Elitist abuse of casuals


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Up to the OP. I don’t mind doing this kind of work, but it’s a shame I don’t work for Blizzard. Cases like these would be fun to deal with. Things like this needs to be controlled.

You can say I am a lawful alignment.

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Jalen! No!

/slaps hand


I’m sorry you had a bad experience op. I have been in a few guilds before joining my brother’s years ago that was almost like that to other people. I always leave them when I see it. I hope your day and the rest of your week gets better.

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I heard they removed masterloot due to guilds stealing hard earned loot from members. :wink:


you mean the thing that hardly happened at all and could easily be avoided?

:slight_smile: wow! better remove player choice because some people can’t think for themselves!

it’s just as stupid as removing pvp vendors because, supposedly, some people accidentally bought the wrong piece of gear or couldn’t find the vendor

you know
 supposedly. With Blizzard’s absurd claims with no proof, it’s hard to believe the garbage they spew really.


Well, I mean
 we pick the wrong gear from vendors too so clearly we can’t be trusted.


WoW has proven be to be a better and more thriving game with the removal of player choice. Many times players simply aren’t smart enough to complete the smallest of tasks, such as trying to find and use PvP vendors.

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Lol, oh its thriving alright

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Careful, they have an English major, that means when you say wrong things related to English, they magically become true.

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ah you’re meming oh that makes sense lol

if people are actually unable to find pvp vendors, which I doubt honestly, then Blizzard shouldn’t be designing around them at all. I truly don’t think people are clueless enough to not find vendors or do some basic research on what honour points or conquest points are.

I started playing in MoP and although I sucked, I did not have a hard time figuring stuff out for myself. Blizzard needs to stop treating people like they’re idiots because they aren’t.

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This is a fake story if the guy wanted to know your status he would just looked u up on raider io

One of the smartest posts in this thread.

I’d have to disagree with this part to a certain extent but that’s a whole different topic and a whole different suspension waiting on me.


Ok let me try my hand at this whole “meme” thing.

Edit: not sure why it isn’t previewing :frowning: Clearly Blizzard is biased against the greatest villain ever in the history of anything.

Edit2: Well this works slightly better. I am just not skilled in the art of meme generation.


I’m mounting this on my wall

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Eh. I honestly don’t think the major player base is dumb enough to warrant all these changes and I don’t understand how they aren’t offended by how Blizzard design around them.

Players can’t find vendors
 better remove vendors. Like what? It’s like banning cars because 1 guy got into an accident.

Eh. I honestly feel like Blizzard truly thinks the majority of the WoW community is stupid because why else would they constantly make changes that remove any sort of player choice or thought?

Idk. I can’t figure out another reason for their decisions.

I doubt they even know. Name a problem that exists in the game today, you can probably go back and find a feature or spell that they removed that could solve it.

For instance: Secondary stats are important, and titanforging an item with bad stats feels terrible. reforging.

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Because it feeds into the xxx group is bad. Push it all off on being the hardcores fault or the casuals fault and damn near everyone ignores the fact that it is no one’s fault but Blizzard.

You guys are going to get me into trouble again.

Basically my battlecry on these forums.