Elitist abuse of casuals

It’s obviously diverged off topic and it’s late so w/e.

Do you think if you repeat yourself 5 times it all of a sudden makes something true ?

Must be a ragnaros player, gl with your travels.

I do realize that not everyone will overcome their issues. As someone who has issues of their own all I can do is encourage someone else to rely on themselves. I know this world is hard and there won’t be people there to save the OP or anyone for that matter. I’ve dealt with bullying too, but the way I see it is they were a waste of my time. Not me being a waste of theirs and that gets me through.

Yeah I am 36 years old, have been bullied all my life, and have yet to still learn how to deal with it. I wake up depressed most days and think about suicide almost every day. That’s certainly affected my ability to go out and socialize and find a job, including in WoW. That’s why I’ve reached out and am fortunate I have my sister helping me in this regard. Just be aware that everyone is different and not everyone has their own way to “get through”.


As much as I sympathize and as much as I want to say the one piece of advice that will help everyone with all their bullies, I also know that everyone is responsible for themselves. No one else can make a person okay but that person. It’s not a “mind over matter” thing but more of a “what are you willing to do to help yourself” kind of thing.

I think people tend to have different perspectives on things as they age, i.e. they grow out of letting others affect them so much.

Until I made that appointment, which will hopefully help, the only thing I knew how to do was cry and hide in my bed on a lot of days. I’ve never learned how to deal with the weight of the world and lift myself up from it knowing of all the evil that goes on in it.

When? I never heard anything about this. I’d love to read it. Can you provide a link?

It was in some sort of interview - could be the Q & As - try google. Many people heard this and I am surprised if you had been following this issue you would have missed this because there was ridicule on the forums about him saying that.

Everything I’m finding says that Watcher stated “it feels bad to have your raid leader, or a council be a deciding factor in whether or not you get loot”. Nothing about abuse. Just that rewarding players directly through the UI “feels better” because it’s their own luck involved.

You replied 2 minutes after I posted that. That was not anywhere near enough time to look through the Q and As. He used the trials for mythic raids groups not getting gear as an example. It was right at the start of them talking about removing master loot. Sorry I have better things to do than look it up for you.

I found the clip. Yes, he mentions trials. No, he does not mention abuse. If I join a guild, and I am told that they have a 2 week period where I won’t get loot, that’s not abuse.

I did. Here’s the link I found. Clip included. http://blog.askmrrobot.com/personal-vs-master-loot-bfa/
Google’s a wonderful thing.

took one search

I’m aware. That’s not abuse. If someone feels something is unfair, that’s not abuse. As I said in my earlier post.

That word was used numerous times in that article. If you want to claim that that wasn’t abuse that is fine with me, others will disagree with you including blizzard obviously.

The word “abuse” is used twice by the person who wrote the article in a mocking manner toward Blizzard. Ion himself never uses the word “abuse”. I watched the clip. He said: “there’s a disconnect between that immediate feeling of reward, and sometimes people might feel the system is unfair, especially if they’re a trial”. Something being unfair doesn’t make it abuse.

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You are trying to argue a position that is meaningless. Unfairness and abuse really are the same thing in this context - it wasn’t working as they intended. There are people in this thread that claim not everyone should have an equal chance at gear if they participate in killing a boss - blizzard believes they should

It’s like joining runs that say, in the subject line, “convalescence of time on reserve”, and getting pissed when the convalescence of time is master looted to the one its reserved for.

Edit: Nevermind, different level 55 DK. Got confused. That’s my mistake.

If that’s all it takes for something to be “abuse”, then Blizzard’s been abusing the playerbase for 14 years considering things rarely work as they intend. Just because you feel something is unfair doesn’t mean it is.

Correct. They’ve also made every other mistake in BFA like nobody’s business and made the game trash through their systems. I’ll be the first one to say it. Me? I loved ML. Both as a guild member, and as a guild leader. Because I was the last person to get loot half the time and I still topped them meters without a problem. And in every guild I’ve joined? I’ve never had ML abused. In fact, guilds brought me to their runs because I was good, and helped me get loot, and I declined so their guild members had priority.

Absolutely nothing about this discussion will change my mind about the master looter debacle, so we should drop it. You have your opinion. I have mine.