Elitist abuse of casuals

Neither do I. I reserve my opinion for matters I’m at least somewhat familiar with. But I don’t like the idea that someone should be restricted in their opinion because they don’t have a level of familiarity with the subject that’s sufficient in the listener’s opinion.

Where would you draw the line? I’ve done raids. Am I allowed to voice my opinion on Mythic raiding even though I haven’t cleared Mythic BoD? I bet some folks think so. Do I think I am? Yeah. But what’s the cutoff? One boss? All of them? How much experience or familiarity with a subject do I need before I’m allowed to have an opinion on it?

Let people voice their opinion. It might be a good one. It might benefit the discussion. If you think it should be disregarded because the speaker doesn’t have enough experience or familiarity with the subject, then disregard it. But don’t advocate that it shouldn’t be permissible to share it in the first place.

As someone who had social anxiety as a teenager and a young adult and was terrified of speaking on a mic or in front of others generally, and now speaks in front of others all the time as part of work, I can tell you it absolutely gets better and easier the more you do it and the older you get.

And I maintain that teenagers, on average, are way more awkward than adults. They look awkward. They sound awkward. They act awkward. They’re awkward.

I’d say it’s safe to say a person shouldn’t give an opinion on any content they don’t do.

I’ve only been 2k in 3’s, never once hit anything higher. I don’t know if I’ve ever been over 1800 in rbg’s. I would never consider stepping into a discussion with a bunch of multi-glads and telling them how wrong they are for this or that. It’s just not my place. I’ve never been in a world first guild or been a world first raider. So guess what I wouldn’t do in that situation also?

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That’s an argument to authority. A common argument fallacy. So long as the poster has the self-awareness to realize the potential for inaccuracy in their comments and has the humility to accept that their premise may be wrong… It’s perfectly fine to comment on w/e they want to.

It’s when they take the illogical step to assume that they know everything about what they’re talking about and won’t back down that it’s a problem.

Shutting people out of conversations is exactly how you create echo chambers. Sometimes the best solutions come from those outside of the box as they can view the problems from a different perspective.

As an example: I don’t PvP… I haven’t PvP’d since cataclysm. That doesn’t mean I can’t comment on the reasons I specifically don’t enjoy PvP. I’m not going to claim I’m an expert on the problems with PvP, but me stating what I find un-fun about it is perfectly fine.


I wouldn’t either. But I’m not going to tell someone else that they can’t. And I’m certainly not going to belittle them publicly and kick them out of a guild over it.

If I said anything, it would likely be limited to “You don’t do this type of content, so I’m taking your opinion with a grain of salt.” Not “You can’t talk about this. You suck. Get out of my guild.”

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OP is not one of these people you speak of. Most people that come to these forums and complain aren’t those type of people. It would be nice if everyone was like how you described but that’s not the world we live in.

I am an elite casual. I think that the system that Blizzard is putting in is killing WOW. (Joking)

Aside from the joking, I do think that Blizzard has issues that are effecting the game in a negative way.

Number 1: Calm yourself.

Edit: Additionally, stop using “we”. Start using “I”. The second you begin speaking for other people, you lose me as an audience member. If you want people to actually listen to you, speak for you and only you. You’ll get further.

No, most of the naysayers have said that they’re unsure if this story flies because of how you’ve presented it. What you presented is a series of events, from only your perspective, after making it quite clear that you’re overly sensitive, and that apparently, these other people are quite volatile and dumb. On a Sunday. Again, calm yourself. All we can do is digest information, and make educated opinions. Educated ones. Based on information you have put forth.

Because WoW is a competitive game at its core with the content you mention here being the pillars of that competition that players like to excel at. And yes, it does matter. If your opinion is an educated opinion, it’s much more likely to mean something when you provide personal feedback. Which is what Blizz wants, and what they say they’ve wanted is personal feedback. Well thought out, concise, constructive feedback personal to your experience with your thoughts.

“I think M+ is stupid.” isn’t feedback.

“I think M+ is lacking in certain fields. Through my experience, I believe that M+ needs a correction involving pack density, or perhaps a change to a timer in a specific dungeon, as it feels overly punishing to get to the end-goal because a certain dialogue takes too long.” This is actual feedback.

And this is a tiff that you’re throwing because people are unconvinced with the evidence you provided. I’m skeptical as well. Perhaps you didn’t articulate things properly?

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Strongly doubt this is real.

Well, where is the opposing argument?? It’s now June 11, which is funny that this guildie was so concerned to see op’s posts and now we have yet to see a response. Makes sense to me since they took the time making fun of him/ followed by a gkick. So again if they are reading this the floor is open.

Sure, yesterday I’ve learned violin bowing just by looking a YT video. No need to practice or teacher corrections at all. I love the XXI century.

Okay. So are you saying you’d learn absolutely nothing if you watched a video on violin bowing before experiencing it? Same with PvE. Did you learn nothing from watching the video? Because all it’s meant to do is crunch down how many times you make the same mistakes before you understand how a fight or run works

No they don’t. But if you are trying to get into a mythic raiding guild, you sure the hell better be on par with those. Most casual guilds running normal are fine with people learning the content and not being super geared (they probably expect a bit more than quest greens). And expecting people to know how to play their class at 120? Unless you used a level boost, there is nothing wrong with expecting you to understand your class.

When certain types of people refer to the racist, misogynistic claptrap that’s all too par for the course in Discord, as “being social” it’s code for considering that sort of behavior acceptable.

i would’ve left right in the moment that guy spoke to you, who he think he is

Maybe. But better to give the benefit of the doubt and be proven wrong, than the opposite. Also, countering with logic is by far superior to simply going: You don’t even do this content… shut the bleep up…

Countering with logic at least gives the other person the chance to either see the error of their ways, or point out new possible concerns. Telling them that they should just shut up closes off the conversation with no chance at discussion. It’s one of the main reasons the ML discussions got so flipping toxic… Because there were toxic people insisting that everyone who was pro-ML is simply a greedy SoB trying to steal other peoples loot, and simultaneously there were people who were equally toxic insisting that anyone who didn’t even raid mythic shouldn’t even have a seat at the table.

I fault both sides on that.

Ok, I have to call this response facetious. If you’re alive and you live in the US you’ve eaten Japanese food, even if it was just a poke bowl or tempura.

mmmmm poke bowl… :slight_smile:

I don’t live in the US and I haven’t eaten either of those two things.

you have never tasted teriyaki flavor anything? Ever?

I might have done that - can’t say one way or the other though. At least that sounds familar, whereas I have actually never heard of a poke bowl.