Elitist abuse of casuals

Well to be brutally honest, that’s why classic is coming. You still run into the same issue with crafted gear because people want to charge outrageous prices for it and for the mats themselves. You again run into the problem of forcing someone who takes breaks often play catch up for weeks.


I’m aware, hence why I’m against the design decision, and not railing on casuals.

Invalidating prior content isn’t healthy for the game, and never will be. Going through the ropes like before should be encouraged, not discouraged.

I want modern WoW to learn from Classic’s example. Classic was hyper-casual friendly, believe or not, but it didn’t insult the player, and it encouraged using your head.

If you take a break from the game, and someone else doesn’t, of course the person who doesn’t take breaks will have more advantages. There’s no problem here, that is expected. He can go through the ropes when he returns from that break like everyone else, and not just be handed Atiesh a few months after Naxx comes out.

Wow OP, that is something else. I don’t know what to say. So the guild I’m in sort of has two separate populations. One group does mythic + and raids, and the other logs in and does a lot of collecting and questing, and we all live happily together, in fact we’re all good friends, and no one in my guild gets crap from anyone for what they choose to do with their game time. I find it so crazy that a guild that you’ve been in for, as you say a good amount of time, would all of a sudden care what you’re up to in game. It’s a real shame. Like a poster above said, it’s ultimately a good thing because that group of people sound like a bunch of somethin’s.

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I’m not sure if you know what an oxymoron is.

Right which is why you don’t get handed that gear and its related to ilvl. They don’t hand out 415 gear. Right now my quests give me 370. I’m ok with that as its enough to keep me current. You’re falling into a logic trap. They aren’t going to change it so that less players pay for the game.

No. But you’re allowed to talk about Japanese food, and discuss it with people who enjoy the food. The same as you could talk to someone about their experiences of living in the jungle, or reasons why you personally wouldn’t want to do such a thing.

Do you live your life mute and unmoving until experience comes and slaps you in the face by chance? Mythic + certainly falls under “try it, you might like it.” but it’s also quite literally running dungeons in WoW. It’s not hard to formulate opinions on it based on videos, streams, and information read from other sources.

Should someone inexperienced be an Authority or Educational Source on the topic? No. Can they discuss it and have a voice? Absolutely.


Except that isn’t what happens on this forum and you know it.

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Oh, I think I understand now. You don’t know what I’m referring to.

In 8.2, there’s a quest you get pretty much right as you arrive to Najatar that rewards a 415 weapon.

While I don’t like how liberally they give away 400 ilvl items, that’s not nearly as offensive as the quest I’m talking about.

The way your current responses are being composed, your not coming across as what you’ve just said.

You sound like your attacking casuals for just doing their own thing in game and getting what Activision deems the developers should be doing.

Again as long as your achieving what you want to in game and are NOT being forced to play with casuals if you don’t want to; you shouldn’t be concerned what they are getting as long as your NOT being forced to be with them.

Sounds more like they’ve lost more subscriptions and have put this mechanic in place to recoup lost subscriptions rather than to peeve off more intense players.

It’s being done to try to entice people back, not peeve you off. Remember Activision/Blizzard is a business and they need the subscribers.


Then allow me to repeat.

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Yes but I think that’s just going to be what the lower level gear is like in Naj. So mythic undoubtedly much higher than that and I think its a weapon just to get players into the zone. That might not even be what goes live, it might just be that level to help players playtest the zone.

But that’s exactly the problem, they have nothing to do with it when they should in some part. I’m not asking for handout gear but there should be some kind of training mode for the encounters which differs from LFR, like for instance they can have the encounter but would not receive gear from it and would instead teach them what caused the failure without actually wiping the raid, the rest of the players can be npc’s of some sort or real players who join and learn together. It won’t fix the problem 100% but it would help get many players involved.

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Just didnt seem like the guild for you, and in my opinion it’s very appropriate for guilds to kick players who don’t fit well with their community or the content they do.
What isn’t appropriate in my opinion, is making fun of and ridiculing you for silly things like opinions and content choice.
I apologise they treated you like that and hope that you find a new guild more suited to you sometime soon.

I still don’t understand the upset about this. 415 will be the same in Nazjatar as 400 is now.

have you played in Nazjatar? Everythings much stronger than you’re used to. Non elites there are stronger than elites in Kul’Tiras / Zandalar.

Well, that’s your reading problem. I don’t foster hatred for casuals just because Actiblizz is giving them gear.

I do however, dislike casuals that comment on high-level content while having no experience with it - but we’re not discussing that, are we?

Obviously, the gear will be irrelevant like a month in, but I think if you want an ‘easy’ 415 weapon, you should be ‘forced’ to do either mythic BoD, or normal Palace. Normal palace is 415, and you’d have to work a bit for the weapon, I’d have no problems with that.

Invalidating potential normal drops before the raid is even out just seems stupid to me.

After rereading and trying to understand what you mean, that still isn’t an oxymoron.

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Yes it is peace out Captain.

Examples of an Oxymoron:

Deafening Silence

Acting Naturally

Military Intelligence

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Well like I said its most likely not the actual level its going to be at. They’re doing the raid testing right now so its most likely that high to help playtest. I mean no numbers are fixed as of just yet. I agree that if world drops are going to be the same level as the raid normals its kind of stupid but I doubt that’s how its going to be.

I understand that PTR is subject to change, but when you ignore problems citing things like ‘it’s just beta’, and nobody calls out why several problems need to be fixed, then you get WoD and BFA’s launch.

Blizz tends to ignore us, unless we make some noise.