Elitist abuse of casuals

It actually doesn’t. You can view armory pages directly.


Sorry I meant to say doesn’t stupid talk to text I’m on my phone at work

There is two sides to every story


There guild, there rules. They ask you to participate in guild activities and you decline. Well… You are taking up space. The real question is why do you wanna be in a guild that raids m+ and does thing as a guild if you don’t want to play with them?

Furthermore… Don’t call abuse because people don’t want you in there guild. Just because people don’t want to play with you is very far from abuse. This post is a troll post on trying to make people who do content look bad. GG bro troll somewhere else.

Oh I kick everyone that’s been afk for more than a month unless i know them and they have earned my loyalty/respect and even then I sometimes boot them still and if I have them on FB or whatever I invite them to rejoin later

We like being social, but the OP was obviously leery of the exact thing that happened to the OP.

This is why I also don’t get into guilds.

It sounded like this guild was too “serious business” for the OP anyway.

Your sunglasses look really stupid, oh my god why would anyone ever wear those? I’m gonna send you hate mail every day for nine years about how dumb those sunglasses are.

(Those are really great sunglasses and your character looks nice wearing them.)

((I’m also not gonna send any hate mail, I mean really, who has time for that?))


Obviously not that leery if the OP decided to post on a character in that guild or that they recognized.

I think this was a really good troll.

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Exactly one time I was really depressed over Christmas because I was alone and depressed somebody sent me an in-game pet and it made my day I still have the pet to this day and every time I bring it out I think of that kind person that sent me that pet.

But I’ve never had anybody actually say anything hateful to me and game or even on the forms really, sometimes they get my goat I have to walk away or I’ll get myself in trouble but that’s on me not them.

Dude, so many people in this game have issues that they won’t learn how to deal with. Quite literally, it’s them, not you.


The OP was being social, responding politely to a guildie’s question. It was the guild being anti-social to the OP.


Yeah, this is super fake.

The fact is that guilds are made up of like-minded individuals. Some guilds are full of nice people, some everybody is helpful. Some have players always trying to get free stuff from the other members, And some are full of elitist jerks who think casuals don’t deserve to play the game.

And seriously, some of the most dedicated guilds are still full of people in denial about what BfA has done to the playerbase. They feel threatened and lash back at anything that challenges their narrative.

A character of mine quit a guild (definitely not this guild) after the guildmaster told me to lie and agree there are 10 million players in the game now, because he wanted everybody to stay “positive”. But I was tired of putting up with him all along. For me it was just the last straw.


If they want to stalk me from thread to thread then, they better make darn sure they just arent’ coming to pick a fight or derail the thread. Hint, hint.


Much like cities in real life.

Such a shallow interpretation of the situation. You’d be perfect for the guild he got kicked from.


There’s thousands of guilds out there. Who needs guilds any more anyways?

I keep seeing this ridiculous argument thrown around. It isn’t about being social, it’s about not being bullied. Nobody wants to be around mean people, and justifying cruel behavior just because it’s “social” means you never learned proper social skills in real life.

I haven’t been in a guild for years because these “social” guilds are generally extremely nasty, racist and homophobic. THAT’S WHAT NEEDS TO CHANGE - not the people that get offended by it.

So sick of people defending this crap just because it’s a video game.


Somebody preach please