Eliminate Gold |Eliminate RMToken

The only way to eliminate illegal RMT Botting, and illegal gold selling to cheaters that buy gold is to eliminate the need of gold itself at the start of a Fresh/SOM2.

Reduce the cost to buy things in game, or eliminate it completely but increase the questing involved to obtain items: riding, flying, dual spec, mounts, raiding enchants, professions and unlocking secret patterns/formulas/skimatics.

For example
Make fast flying skill 50g down from 5,000g and attach a quest chain that requires 2-3 friends to complete or an aerial obstacle course to unlock.

Dual spec is 10g to unlock a trial by fire quest of defeating 10 rounds of NPC in 2 spec.

Bots don’t clear raids so make more personal loot a thing and make raid gear and enchants attached to a badge/emblem currency and sold only to NPCs.

We are here to adventure and conquer monsters with friends so make that a priority over the acquisition of gold and buying our way to purples. Team building quests to gate keep content that was once purchased with gold/CC.

Blizz has had 20 years to fix the economy but they can’t fix all you cheaters, and should NOT have to. Reduce the need for gold in place of questing, personal loot, badges etc and you’ll have a healthier economy and healthier player base.

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Add vendors to sell ores, herbs, gems, and enchanting mats.
Add a vendor who exchanges one badge of heroism for 1000g.

Down with the economy!

not exactly. reduce the need for gold, create more of a barter economy between players, and buy more from NPCs so it’s a closed circuit. Buying gold shouldn’t translate to epic gear. We need gear to be from raid participation only.

GDKP runs are raid participation, you just bid on the items if they drop which the bigger wallet wins. That is where the problem stems from. But its a playerbase created problem.

Even with the WoW Token its cheaper to just go buy gold. On my server you get 7581 gold for buying a wow token which is 20 dollars, its only 11-13 dollars from a gold buying site. People are just going to spend the 20 to not get perma banned if caught buying gold.

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