Elitist abuse of casuals

Most of my characters are in social guilds and I haven’t come across that. I did once encounter that when I accepted an invite to a guild back in Cata that used that addon to mass invite.

I’m not saying all social guilds are this way but they are out there. My guild that I created with a few friends was destroyed due to a person who intentionally wanted to divide us.

Name the guild, so we can avoid joining them.

Then you’ve been very lucky. The ones I’ve tried have been all of the aforementioned, and the ones that weren’t literally wouldn’t talk to anyone except their core group of players. It was the opposite of social in those situations.

I haven’t been able to find a good, friendly guild since MoP. It’s becoming the norm to have to tolerate extreme negativity just to play the game properly, and that’s wrong - and people defend it. It’s gross. With WoW declining as rapidly as it is, we need to stick together and try to get people to actually play this game again - not scare them away.

You were in a scumbag guild, good you got out of there.

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I’ve been in a similar guild before, I chose to leave it. Sadly it’s hard to find friendly guilds. I do agree that it is disgusting to see which is why sometimes I just choose to play alone.

Yeah, but those who want to praise this behavior expect people to stay playing this game or maybe they don’t care if wow dies.

These are the same people that play Fortnite and LoL. This behavior is incredibly common there but those games do very well so they assume it works in every game.

They forget this is an MMO - a might higher time investment - and most people don’t want to sit around that type of behavior for hours on end instead of quick 15 minute matches where nothing you do ultimately matters.

I played in vanilla and while I’m not nearly as hyped as everyone else to see it return, back then the community was everything. If you were a nasty person - good luck ever progressing. You had to get people to WANT to play with you. That’s one thing I desperately miss because people had to actually be polite or they were screwed. Now it’s the other way around.


Perfect example of a bully response.

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Well it’s definitely Sunday.

Man I wish bullies I grew up with were that nice.

I would not want to be associated with players like that. You dont need them. there are plenty of “casual” guilds out there as well as guilds who are just happy to have members. some of us actually have jobs so our whole lives cant be about the game.

I TOTALLY play my way. most of my tunes belong to my own personal guild which ppl also give a lot of flack about. a few have belonged to other folks guilds here and there but mostly Im a solo person for many of the same reasons you mention. I dont like getting bullied. I dont like ppl who think that you should kick out the person with the least DPS. I mean seriously when you use those add-ons someone is going to be last in terms of numbers. but who the hell cares as long as you didnt die in the dungeon!

You should consider your own guild and then maybe also consider starting your own community or do they call that a “group”. You could reach out to ppl from the old guild to see if they are interested in grouping with you. Cuz bet you much there are at least a couple other folks who don’t like that nonsense.

Bullies not worth your time. Your lucky to be out of that lame group. Now you can find people who wont expect you to be clones of themselves.

Cheers, and good luck!


I started my own guild (see guildname) to put all my alts in on this server after their guilds died.

Dumbest post of the week goes too…dun dun dah…this guy!!


I did the same thing, basically for storage. I’ve been in several guilds over the years and they always fall apart eventually. Very few guilds stay together for the long haul.

The guild was PvE centric with a little bit of PvP. I joined at the beginning of BfA and they told me that they would help me get gear and let me come to raids with them. They didn’t help me get any gear at all. The one time I was invited to a raid they kicked me after the second boss. They were even selling AotC runs to people that were not in the guild but wouldn’t let me come to get AotC with them, that’s not fair or right.

If you tell someone that you’ll get them geared and let them raid with you then you should honor your word and let them participate in those activities.

Don’t join my ex guild. They said they would let me come raid but then they wouldn’t even help me with the mechanics for the two bosses I was allowed to go on. If you tell someone you’re going to help them then they should help you. If you aren’t going to tell someone the mechanics then don’t get upset when they die.

That’s not what elitists think.

They expect everyone to be great at the game. I can’t play for 5 hours a day. They shouldn’t expect everyone to be able to play at their level.

They got their jollies alright, I’m sure that’s what it was about from the start. They just wanted someone to be the center of their jokes.

I’m sure you are, I’ve seen your posts on around. You have the same elitist attitude that a lot of players have today.

I’m happy my suffering has brought you joy, at least someone found happiness in this situation.

I’m not hiding anything.

I knew elitists were jerks but I haven’t ever actually encountered a situation like this until now. I have heard plenty of stories but that’s it.

My story is a very common occurance. I’m not interested in a round 2.

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You’re leaving something out of this story, that doesn’t happen, unless you dropped the ball.

Yes, yes. Everyone with higher standards than you is an elitist, of course.

Spare me.

That wasn’t the point of OP’s post at all.
And even so, WoW isn’t strictly a social game, but it’s one of it’s aspects. No one has to be social in this game if they choose not to.
It’s like there is more than one way to play WoW. :crazy_face:


Eras I understand you’re situation. It was wrong that they decided to not even bring you with them at least on a FEW IF NOT a SINGLE run. Yet chose to pester you about running mythic +… yeah no. Along with the further name calling and making fun of you. Yes, there is always two sides but in this case that guild was still in the wrong. Please do not continue to explain yourself… I’m sure some of the people in this post just want to hear that you were at fault >.>. Its not worth your happiness/enjoyment. Please be cautious going forward when finding guilds/making friends in this game. It is sadly not what it used to be.


I’ve never once worked in a restaurant. Should I be telling the chef he burnt my eggs?

I’ve never once worked on a car. Should I complain that my mechanic forgot to securely attach my tires?

I’ve never once wrote a TV show. Should I really tell the writers that they changed what I liked about it and stopped watching?


In my previous guild I had two particularly toxic and mean individuals that were bullying me during raidtime on ignore in game and on discord. I wanted to pretend they didn’t exist and just treated them as NPCs during the actual fights, because their words and attitudes were making raid times unfun. The only time that really became a problem was once during Mekkatorque when by unlucky coincidence it happened to be me and those two jerks shrunken in the robots, lol.

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