Elitist abuse of casuals

As a GM I rarely want to kick anyone, the only people I’ve kicked recently is those that have tried to step on my toes saying that I shouldn’t be a GM because I don’t raid enough etc lol.

Having fallout with people in wow you’ve known for years is always hard, had that happen before, it’s never fun, to be honest I didn’t even kick them, I wanted to demote them until they changed their behavior.


I appreciate you glorifying me with an authoritative title and I also appreciate that you look up to me but the title isn’t necessary. You’re allowed to polish my boots and just call me Kesnal.

But, no, nothing in Wuzeh’s comment was an oxymoron.

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There’s plenty of threads on the in-dev section about item testing. They’ve also directly said they’re changing ilvls for raid testing. I think its a non-issue but the raid isn’t even supposed to be released right at 8.2 launch time so if that’s the case there will be plenty of time to yell at them over it.

Plus there’s still an LFR so if the normal was world drop quality, what would the LFR be?

I’m sure, and hopefully they listen for once.

The “it’s just alpha, it’s just beta, oh they’ll fix it next patch, oh they’ll fix it next expansion’” train of thought is just something I’m generally dismissive of, until it’s clear that the devs are listening to us.

Which is hard, because they don’t talk to us.

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I understand where you’re coming from on that.

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Blizzard for the last couple of expansions have ignored all Beta Tester Feedback.

Again that’s probably directions coming from the Senior Branch of Bosses in Activision.

You want action, write Activision Bosses because they are likely the ones directing the Developers to do what they are doing; no matter how many times it’s said otherwise.

Nobody is going to tell their higher up Boss to Man Up Buttercup your wrong. Too many people like their paychecks and a steady job.

Just don’t be surprised if Activision pats you on the head, sends you a very nice form letter that tells/says pretty things but in the end says "mind your own business."

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Isn’t it good to know you don’t have to deal with them anymore?Sorry you had to go through it.

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That’s the first thing you’ve said that I agree with.

And you lost me. Bobby Kotick isn’t known for being an ethical man, who, if by some miracle read your letter, would care even an iota for any of it.

My guild did something similar when a 20 something took over. He took the fun out of playing for me. So I said to myself cool np, nerd it up, worry about parses and crap, I wish you well. I’m still in the guild but I don’t roll with them or talk to them much.

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So you debate what they’ve written… and to the post you replied to… There are all kinds of ways to hide your main characters if you so choose. Alternate bnet account is the best. Totally disassociated with anything you post on the forums. That doesn’t invalidate what I put in my post.

As to your deflection and question… I’d say you’re going to have a really tough time in life because the Army’s organizational structure is pretty much any business on this planet. You have a boss that directly oversees you, and a higher one that over sees a bunch of front line bosses etc. They’re called organizational charts.

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Tough time? I completed 6 years in the Air Force and made Staff my first time and now im living it up on the GI bill. You sound exactly like what I just described lmfao. Thanks for proving my point. Tough time LUL. Also everyone I’ve met there has had more backbone and actual ability to argue than any of the spineless people on here that have to hide behind their alts.

Rofl the Mr. New Coke Man /ROFL Almost killed Coca cola as a company.

He doesn’t even likely deal with any of this stuff, his underlings is the ones who do. Those are the ones you’d be writing.

You’d never get to Kotick’s inner sanctum and if you did, he’d be just as confused after reading your letter. He likely deals mainly with “have I made back the money I invested in Activision yet” and that’s about all he deals with.

Anyway, all I’m saying is don’t kick the casual in the groin because they are playing the game, the way the developers have chosen to implement catch up mechanics.

After all they are just paying their subscription trying to have fun as best as they can.

Have a great week I’m out for now.

I stand by the only thing they understand being money and statistics. Hypothetically, if more people play Classic than Modern WoW, and it’s success blows up, changes in modern WoW would be mandated to reflect Classic better.

They don’t care about our opinions on their garbage ethics, unless it turns a profit to listen.

It’s both hilarious and sad that people are actually defending the idea of talking about something one is massively unqualified to talk about.

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I’ve only survived as The Guardian (GM) of my guild for so long because I try to be firm, but fair.

Plus, I’m a Leo star sign, so nobody else is really fit to be Queen/King.

Woo hoo Chair Force… I was active Army and made my E5 within my 4… I was in a front line combat battalion stationed in Germany and served in the desert. And you still can’t debate the substance of the post…


I almost read burrito buffet.

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LOL stationed in Germany must be so hard my guy. You probably sat around in a chair more than I did. Also whoever says the “desert” is 100% a boot and I definitely doubt you made e5 in 4 years given the intellectual quality of your post and to mention this like it’s some kind of an achievement is even more hilarious. I made it in 5 because the test cut off was 2 days before otherwise I would have made it in 4. Literally hilarious you’re either making everything up or you actually think that’s an achievement. I had an actual job as in you know working on F-16s something that actually mattered sorry. If you advocate for people with no credentials having a say in something they actually have nothing no idea on. Then you’re probably one of the problems in the military. The substance of the post is that people can’t post on their mains that’s why you can’t warrant if this person is even telling the truth. You claim that it doesn’t matter if you don’t post on your main because credentials don’t matter. Do you hear how incredibly asinine that is? I think, typing this, I understand now why you ended up in the army and not the Air Force lmao.

If this forum devolves further into former military making fun of eachother, I’m totally 100% on board.

LMAO I love it when these people wish they’d joined the right branch. Ultra salty.