Elitist abuse of casuals

I don’t have any sympathy for the OP.


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I haven’t been social in this game in years. It is only a social game if you want ti to be.

Lol elitists, Mythic+ is actually antisocial as it causes people to hate each other.

“Look how social I am kicking people out of dungeons because ‘muh mechanics’ instead of befriending them and teaching them”

Lots of people teach mechanics… But if you’re signing up to a +10 or above… It’s sorta expected that you know the base mechanics of a +0…

Which is one of the reasons people, like me, complain about the current “welfare” (hate that term) loot system in wow… It gears players to the point that their next logical step in gearing… isn’t joining a +0 to learn the mechanics… but instead is joining a +10 (or heroic raid) to continue their progress. It’s no wonder that such players are instantly met with a brickwall from the community that was doing that content all along.


What is watching a video and reading too complicated before going into a dungeon?

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Not wiithstanding the total one-sided story, you’re not a victim when you actively post on public forums and then are called out for what you’re posting.

Guilds can set any standard they desire and it looks as if your posting was the real issue, not not doing content.

I don’t play in a guild and will never on retail. No point to be honest. I don’t talk to anyone in game and nothing requires me to do so. Classic on the other hand is where this will change for me.

just move on, hope your next experience is a POSITIVE ONE!!!

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Remember the old Real ID!

Yeah, that’s a pretty awful thing to do to someone. They sound like real pieces of crap. No one that’s a friend would make you feel bad, publicly, in front of all your friends, for the way you choose to spend your time playing the game. It’s your $15 bucks a month, and if we were friends or guildmates, I’d be totally happy and pumped that you’re enjoying yourself, however you’re doing it.

Don’t let it sour you on guilds though. The social aspect of being in one very much enriches the playing experience. You just happened to find a bouquet of turds.

His point is Valid. If you get social anxiety from a video game… maybe reevaluate your mental health and then return to the game. Thats the thing with this generation: Paranoia.


For a solid 90% of the WoW population I’d have to say yes.

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It’s definitely a thing. I was terrified to speak when I first started playing 14 years ago as a fully anxious 22 year-old. I’d do it as little as possible and type almost everything.

Now I won’t shut up.

Just takes age (with which comes more self-confidence, and less caring about what others think of you) and practice.

I don’t think age has anything to do with being socially awkward.

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From the read, I got the impression that it was more the fact that he was posting on topics that his guild felt he had no business commenting on. And that’s kinda stupid and controlling. People should be allowed to voice their opinion. If you want to disregard it based on that person’s lack of experience, you’re free to do so. But it seems like they wanted him to just not say anything at all on certain subjects.

I don’t dig guilds that restrict my right to speak.

Have you ever met any teenager ever?

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Yeah, I was one before. I wasn’t socially awkward.

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Sorry, my quote got all messed up and now I can’t fix it.

Well, good then. You had a better experience with it than most. But yes, I would say that teenagers and young adults are generally more socially awkward than not so young adults. We’ve had more practice.

But really what I’m getting at is that not wanting to talk because of social anxiety, or not liking your voice, or whatever, seems pretty common. I’ve been in countless groups or raids where there’s always one guy that won’t talk for some reason. It’s so common in my experience, I really don’t think much of it when it happens. Especially because I can relate to it and understand why they might feel that way. It’s certainly not something you should quit WoW over to “work on.”

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Agreed mostly, except for the part where they talk about something they have no idea about. I’m not a rank 1 player, so guess what I don’t do? I don’t chime in and tell rank 1 players how their content goes.

Some of the most socially ackward people ive met are adults. Experience doesnt make it better, in fact the more i deal with other people the less i want to keep dealing with other people.

I was far more chatty as a kid than i am as an adult.

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Well… reality is reality, to each their own. Everyones different. I was a little ol squeeker(like 12) when i started playing during BC sometime. Was always a little hesitant to speak, but my big bro was in the guild i was in and always had me in vent. Guess that helps