Elitist abuse of casuals

Thank you for the kind words. I won’t explain my situation anymore since I know that most of the people here just want a good laugh. Elitists are a bunch of jerks and are horrible people both irl and in game. BfA has brought a light to everyones true nature in this game. I can only imagine how horrible it must be to be a casual player in a mythic raiding guild, mine was only a heroic raiding guild and they are still a bunch of jerkwad elitist cowards. We are either elitists or we are the real players.

I’m a real player.

I won’t be reading any more of the elitist comments in this thread that are just looking to make fun of me. So you can talk all the noise you want. Bye.


May your future experiences of this game be fun and positive :slight_smile:


So you talking about someone “stalking” you wasn’t de-railing the thread then?

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Blizzard could at least take the guild off of the in-game search if it proves to be abusive.

Does anyone actually use that to find guilds now ?

That’s why I’m guildless and only play with friends or people I’ve known for a while. If some one in game acts “elitist” towards me I usually start verbally abusing them in every way possible and I don’t hold back. If you’re going to act like a jerk then I’ll fight fire with fire.

So i’m still confused?.. where is the abuse part?

If this is for real. Give me the name of player and your server. In fact if any of them read this come to me. You see the name and you see my faction. Let me ridicule how pathetic you are. I like trash talking and sometimes it feels good to give it to people like them. Someone has to be the bad guy for justice.

Its not worth it Brutal you could possibly be banned/suspended on the forums. I would maybe see if op would like to discuss this issue with a Blizzard rep.

WOW isn’t a social game , Its a game you play the way you want to . what give you or anyone the right to tell someone how to play a game , the OP seems to have been bullied out of his guild by wow snobs & if I was in-charge it would be investigated and if found true accounts would be cancelled on the spot.


OP got gkicked big deal? If someone doesnt want to play with you they dont have to. If someone dont want you in there guild well… /gkick

That is not abuse.

I don’t know like they’re very soft for this case. It’s up to us the community to exposed these people. His guild was triggered by his profile being private and then take it to discord court just for him to be ridiculed? Nah sorry.

He can mail me the names on the server and I can take care of the rest on their server. They want publicity badly about their awesome guild right? I am doing them a favor.

I’d be in on it too. I want names.


That is not the Webster definition. I actually can’t find any definition that matches that.

Webster defines it as "an opinion suggesting a wise or proper course of action ".

I actually had a very similar conversation here a few days ago by a person who was claiming that they can give an opinion on game play and compare games that they never played.


C’mon man, that’s not what he is talking about and you know it.

Complaining that a mechanic forgot to securely attach tires to your car would be a good analogy for someone complaining about raid tuning that…well raids.

You aren’t a mechanic, but you drive the car. They aren’t game designers, but they participate in the raid.

Casuals trolling threads where mythic raiders were discussing master looter would be more comparable to you complaining about a mechanic that worked on your friend’s car despite your friend being perfectly satisfied with the service and telling you to please mind your own business.

Or complaining about the writing on a television show you have never seen but heard somewhere from someone that the writing was bad.

Or telling the chef he burnt someone else’s food when they asked for it to be well done and are enjoying their meal just fine.

Anyways, it doesn’t matter, it’s not like the WoW forums are the first place people have had uninformed opinionated stances. You can’t have a well reasoned debate with that type, it’s the Dunning-Kruger effect in full force.


Exactly! Why should they be the ones having all the toxic fun kicking people for private profiles. Let us help them be exposed. It’s their desire!

I mean its up to you but lol don’t say I didn’t warn you.

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eh i get where they’re coming from

idk why people who’ve never cleared a raid above heroic should have a say in the removal of master loot for example, but so many people do. aw well

You have had burnt food before and you have had eggs before. That is a poor example because you have experience as a consumer of eggs.

You have driven before and know that your tires are not supposed to fall off from experience.

You have experience watching a show to the point of generating your own opinion on it and comparing it pre and post change.

These are bad examples.


Please baby Jesus don’t open that can of worms again, I have had enough timeouts over it. :stuck_out_tongue: