either.

You don’t need connections to get into a guild, you need to be good, if you aren’t good or are too lazy to better your self I’d say stay in your norm/heroic content and be content. Just because you can’t beat darksouls on the most difficult mode do you write up the people who created it and say I want every upgrade/cheat so I can beat it or do you downgrade to a lower difficulty.

Also if you’re a decent player it only takes a few hours of work to look for a guild that is a right fit, days/times progression, whether or not they cleared previous content etc. It’s not rocket science to use wowhead to check all of that.