Elitist abuse of casuals


For me it’s not when people don’t have any experience in Mythic Raiding give feedback on Master Loot. It’s when they say crazy things like “my friend went 6 months on trial and never received any loot”. Then I tilt my head sideways because there’s absolutely no way that something like that could occur in a serious Mythic raiding guild. At least not one that’s wanting to get Cutting Edge or has over multiple raid tiers.

Also Mythic raiding is where Master Loot was either make it or break it. If people wanted to be petty and only give loot to their favorite 5, then they have 15 other people who are severely undergeared. And not only are unable to perform the proper DPS/HPS to get through the fight they can’t survive HP nuking mechanics.

I recalled one conversation that was being had between me, a few others and someone who made a thread that was called “You abused it now you lose it”. The poster in question was jumping up and down with glee that the evil toxic Mythic guilds were finally getting punished for all their dastardly deeds. It was only upon someone popping in from the guild he ran with while trialing for Mythic explained that not only was he performing poorly, but upon the first item that dropped that he wanted wasn’t given to him, he gquit.

It’s instances like that, that make me scratch my head when people want to educate me on how ML works. Hopefully this gives some insight on my thought process.

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Tell me is that story possible ? If is it possible it makes no difference.

None of these stories makes one bit of difference though - they aren’t giving anyone advise just telling stories or trolling. No experience was needed.

I think some of you had the idea that blizzard was going to listen to you and change their minds. They were not.

I mean…the only way that’s possible is if that player in question was literally not invited to any of the runs. Which at that point they’re not even trialing. But if they’re being brought in week after week? There’s just no way.

Well it happened with flying. And seeing that this is not a well received expansion and they’re bringing out Classic, I think we all know where I’m going with this.

And yeah I still believe they needed experience. Mainly because of all the horror stories people liked to tell about how it is instead of how it was actually utilized.

It did not happen with flying. What happened with flying is that they literally ignored all the forums posts asking for flying - went ahead and said no flying from this day forward and then had to eat their words because of mass unsubbing and pressure from their financial departments.

Even now we really don’t have flying.

They can only know what we want by us giving them feedback. They’ve changed their minds on multiple other topics in the past. The fact of the matter is that ML only impacted a small portion of the player base, so even if every single player from that part of the player base hated the change (which isn’t true)… it wouldn’t be a big enough outcry to make an impact on blizzards “vision.”

Either way… that doesn’t change the fact that the ML change was patently stupid and the vast majority of posters anti-ML in those threads were along the lines of what Jalen stated. Anecdotal story after anecdotal experience.

As I said before… These forums were at a new high in hypocrisy in those threads:

Flight: Don’t like it? Don’t use it. Use your ground mounts.
LFR: Don’t like it? Don’t use it. No one’s forcing you to queue into it.
ML: I don’t like it… so you shouldn’t be allowed to have it. You and your group of friends play how I want you to play.


It’s true we don’t. And personally I think it’s biting them in the behind but I have nothing to back that claim up. And yeah that’s what I’m saying with flying during WoD. When they were pressured from all the feedback, they buckled. I figured that they would do the same and listen to players feedback on ML but nothing changed. And personally that played a part as to why I stopped raiding all together.


Tell me do you have a choice right now today to fly in current content. No you don’t. I have no idea why the heck you are picking one side of an argument that seems to fit your pattern when it really doesn’t.

People trolling those flying threads took away the choice of flying from the people who wanted to fly as well (well if that is the theory you subscribe to, I personally think that was just blizzard being blizzard).

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Hi there. Long time player, few-times forum goer. I’ll dip my two cents, for what its worth (non-literally).

You’re more than welcome to keep your profiles, achievements, status, etc. private. Nothing anyone here wishes to say is about to counter that fact. Argue it, yes, but never wins the truth in their favor.

This guild, OP, as I understand it, appearently didn’t make their intentions clear that suddenly Mythic Keys and Raiding was the “now, or else”. Which it never should be in this day and age of the game.

Opinion: Guilds should be more than a “group” specifically dedicated to one task anymore. Roleplay Servers get a little bit of leeway in “theme” but it should still feel like a place you’re able to connect with friends (either ones in person or in game or of course both). Obviously this is not what became of your guild.

