Elitist abuse of casuals

You’re the one that brought it up, apparently you do care.

You claimed the game was garbage. In another thread, you claimed your game play was sitting at the auction house all day sniping items to flip.

If that is your game play and you think the game is garbage why don’t you just find another one.

Why don’t you? You obviously don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, why are you even on the forums speaking about things you clearly don’t know how they work. You remind me of an 1800 rating player trying to teach a 2400 rating player how to get glad.

I’m being super serious, when ever you give someone your input you’ve been way off or wrong to the point that someone like my self that has been around this entire 15 years can tell you don’t know how the systems have worked over the years.

I am happy enough with the game. If I thought it was garbage I would have enough sense to find one that is more to my liking.


Never played Dark Souls but I have played other games with its own challenges and in those instances I try and persevere and take however long is needed to beat it. However that’s typically a solo endeavor and totally dependent on the person.

Raiding in WoW is a different story. It’s not always easy to find a guild that meshes with you and you don’t know the situation of the person. For one, not everyone is made of money and can just uproot themselves and transfer servers. Even if you look at Wowhead and Wowprogress there’s no guarantee that guild will give you the time of day, and no guarantee that you’re going to mesh well with them. There’s also no guarantee that you will find a guild that will accomodate whatever shortcomings you have, like me right now for instance with my struggling computer.

So because I do know the struggle first hand, I do support things like LFR and gear progression outside of raids. Yes it’s easier, yes it’s less stressful, yes it does award those you deem “bads”. However they are fans of the game, and people too, and they deserve to have something.

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Yeah but were talking about masterlooter, I don’t mind how it’s set up right now other than them being able to skip lfr/norm/heroic content through solo content-wqs-warfronts by themselves, the only reason I don’t like that is cause they then complain there’s no gear progression, well obviously they skipped it. But they aren’t capable of putting in the time/effort to raid mythic, so basically they hit a wall.
Those changes were obviously the casual players fault, why otherwise would they make it so easy to gear in the first place, it was because people couldn’t get into raid groups and such but they made it so easy you can speed through and skip all that content in a matter of a month or two playing the game a minimal amount of hours. I still think it’s the majority of their fault they don’t have any gear progression but also partially blizzards as they lowered the bar too far even for the casual players.

The only one that needs to understand something is you at the moment. Hear me out. People are going to do what they want to you if they can. It sounds like you have anxiety issues and that’s no one else’s problem but yours. They don’t have to like you. You can find some other guild in the sea that is far more casual-friendly. This is YOUR responsibility to help yourself.

Sure I’m disappointed this happened but this is where the game is now. You’ve got to take care of yourself and it sounds like they helped you pull off a band-aid. It might have been hard to be ridiculed but next time you’ll be more ready. You might never get over it, but that’s life. Posting here on the forum proves you aren’t too paralyzed and can handle it.

That could easily be fixed by upping the ilvls that come out of raiding. LFR should be the next logical step after WQing/Warfronts, with those who choose to do Normal getting an even bigger boost than that. The numbers can overlap a little (I have no problem with a few good WQ/Warfront pieces mixed in with a set of raiding/M+ gear) but besides that there’s a fix that can be done without taking away gear progression from those who can’t/won’t raid.

The master looter deal is a separate issue entirely though and I already posted my thoughts on that.

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But still even back in the day if you were in a pug I still wouldn’t be giving players that died 2 seconds into a pull any gear, I’d rather replace them and move on.
I’m not saying noone took advantage of masterlooter but I for one made sure it wasn’t possible as I would either make my own group and be fair about it unless you were terrible you probably had less of a chance to get a piece over someone that didn’t die and actually contributed to a kill.
Otherwise we’d just do /roll and go about it that way with the masterlooter system.
When it comes to guilds, I don’t even know why someone would join a guild run as a pug, you obviously aren’t going to get any gear if there’s guildmates that need it, I expected this if/when I ever joined a group like that.

And you know this how ? How do you know people do this - from your personal experience doing this ? I don’t complain about no gear progression because I know there is gear progression - aren’t you doing just like you claim other people were doing talking about things you don’t know anything about.

The dozens of posts on this forum, I’m not even going to bother talking with you anymore, you clearly don’t have anything of worth discussing. I don’t mind you sharing your opinion and such but please don’t be giving people false information, you clearly didn’t experience masterlooter let alone what ever else.

I agree with that, they did skip a lot of content just through wq/warfronts. I don’t mind there being a catch up mechanic at some point but I still think they should be rewarded stuff equivalent to the content they’re doing.

For the record I was totally fine with the “80% rule” in regards to masterlooter. Guilds should be able to decide their own loot method but the second you bring in pugs that are actively helping you when your guild clearly needs the help, they deserve a shot at loot.

lol, you are so funny. You constantly talk about things you know nothing about and constantly make assumptions. You might as well have a conversion with yourself.

Yes but only if they contribute in my opinion, if they’re dying or holding the group back I’d still give it to a guildmate over them because they were more of a hassle and should’ve grabbed someone else.

If they’re “not helping” then it’s the guild’s choice to remove them from the raid. Otherwise if they contribute to a boss kill they deserve a chance at loot.

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The OP doesn’t talk about ML at all. Why are you guys hijacking the thread? This is about the OP’s experience with the human element of the game that had nothing to do with performance or a raid or any of its loot.

You’re just digging an even deeper hole for your self in my opinion, you really don’t have anything to say do you other than commenting on things I’ve said and giving people false information. I mean yeah sure if you’re an 1800 rating player by all means tell the 2400 rating player how to play.

Yeah I don’t know why this turned into a ML discussion, lol.

As far as your post goes though, realize that not everyone is that strong mentally and I can empathize with the OP. I’ve dealt with a number of bullying guilds and I’m fortunate I have found a rather cool one that understands my anxiety issues. This is speaking as someone who is so troubled in that regard that I recently made an appointment for my very first counselor session for next month.