ELITE PVP SETS-What is the point of a community vote?

What is the point of a community vote when Blizzard cannot be transparent of all aspects of the vote. For example, I play holy paladin. The S2 set bonus and appearance was chosen for S4. That’s fine for me. I liked the bonus and the appearance, but how does this translate to PvP? Apparently it does not.

I and others were under the impression that with voting for the set and appearance that it would translate to PvP as well, but Blizzard was misleading and ultimately dishonest. There were forums about this issue during the PTR with speculation that it was merely a bug and it would be changed when S4 arrived, but the S3 elite PvP appearances stayed in place. There has not been any blue posts about the issue, and I am just pretty disappointed that the voting system was not more specific and transparent.

I did put in a ticket just to hear SOMETHING… Will edit when I get a response.

Link is to the original post regarding voting. It was overall vague and didnt go into detail about PvP.


PVP is a more of a side thing that’s isolated from the rest of the game.


Thats true, but if PvE items can catalyze gear to the chosen seasons tmog, PvP should also mirror that as well.

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Still entirely possible it’s unintended, these guys aren’t exactly known for getting it right on the first go lately.


Sounds like you think just cuz you vote on it you will get what you want


It didn’t help that Wowhead posted all 6 color variations on their reference guides when in reality only 4 of the colors were voted for. Of course nothing in the original blue posts indicated we were only voting on PvE appearances.


Yep. I just went back and then linked the original blue post. Super vague. Did not specify at all whether it was for PvE or PvP…

tier sets were what was voted on, and the tier sets are what was given.

That’s incorrect though. PvE yeah but PvP, no. and without any specification to what Blizz actually means.

conquest gear catalyzed to tier gives the voted on appearance.

Not the elite gear.

Elite appearances are only obtainable by obtaining the proper rating during a specific season.

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Thanks for adding to my engagement. :grin:

There are many people that had the same impression I did when it came to the vote. Blizz did not clarify what they meant and did not mirror all of the PvP rewards as it came to the vote to the PvE rewards.

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Nothing was ever mentioned that the voted appearance would also apply as an elite in PvP, from the PTR it was known that they were going to repeat everything except the illusion, tabard and glad mount for S4, illusions have been created thinking that they were going to give new recolors or similar.

However, I thought they were going to add a token that would allow you to buy any of the 3 DF elites, but well, we already know that that’s not how things work and that it is faster to repeat the same rewards.

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You all made incorrect assumptions and got burned

What do you mean by this? Do you mean they didn’t make it so the default conquest gear has the tier appearance? That gear is shared by multiple different classes and isn’t any different than raid drops. None of the raid drop items had a chance of apperance, only tier gear. Only difference is pvp is effectively limited to amirdrassil because theres no real way to send us back through different seasons.

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giving you the truth about the matter isn’t trolling

You’ll find that engagement goes both ways and what you really want is engagement that sides with your own wants, which is why you label my engagement as trolling.

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Seems par for the course. Did you expect something different from Blizzard?


Which is why I thanked you, multiple times :slightly_smiling_face:

Then why are people able to obtain season 3 elite sets? it’s no longer season 3 :slight_smile:

Catalyzing the gear by your logic should make you naked

please make the sets the same as they are in pve or this will be the most dead pvp season ever run lmao


Thank you people keep using the logic of “oh well maybe they wanted to preserve the Elite pvp set for those who earned it during that season” okay then why are they making Season 3 Elite set available to earn in Season 4 currently??