Elitist abuse of casuals

And you continue to make logical fallacies with every post you make… You’re assuming that because someone hides their profile that what they type is inaccurate. You still aren’t debating the question.

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Everyone makes fun of the air force… Even the Coast Guard.

It is inaccurate if you have credentials to back your statements why would you hide your profle? If you openly speak on something why wouldn’t you let your background speak for itself other than because you can’t because it doesn’t exist. Now I know you definitely made everything up. The coast guard is the biggest joke and you can’t even talk about your job openly. This is pretty sad and ultimately proves my point about people talking on things they have 0 clue about.

I have family that used to be in the Navy, I’m aware.

It’s still much more entertaining to read than half of the drivel posted so far.

The other three are just super salty we get Krispy Kreme while deployed. Coast guard is not a real branch though ijs. This guy though was either a pencil pusher, was not actually in the military based on how he talks, or was kicked out at boot camp.

Nobody would know what guild since he has been removed and I still find it difficult to believe that for all this period of time he wasn’t concerned about what people said… but now all of the sudden he is? Especially given that the first line of his posts seems to indicate he expected it to happen.

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You sound pretty whiny. I’d kick you just for that, honestly. :man_shrugging:


Finally we are on common ground for a moment.

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OP, I learned the following a long time ago…

1-Nobody can be trusted in this blasted universe, so never EVER give your power away to someone if you do not have to without being prepared for a world of hurt.

Trust me if you have a GM that has the wrong star sign, is emotionally/mentally unstable or whatever, you are going to end up a victim of their petty nonsense sooner or later. It’s just the way it is.

2-For me the only reason I would ever join another guild is if they were going to give me a real hardcore raid spot, but tbh, I don’t want to raid hardcore right now, I’m happy with my normal raids.

But consider; if my only reason to join another guild is for say hardcore raiding, well that obviously means that I am not good enough for heroic raiding, so I would only be joining another guild to get carried through that content. So logical to just lead my own guild.

3-Choose someone that’s a GM with a Leo star sign. Someone that is firm, but fair. Someone that sticks to the rules, except for the time that they bend them because they ARE the rules. I.e. a GM like me.

You can agree and disagree with people on a wide array of topics and opinions, imagine that. :open_mouth:

I agree with all sorts of people and topics, I just don’t agree with you on spreading even more welfare throughout the game. :wink:

“Welfare” through a game that is paid for on a monthly basis. Lmao.


That guild sounds creepy AF, I’m not gonna lie. Probably did you a favor by kicking you. I’m sure you weren’t the only one.

Sorry you had to have such a bad experience with guilds though.


What a strange story. Sorry you had to go through that, OP. But try to take a step back and look at what happened from the bigger picture.

What they did was laughably childish. I would have left after that point. Went guildless for 7 years, I can stand to go 7 more.

A prime example why I don’t get too attached to people or their pathetic “communities”. They’re all nothing but a liability to me.

I clicked the accept button on mine for 2 reasons:

  1. The weiner jokes
  2. because I’m too lazy to block guild invites in settings.

But make no mistake, I have no loyalties to this group.

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It is your game play how you want to.

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So what? Carnivals don’t give toys to the losers, but they still get to take your money.

Paying the entry fee doesn’t entitle you to the prizes.

So the game is a carnival now? LOL!


…Yeah, actually.

I’ll take things that never happened for 500 Alex


Oh and wouldn’t you know, it’s sunday

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But I’ve never said there sould be welfare in the game. I’ve never even discussed that. Only point I’ve made you’ve whined about is one faction having a literal unfair advantage in the game and it was wrong.