Elite NPC Damage is Way Off (Plausible Evidence)

So first of all classicdb does not use vanilla numbers, obviously, it’s basically private server data. Then for Defias Overseer at least I can say that the “brady games official bestiary” from 2008 has 43-59 listed as damage. (277-369 for verdan the everlasting and 119-158 for rhahk’zor, for comparisons sake)

Then using the same logic like there Elite NPC Damage is Way Off (Plausible Evidence) - #65 by Xdárkârthàz-arthas I can conclude that those numbers appear right.

Private server low level dungeon melee dmg just seems overtuned.

Edit: On the other hand e.g. Dagran in BRD has MORE dmg in the bestiary than on classicdb and is consistent with the pserver DBs I have, even slightly higher, so I’d wager higher level dungeons won’t be “easier than they were”.