Elitist abuse of casuals

There isn’t welfare loot. There’s catch up and people who think other players don’t deserve the dirt they walk on because they don’t spend over 10 hours a week on WoW. You get to ride all the rides you want in the carnivals and have fun for that money either way, prize or no.


Thanks for the laugh for these bad comparisons.


I saw this for the good side, this guild wasnt for you. Guild we make friends (i am in the same guild since WoLK did tons of friends and are my friends till today).

I frozen my accout for almost 2 years once and they didnt kick me from the guild.

Just look for a guild that is your profile, or with ppl close to you, same city, state.


I’m glad you put abuse in asterix, because it sounds like they called you out for commenting about something you have no experience in, and you got upset about it and came to the forums to cry. Not exactly speaking much about your level of maturity which makes me doubt anything you might be claiming about theirs.


This was sad to read. I’m disappointed in your old guild for being bullies and not caring about your feelings. If they did this to you, they’ll do it to anyone.

Even so, when you say you won’t ever join a guild again, I feel you there. Back in WoD my first WoW guild grew too big with too much drama and it stressed me out. I gquit and left the game 6 months straight. Came back and wanted to raid, so I tried looking for a small guild (I didn’t want to join large guilds after what I went through). The guild wasn’t that bad but some guildies were toxic. I geared up an alt and found another guild that was raiding with shorter hours a week so I gave them a try and I really liked them. But then my laptop died for another 6 months, although I added this new guild on facebook. When Legion was coming around, that GM messaged me asking if I was going to raid with them. I wanted to raid on my main as feral and I was given a raid spot.

This was the first time ever in WoW that I wasn’t starting an xpac as a healer. When I first joined the game in Cata, I was told the guild with high school classmates that they wanted a healer. So I told them I’d level up a healer, after I buy the full game because I didn’t want to play an ugly horde character. No, I wanted to play a pretty blood elf priest. And I did and I really sucked haha. But I got better with healing and in my casual raiding with this guild, I always ended up healing (because no one else wanted to). So, back to before Legion was coming out, I was super surprised, excited, and happy for the chance to main my favorite dps (feral druid) for the first time ever.

When I was raiding with this guild, they were more organized than I’ve ever experienced for raiding. But it was fun and challenging. Slowly, they kept inviting me onto their discord and I was shy. I’ve lost count of how many times I was invited to join them on discord. I have to admit, I was very confused about one guildie always talking in third person but I found it funny. Eventually, I began joining discord, erhm, I mean, they used mumble back then until we eventually switched to discord.

There was guild drama at the beginning of the xpac since we were going to raid mythic and we had too many guildies so some didn’t make the spots. I don’t recall everything about what was going on but I think at once point we almost didn’t raid at all. I want to say I offered to help recruit to help out. I liked everyone in the guild and didn’t want to look for another guild again. Once I’m part of something, you’re stuck with me until you drive me insane and stress me way out. (I was stressed out with my first guild, I was a high schooler then. Now i’m in my mid 20s).

Nonetheless, this guild raided in Legion and continues to raid every new raid that comes out. I have found my forever guild after thinking I’ll never join a guild again.

Heck, that first guild I was telling you guys about? I became an officer and eventually the GM of it. So it was very heart-breaking when I left. I told myself I’d never be an officer again in a guild. And well, here I am now as an officer in my forever guild. They healed my heart and I love being with them.

Although, I am a changed person after going through that drama with my first guild. I’ve become a bit anti-social because of it and I sometimes get depressed thinking of how social I was back then. I do miss that part of me, but I can accept what has happened was for the best and I’ve grown into a better person because of it.

So, OP, please don’t say you won’t ever join a guild again. You may feel like that now and that’s okay. Give it time, months, maybe years. When you decide to give guilds another try, go for it. And start small. You will find your forever guild too one day.

Also, giving out a shoutout to March on Eventide on Stormreaver for being my best forever guild :slight_smile:


I love these guild drama threads make me feel so happy about having my own guild.


Ion Hazzikostas may scoff at guilds being the center of social life, but I’d like him to show me another way to get my hearth halved. My suggestion is to beg for five guild sigs, start your own guild, and move on that way, as I did.

But they sure came out in droves to troll and derail the threads mythic raiders made with their uninformed opinions…

It doesnt count if they didnt create the thread tho, sound logic xd

Christ, if you think that is a toxic response I don’t know what to tell you. The real world is x1000000000 harsher than that comment as are most guilds in this game. If you can’t handle human beings being critical of you, even when they shouldn’t be (like in this case), you shouldn’t be playing a social game. That is just the harsh truth. Whether the officers or GM should have done that isn’t the question. The reality is that is going to happen when you’re interacting with other people especially in an MMO like WoW. At the end of the day, people are going to be people.

With all of that said, we’re taking on blind faith that the OP is being truthful and not misleading. It’s hard to be objective without hearing the other side of the story.

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Makes me sooo happy im not part of one feels good man :smile:.

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I don’t know I can see both sides of the story.

I have a dream last night that everyone on the general forum kissed and made up and we all had made babies together saving humanity from extinction.

It’s usually because there’s some facts that are being purposefully left out.

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Now I wish I had gone to Ol’ Mexico buffet.


Not always the case youtube has alot of recorded old and new of people rageing at each other in guilds you should go check it out somtimes its comedy gold sometimes.

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^^ this was precisely my thoughts

I’m not saying that nothing happened. I’m just saying that there are 2 sides to every story.

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It’s a public forum. If you want a private conversation with one person, then do it in-game. If you post something here, then it’s fair game for everyone to read and comment upon.

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Usually 3. His side, her side, and the truth. :wink:


It was to much stress to talk to your own guildies? To much stress to do something that is timed cause you could fail? My man you need to just play a single player game. Or take a deep breath and plunge ahead and try to be social and try to do mythic + you gota try to do things man you cant live your life to afraid to take a chance…the fact that those little things is that stressful is just far out there to me…if i was the guild leader i would have just let you be cause at the end of the day who cares. If u dont want to do whatever but i also understand them saying “wait a min this is to much”

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Thats what I was thinking I’m a Forum regular and I’ve never been harassed about anything in my profile. And the Forum profile being set to private does not stop them from checking your Armory so I do think the original poster is not being truthful with us