Elitist abuse of casuals


pErSoNaL lOoT mYtHiC rAiDeRs AbUsE tRiAlS


lol that’s hilarious but not all of them are like that. people want to be spoon fed and when a lot of the encounters involve doing some research many refuse to be bothered by it. i understand it’s as easy as watching youtube videos of the fights but I think blizzard can help by bridging this gap by implementing a more of a cut and dry encounter by not actually risking a failure in front of everyone, such in ops case. I guess that’s asking a lot on blizzards part, they have to make this but it would alleviate the problem.

In general,

anytime you respond to any question with “i dont want to talk about it,” “none of your business,” etc., the conversation will not end well.

no idea why you are in a guild if you don’t do anything they participate in. also, people on the internet are not real people. tell them to take a hike in whatever colorful language suits you at the time.


Two to three uninterrupted hours with a family with kids? How hopeful you are.

But it’s also a matter of investment, as I mentioned. When all you did was play WoW, getting heroic gear was important. Progressing was important. But now? You can see the raid in LFR and understand the jist of the content and story, so why bother doing more time-consuming content for what amounts to no real payoff?

Personally, the only appeal of doing higher difficulty content is for better transmogs. If there’s no gear I like the look of, I don’t try to bother.


I fail to see why they would need to be rewarded with welfare 415 gear if they aren’t going to do content that requires that gear.

That’s my issue with the whole thing, really. I don’t care what people do, but I feel like rewarding bad players with great loot is something that shouldn’t be happening.


You know that example might make sense if anyone not mythic raiding actually made a thread and asked blizzard to remove master loot because mythic raiders were abusing trials.

However, that never happened.

So nice try - think again.

ilvl gets bumped when newer content is coming out. That’s literally how its always been. We’re coming to the end of current content, its in catch-up mode right now. Don’t worry, once the new content is out, people can feel superior to everyone else for a few months again until that content is obsolete again.

Its actually hilarious looking at the threads about “welfare” loot once catch-up mode swings around.


Not to this degree, no. That’s a relatively new trend.

You typically still had to do prior raids, or at the very least perform activities in the overworld to get minor upgrades, but there’s never been a case where you were rewarded a weapon that matched the current tier’s mythic-level just for walking into a zone and doing a few quests.

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I agree it could be tweaked some but its not to the degree people are making it out to be. Typically speaking its a crawl anyway as the reward you get is related to your current ilvl.

In all honesty, the hardcore raiders I’ve had in my guild often rub other guildies the wrong way, we have to accept that people are at different stages in their lives, for me at this point, wow is a fun distraction, but the serious raiding outside normal mode, I just can’t get into right now.

I actually feel like this might have been challenging for you.

Blizzard does it to allow casuals to continue to progress through the new zones. Casuals are NOT here to subsidize the one percent raider players subscription.

As long as your not being forced to be grouped with “supposed bad players” WHY? do you care. Again unless your paying for their subscription. Worry more about what you do in game and less about other players.

If you are pugging stuff with “supposed bad players” your the idiot, not them. Go with your guild and you won’t have to suffer them. It’s just that easy.


Reading this, you got off easy.

If they don’t understand how you want to play, you are better off.

Not everyone likes tk run a mythic plus, or queue for a BG, or pet battle, or Hu t the AH for deals or any other number of things. But they are all valid playstyles.

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Blizzard has nothing to do with it. People set their own standards. And 50% of wow players set the standard to the very bottom.

LOTRO players have higher standards, and LOTRO is a hardcore game, much much more hardcore than wow or classic wow.

ESO players have higher standards than wow casuals.

Guild Wars casuals have higher standards than wow casuals.

Because I don’t like it when people who do nothing to earn rewards are rewarded.

Were it up to me, Najatar would have no hand-outs, and you’d have to gear up to at -least- 400 ilvl before you could go there.

Handing out rewards cheapens the game as a whole. I want people to work towards a goal and be rewarded, not have their progress insulted by giving every lazy casual a mythic weapon.

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Ive never had this problem, and I’m a casual. In the future, look for a guild that advertises “social” guild, “leveling” guild works too. They are more relaxed and not so obnoxious about casuals.


The issue here is the game thrives on casuals. Blizzard made WoW to make money and they aren’t going to grind down their playerbase because you feel like they’re having too much fun in this game they pay $15 a month for. As a casual if I had to come back after a break and spend a month gearing up to even start the newer content I’d never play this game.


I would much rather they allow professions to craft good ‘catch-up’ gear than just handing it out, because at least then, they’d have to work on the professions, or pay some gold to get that gear. Blacksmiths need something useful to make, anyway.

The idea of just giving it away for zero work is the bothersome bit.

Once again a oxymoron is said.

Then your argument is with the Development Team and not with Casuals, now isn’t it.

I suspect the Development Team is doing the “hand outs” as you call it. Is to keep casual players still playing in the new out door content they are designing to keep subscription dollars rolling in so the "can continue to create new content; " and keep the world from feeling empty.

In short it’s a business decision to avoid they themselves (the developers) joining the ranks of the unemployed. But more likely the orders are coming from Activision.

In either case your fight is with Activision/Blizzard not the poor casuals who pay their own subscription and just want to be left alone. Know what I’m saying.