Elitist abuse of casuals

Because human nature means controlling others, or aspiring to. How many guilds collapse over power struggles? Loot drama? Or the infamous, Yoko that comes in and breaks up the band.

Players can’t be trusted with master looter so Blizzard did the right thing and gave all the players a chance at loot, regardless of who was “in charge.”

again, its good you got away from a scumbag guild, but this isn’t really an elitist abusing casuals situation.

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Lol, at least I am not alone!

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that has barely anything to do with this discussion, however, people didn’t have a say in this. Blizzard removed it for their own reasons and people are okay with it or not.

Master loot wasn’t restricted in use to mythic raiding guilds either.

I have no idea why you guys have such a hard time identifying who the bad guy in all this is - this was a straight blizzard thing for reasons unknown.

I had to bite my tongue a little while ago. Someone in another thread claimed I was bad and didn’t even do any content worthwhile. I almost went in on’em.

The worst ones are when someone says something so profanely stupid, that you have to respond to them, but can’t say what you really want to say. :\

Even better: you’re walking on eggshells, while they go in without consequence.

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Take a deep breath!

(I say as I get riled myself, lol)

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Yeah, I have gotten slapped for things I have said that I didn’t think were all that bad and I am thinking if I said what I really wanted to…

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During Legion I got slapped with a 2 week ban because I said Guardian Druids being a thing in World PvP was dumb.

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Fam I’ve been playing since 2005.

I’m not getting into specifics, here, but feel free to message me ingame for quite the story.

What you don’t seem to understand is some of us have responsibilities outside of ourselves. Some of us have kids, wife/husband, job/s. And while we do schedule time to play, abandoning our spouses to watch the kids for 2-3 hours a few times a week is not ideal for them or us. Some people only have 1 hour at a time at night after kids are in bed, and they’ve spent some quality time with their spouse.

Also remember that some of us have also learned that time fortifying a good relationship with our spouses and teaching our kids new things, or spending spare time doing stuff they like is far more rewarding than those ilevel 415 shoulders for a video game character.

And most guys I know who tell their spouses to stuff it and go play video games for 3 hours at a time several days a week end up divorced more often than not, and in a marriage full of tension until that point.

Of course, your post is fine if you’re aiming it towards 20 year olds or people with no kids. You’re also right that people with time constraints/responsibilities can still achieve some level of success in WoW raiding/dungeons.

No, it’s useless.

What happens is that people remember the time they helped someone who was new, and the remember the times they helped their long-term guildies out, and they forget all the other times when they were too busy to help, or even to care.

Most guilds welcome people with a variety of playstyles. Guilds that have only raiders and gladiators have to recruit harder and have a harder time recovering when several key people leave and the activity is no longer possible until outside replacements are recruited.

On the flip side, it’d probably be appreciated if you lost the implication that people who raid either are single with no life, or ignore their spouse and kids. Respect is a two way street.


I just edited my post and removed that part, cause I agree, it sounded like it was making some assumptions I didn’t mean to make. Fair point.

But yes, many people who do raid are normal folks who happen to have the time to dedicate. And that’s great man. If I had it I would as well!

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Fair enough :slight_smile:

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Actually, most people who raid have dedicated enough time over the years that they now have reached a peak in their skills and no longer need a lot of basic practice. People who are not already elites or extraordinarily talented would not be able to step into that situation. It’s simply not an option regardless of how they prioritize things.

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That’s the other side of things as well. Most guilds/mythic players have either no time or no patience to hold hands with noobs and walk them through raids. Especially mythic+ who are trying to hit times, and 1 or 2 players who don’t know what they are doing can slow down the entire raid by minutes.

Which is why I prob will never raid even if I had the time! So I understand that guilds don’t have much need for people who don’t wanna play raids in their guild. That’s fair. I just think it’s too bad that they need to shame a guy for being unable/not interested in raiding.

It’s probably fairly safe to to say that most people who call themselves raiders do so at a heroic level. Heroic raiding doesn’t take much skill beyond knowing not to stand in stuff and how to halfway play your character.

This is also true. Most normal/heroics from what I’ve seen are mostly knowledge of what to dodge/mitigate as opposed to being amazing player.