Elite NPC Damage is Way Off (Plausible Evidence)

Getting 1.12 which is even easier than private servers isn’t the authentic overall Vanilla experience. And that’s what I’m after the authentic OVERALL experience. Not some tail end, wait for tbc, make everything easier patch. And like I said, all my dungeon experience was mid Vanilla and before. Chain pull pre-nerf scholo? And the lower level dungeons I didn’t do a whole lot of.

But, accurate 1.12 or not, put it all together and it’s not a good look. I knew things get nerfed to the ground as time went on, but good lord.


You want to know whats funny? When the reference client proves our bug reports right… like the other day the bug reports about the durotar tiger damage being wrong was confirmed by blizz 1.12 client and they identified the bug being with stoneskin totem… no one complaines about the reference client when it proves them right.

No one.

But its a conspiracy when the reference client proves you wrong… It was also a conspiracy when the reference client said warlock pets despawn instantly when summoning another one… until videos popped up proving that to be true also.


Love the old WC2 music, haha! Also no one look at Guild chat @2:10 mark, otherwise you’ll find vanilla proof of a guild asking for a pally tank in BRD. Might blow peoples minds.


That’s all your fault then. You should have left when they said 1.12 was the base reference. You have known for a year now this is what they were doing. Its long past time for you to process that info and bail out if its what you don’t want.

Im not sure why we are discussing this in 2019. This is old news. 1.12 is the base this project is being built on.


1.12 and all the nerfs that happened until then are the devil. lol.

I don’t have beta, so I’m not going to go look thru old vods and databases to try to find data to compare to data that I can’t test against in game.

Also, it’s one mob that Kaivax has shown some screenshots of. One from the beta, another from who knows where. Both using some kind of generated characters that could also be bugged in their own ways.

None of it is a thorough examination of the potential issue.

Look at this I posted: Elite NPC Damage is Way Off (Plausible Evidence) - #202 by Xdárkârthàz-arthas including the comment I linked there.

The numbers are right for all we can know, deal with it. Private servers just have it (often) wrong, but that’s not a secret, ask any pserver dev (cough), only the players often think it’s real numbers.

Their 1.12 reference is supposed to be original 1.12 server code and DB for all I know, everything else wouldn’t make sense, so it’s bound to be as it was on 1.12, and video evidence I saw supports the numbers.

Edit: And this does not mean that ALL numbers are right on beta (echo isle tiger says hello), but please stop with this whole “private servers had it different” crap. And “but I feel like it was different” also does not help.

Edit: Turns out the tiger can do correct dmg, but did not in at least one instance, but that’s a whole different story then. Potetially the totem bug, who knows.



There’s more evidence than that as well but I’m not going to go digging for it, people will just ignore it anyways because it isn’t what they want to hear.

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and you’ll never get anything better than that, cause we can’t go back in time. it’s as thorough as it’s gonna get.

this just reeks of bad faith, people can’t accept that vanilla was trivial.

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One reason why it was easier is that he was a level 20 tank. Most groups that try the Deadmines are in the 17-18 level range which would make it harder with multiple wipes.


How does the new “Spell Batching” simulator programming effect the flow of damage received both from individual mobs and in group mob situations?

Is damage coming in smooth and consistent, more or less unaffected by the NEW system?

Could the original network and programming that resulted in the original Vanilla gameplay have lead to more ‘spiky’ damage? Or at least the perception of more damage overall for many of the game’s players?

Have you tested different variations of the NEW “Spell Batching” code to see if it effects combat in dungeons?

And thanks for looking out.

Vanilla wasn’t trivial…that’s just a lie right there.

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Clearly you’re wrong.

Of course it’s all my fault. Call it the curse of progression that I didn’t notice nerfs that didn’t impact me. I’m not out to blame anyone.

As for using 1.12 as base, that left everything wide open to interpretation. There was great discussion around tuning, etc, etc. But for me, I was talking more about raiding - MC and BWL. It was obvious that 1.12 wasn’t indicative of the authentic overall experience, but it never occurred to me that ALL things and not just raids, would have been nerfed to ridiculous levels as things progressed to 1.12.

The the greatest irony of all this is this. I blasted private servers for not being correct and too easy. But, from looking at the dungeons, they absolutely were not correct and still way too easy, but they were far more authentic than what we have now in Classic.

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Not to nit pick here, and I don’t know if any else pointed it out, but the tank is lvl 18 at the time he did that encounter, not 20.

Edit: It really shouldn’t change the numbers all that much anyways, but I think one of the things that’s confusing people are the lack of details in their memories. Trying to run Deadmine’s with a lvl16 group was a different encounter than with a lvl18 group or higher. At lvl20 Deadmine’s was basically a breeze from my memory.

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Classic is already more authentic because it’s using the actual data.


It’s not even that. You can watch Joana’s 1-60 videos, wear the same gear as him and go get hit by the same mob and recieve the same damage. The server is fine, the damage is right.

The problem is you’re seeing a lot of people blinded by nostalgia being woke to the fact that vanilla was no where near as hard as their 10 year old selves on their 400ms latency DSL thought it was.

Just you wait until the raids start getting cleared, forum is going to be overflowed with people who are wrecking MC and Ony crying that something MUST be broken because in 2005 when they casted nothing but Arcane Missiles it just was so much harder.


Mmm, this thread pleases Mongo.

Thats not authenticity. Every PServer I know is using 1.12 talents, 1.12 spells, with incorrect armor/resist and damage values that were literally never accurate in 1.12 vanilla.

How you get “more authentic” from that I don’t know. Private Servers from what I have seen are grossly overtunes to the point of being funny in most areas, and just flat out terrible in comparison in others (the scripting on quests is terrible once you compare it to beta).

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“overall authentic experience”.