Elitist abuse of casuals

If everyone followed this advice half the threads on this forum wouldn’t exist.

While I get that side of it… They clearly could’ve handled this better… That being said, we only have one side of the story.

It’s not favoritism, these people created a group to push high keys together. They don’t want to help you because they frankly probobly don’t enjoy running low keys and helping players like you. Can you really blame them ? There are people out there who do enjoy it and some people who don’t. I usually run 15s and higher and I have no interest in teaching someone by running low keys with him. I don’t enjoy it nor have the time to do so.

Also being in the top 3 dps doesn’t mean much if you can’t do mechanics properly. So maybe you weren’t good at mechanics and thats why you never got the raider spot idk.

If you want to improve, you don’t need other players to hold your hand. You’re smart enough to improve on your own. You can progress through higher keys slowly with pugs, like so many people have done, including myself. I went from 1000 IO score to 1900 in a few weeks by ONLY running with pugs. Stop depending on other people.

Same thing applies for getting better in raids, do your homework, do your research, watch videos, check logs, read guides. You don’t need other players to hold your hand to improve. Can they be nice enough to help ? Absolutely. But again, not everyone wants to for multiple good reasons and you need to respect that.

EDIT: I’m not saying this justifies being a dick about it, it doesnt and they shouldnt be dicks, but dont say you cant improve cuz they aint helping!

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^that whole post speaks more truth than anything I’ve read in two weeks.

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The problem with your response is I was top dps and I knew the mechanics. Mythic plus dungeons was not an for me as you can see on my profile. The issue was that these people were real life friends who really didn’t care about other guild-mates progression. the only reason why I joined was to see end game content. I’m an overachiever.

One of the best things I learned in college was to study and rinse and repeat information I need to know. That is why I studied fights on YT and such because I wanted to get better. I’d rather take time to help someone I KNOW that wants to get better than help someone who is casually just playing the game and isn’t serious about getting better, there is a difference.

If they truly didn’t want people like me then they shouldn’t have open invitations. Now they’re disbanded most transferred to another server while my guild is clearly stuff, of the irony. You see pugging high end keys are hit and miss depending on the server you’re on you’re more than likely risking your keys with other people who aren’t knowledgeable about affixes and mechanics and such which is why at the time I asked these guys for help because I kept getting bad tanks and kept getting my keys pushed lower and lower, these things happen.

So whats the grand fix then? The game is meant to be a whole world in a game. In worlds there exists groups, tribes, nations, etc… People group up. There are groups all over the world that you don’t want any part of, that would do similar things IRL with their groups. Literally all of history is…this very thing happening repeatedly in different variations.

It is 100% impossible to stop this. It’s fundamental to human nature. You have to do some filtering, not everyone and every place is for you.

I mean i get that people are basically crummy in general and that open invitations where prejudice waits to pounce is stupid…but its also the norm for the world.

Oh yes. People are allowed to have opinions on things. But if you don’t pet battle, just an example, you really shouldn’t go around the forums giving your opinion on pet battles. More often than not these opinions are just inaccurate and spreads misinformation.

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I don’t have your logs so I cant tell you whether their decision to not give you a raid spot was justified or not. Now, if they were real life friends and they didn’t want to help you and you’re not okay with that, then find new friends. Whether IRL friends should help you or not is a totally different subject and I don’t want to get into that as it’s not very relevant in the conversation. But if they don’t care about other guild-mates progression, then again, whats wrong with that ? First of all, today, guilds are more a mean towards getting in end game content (by that I mean mythic raids, mythic + are more of a side activity). I just joined a guild that was 9/9M and tbh, I dont care about my guild mates mythic + progression. I didn’t join for the social aspect or to make friends. Is there really something wrong with that ? I don’t think so. It’s just a game and frankly I don’t have the time to help others progress in mythic +.

Secondly, for some players, again I’ll take myself as an example, I don’t care whether the player REALLY wants to improve or is just playing casually. In both scenarios, I have no interest towards teaching that player mechanics in mythic + or strategies. I don’t enjoy it and like stated previously, have little time on my hands, so obviously I’m not very generous with taking the time to help others. I really don’t care about their progression, they’re just strangers in a video game.

Also, keys are indeed hit or miss but its not depending in the server. Nobody looks in trade chat or general chat for keys imo, everyone uses dungeon finder and nobody cares about what server you come from, they care about your IO score, which is normal.

When inviting you, if they said they would help you out with mythic keys and such, then that’s a different story, as they just wasted your time. But they aren’t obliged to and it’s morally okay to not want to either. And yeah, I’ve had bad tanks a lot too and I also was getting my key lowered. But 1 time out of 5, you’ll have a good group and then you just add them and ask them to keep running later. Slowly but surely, you’ll build a friends list of competent players.

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I understand we are not at an obligation to do anything for anyone. Again this situation was done and over with at the start of this xpac so I’m not tripping. Like anything I had to learn mechanics on my own and I got better but all I’m saying is as someone who took time off since Cata and came back in legion, I picked up the game fast and learned and put my time in. I just thought most guilds are about building and progressing that includes helping members.

Sadly this isn’t true for the majority of the guilds. To a lot of raiders, this game isn’t a whole lot of fun anymore except raids. In most mythic raiding guilds, casuals are a lot more active than raiders. Raiders will log in for raids and weekly mythic + and that’s about it. If the game isn’t fun anymore to raiders, can’t really expect them to play more by helping members. And yes most guilds are about progressing, but progression in raids, not mythic +. Mythic + is a side activity that some guilds might promote but barely anything.


Good point and I guess that was my issue because I expected that, well lesson learned for me.

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Well look on the bright side. Most of the leets are going to classic where they can be toxic to each other. So you’ll have 6 to 12 months free from them. But then they will come back.

I actually think the OP actually makes a valid point, one thing I struggle with as a GM is that you get people that are good at the game, good raiders and so on, but they often get too pushy of other people, without even realizing it.

I know what it’s like trying to cater to both groups, the people that just want to be social and chill and not take the game too seriously, and those that really want to make the effort to raid and not hold others back. It’s not easy.


They judged you on what you do on the forums and expressed opinions and voicing your concerns? It is a good thing you got kicked from it. Any guild like that is just idiotic and not worth your time.

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This was also part of why I moved Elae back to her own guild, because that way no other guilds reputation is at stake. I’m too eccentric here.

Reputation is done in game. Judging guild’s reputation based on what you do on the forums is just pathetic.

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It has happend, one time in wrath people was so mad at me they found my facebook and took my pics from there and made a website bullying me my daughter and my deceased mom then posting the website link in trade chat. All because i wouldnt leave the server.
I still didnt leave lol

Are you foreal?? o.0

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Yep. Their poor website didnt last long once i found out about it. And after that the guild just faded away lol it was people in a guild that did it too

Gee some people are just extra, they literally will go out their way to just destroy others happiness.