Elitist abuse of casuals

True, but speaking from recent experience, ppl who are out to get you for whatever reason will stoop to any level to try to get you ostracized for whatever obsessive perverse reason that strikes their fancy.

But cheating on N’zoth is wrong.

Hi I am a casual player

the fact we don’t have flying right now still 9 months after the expansion has started is not a semantics argument. it is pointing out they pretended to compromise but really didn’t

They weren’t going to remove flight from old content - that wasn’t on the table either - they were only going to remove in from future expansions.

Everyone would have been better off if they had removed it entirely because that would have enabled people to make a decision - do I want to play this way or not. It would have been HONEST with people.

As it is you have people just now quitting the game because it is obvious what they are doing.

I never said you shouldn’t provide feedback. But when you make people who are happy with the change the enemy and start attacking them like people did with that master loot business then you really need to examine your grasp on reality.


For real though… Guild drama is so 1996…Ain’t nobody got time for that.

As a GM / raid leader, I don’t think character privacy is something you need. In fact, as a GM and a raid leader, I need to be able to validate things for the sake of competitive understanding if we’re discussing character privacy.

If someone comes to me and says: “Shad, I’d like to raid. I’ve gotten every AOTC and I’m very competent.” I’m gonna check that claim to ensure he’s not lying to me. In fact, saying something like that is going to make me check more, than if he just said: “Shad I’d like to raid and I wanna learn.” That second statement? I wouldn’t even look the guy up.

It’s the same case about arena. I’m a 2200-2300 experienced player. You can check this by going through my armory and finding my achievements, as well as my records where I multi-classed six times throughout Legion. But if I made that claim to someone and they had no idea who I was? They’d likely not believe it.

Additionally, I’m sure someone else has said it in the 500 or so replies, but your privacy on these forums means nothing considering there’s someone always logging everything you do and putting it on various websites. Your character privacy has been nonexistent since you made the character and did your first quest.

Forget about all that nonsense. Provided this is true, sure. You had a bad run in with a bunch of jerks. But this isn’t about people being casual. This is about people just being mean and going out of their way. I agree with the statement that if you don’t have any experience in content, you shouldn’t really be talking about it as if you have an educated opinion.

Saying “I don’t like something because it causes me anxiety” is perfectly fine. But saying: “I don’t do M+. They should remove the timer, and implement a CD reduction.” is wrong. Never do it. Never do something like that. A lot of people come to these forums and do something stupid like this. It’d be like someone who never arenas telling me they should give out elite mogs because it’s their 15 bucks a month - OH WAIT, that happens on these forums too!

You get my point. Forget about your privacy. It doesn’t exist. Find a better guild, provided this actually happened.

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And they still haven’t, so I am not sure what this has to do with anything.

Or people could have used their intelligence and caught on at some point in the past few years that we are not getting flight-for-gold back.

As they should if they are not having fun.

It has to do with what you claimed the compromise was.

What makes you think he said any of that ? And even if he did why is that wrong to say that ? People have been exposed to enough timed events in their life to know whether or not they get anxious in those situations.

It’s still in no way relevant to what I was saying. Nothing was ever discussed about removing flight where it had already existed so it was not a part of the discussion at all.

If you simply must have this point though, have at it.

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I have no idea what you meant by that statement because that is exactly how I read it but whatever, I really don’t care.

I didn’t say OP said that. I was providing general examples.

I don’t care if nobody believes me. Most of the naysayers are just a bunch of elitist jerks anyway. It doesn’t matter why it happened or how it happened because it happened.

I don’t care if you think I shouldn’t speak my mind about topics in the game even if I don’t participate.

I think mythic+ keystones are stupid but that doesn’t mean I can’t have an opinion, it doesn’t matter if it’s a +1 key or a +20 key because my opinion is my opinion and Blizzard takes all of our opinions into account. There are so many players who are overly concerned about where we get our gear, how we play, what content we’re doing, and whether or not we have AotC.


I don’t care that you are mad about having to spend time in raids to get gear, stop raiding if you don’t find it fun.

I don’t care that you think I shouldn’t give my opinion on mythic+ keystones.

I don’t care that you don’t like world quests.

I don’t care that you don’t like pet battles.

I don’t care what YOU DO so stop caring what I DO.

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I don’t care about snowflakes


literally everything that’s wrong with the game today right here. sorry this happened to you!


id be curious to see how accomplished these players are that were talking to you this way. hope they were all 2200 and 2k+ io or else they look like idiots right now haha

edit: even that doesn’t excuse this behaviour!


I know. People shouldn’t join hardcore guilds and then complain about how terrible their members are as human beings and how stupid the content they enjoy is without expecting that to come back around.

The OP should have quit that guild and not participated in that content if he found it so distasteful but it sounds like the OP was perfectly happy to say one thing to his guildies faces and another on the forums as long as it let him get free raid/dungeon carries from those hated “elitists”. He’s mad now because he got called out on it.


Wow that absolutely blows. I’m gonna be honest with you, most of the players that are elitist like that are probably pretty terrible themselves. Most elitist players I’ve met usually criticize new players or casuals for being bad yet they barely step foot into mythic.

Don’t let these guys ruin it for you. Not all guilds are like this, not even close. There’s a lot of really nice mythic guilds around the world 200-300 level and below that respect their players. We have plenty of casuals in our guild that just chill out doing WQs or whatever they like to do and there’s no problems at all. These guys sound pretty bad if they spent their time digging through your post history just to sh*t on you for it. That’s really damn horrible, can’t really imagine wasting my time going through a casual guildies profile just to start drama and degrade them for their posts.


On a scale of 1-10

I rate this as a DIDNT HAPPEN / 10

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Just ignore them, there will always be people who tend to assume things are not true. When Blizzard has added an ignore option to the forums I have my list ready.

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