Or Ex-Guild, of course.

As I keep seeing these posts about “No one giving advice”, i’ll share mine.

Advice: Don’t give up on finding that place that is just a place for you to hang out with friends, maybe do a Heroic or some form of game content you enjoy. Not all guilds have to be progression, there’s not some global ranking; there’s not some “requirement” (since guild-runs are gone to the days of yore for guild-bank gold) for trying to do progression content.

Advice/Suggestion: Maybe some of your friends who play WoW have a guild you can join, if they’re on the same server or linked server. That way you can relax, do stuff together on your time and not be demanded of what you “have” to do to enjoy WoW.

Conclusion: In the end, if not being part of a guild is for you, then more power to you; you’re always able to be invited to mythic raid runs (Same server, of course). Always welcome to enjoy the game however you wish to enjoy it. No one here has power over you nor your enjoyment nor what you want to do.

Ashlyn Rose


It wasn’t the forum feedback that caused the pressure - it was the actual unsubbing and financial pressures from within that said they would be losing too much money from subs and their store and everything.

You just didn’t have that in the case of master loot. There was no store impact involved.

That’s not a fair statement. The dev’s specifically stated that they wanted to remove flight… forever… People disliked no flying at max at the start of WoD, but they outright revolted at being told that it would never come back. It’s that, that I was specifically talking about them changing their stance on.

And, yes. They did change their stance. They met us in the middle and let us have flying after pathfinder (a solution that was provided by feedback on these very forums). Personally, I’d prefer that they let pathfinder part 1 be the only form of pathfinder so flying is possible from launch.

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I consider myself an elitist, but that’s just straight up toxic.


They did not meet us in the middle. We had flying in current content for 3/24 months in legion and who knows if it will even be that this expansion.

Meeting us in the middle would be 50% of the time we could fly in content we were currently doing.

All they did was give the appearance we have flying in order to pacify the financial side and people naive enough not to realize we really don’t have it.

Anyway, this is way off topic now.

Personally I think it was a combination of both. But you are right in thinking that the way it hit their wallet was more than likely far more impactful than forum feedback. The unfortunate part about ML is that again where it reigned supreme was in Mythic raiding. Yes there were Heroic guilds that utilized it but I feel that Heroic is much more lowkey in having to use it properly.

So the people that knew the ins and outs of it in a much more serious setting is the 1-3% of players. Which isn’t going to hurt Blizzards wallet at all.

You’re arguing semantics and you know it. If we take your stance on this, then the entirety of all feedback is pointless. If you want to take that nihilistic view, then that’s your prerogative.

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It was never intended, or explained, as a compromise between flight at max level and xxx. It was, and is, a compromise between no flight ever and flight at some point. Vendor flight was never on the table. That is gone.


What insults where said? Is discord mandatory? Why not just leave right when this “Insult” came out why wait 10 mins let it go on?

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It is a lame claim that anything remotely resembling a real “compromise” took place involving players. No negotiations took place, and players had no part in the the discussion.

The only way it was a compromise was between the devs, who still wanted to remove flight no matter how many players quit, and the bean counters, who pulled the plug on their plans.

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Not gonna lie, that guild sounded like a terrible guild. Your probably better off.


I’m on the guild side, don’t discuss on aspects of world of warcraft you don’t participate in, they dont concern you

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I’m sorry you went through this. I too, was kicked out of a guild under similar circumstances. Apparently the former guild I was in was very elitist and many of its members showed favoritism by doing high M+ keys leaving the rest of us who needed them out. So yes, they had a very core group which only did high keys amongst themselves.

Mine you I was with this guild during legion. They made me a tryout the whole time despite me being top 3 in dps in every raid. I made a mild complaint about running keys and how its only a core group that runs keys and how, how can a guild expect to have improved players if we don’t help each other. Needless to say the following day received a long letter from GM and I was kicked.

I had a friend in that guild who was very geared but was willing to help me out whisper me and told me that they eventually felt bad about it. She eventually left and ended up being an elitist dick herself. The problem with this game is these types of fantasies draw people in who lack a life and social skills.

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